Conditional Commands now support multiple comparisons as a chain of && or ||. Thanks to preda2or, and AcademyOfF
IWriterListener OnAllWorldsWritten fires when there are no words left to be written but writer may still have pending waits
Entry based NarrativeLog alternate. Thanks to cg-tespy
Option to grid snap blocks in the FlowchartWindow.
TMPro Text animation via link text.
Fungus Collection, variables, default types, and commands.
Github Issue and PR templates.
Portrait image shown as white when cycled through rapidly.
Flowchart Window Search box steals focus
Mushroom icon placement incorrect on some versions of Unity. Thanks to TonyJeffree
Text and Background colour readability across Unity Versions and Pro skin. Thanks to DesperateHouseDev
VariableData indents incorrect.
Fix reshow of hidden portrait in Conversation. Thanks to jusw85
FlowchartWindow search pop not showing on newer Unity versions.
VS Solution file fix for Unity 2019.3.12
Inspector DeleteSave button now deletes now more aware of target platform.
Fungus VariableData single and multiline variable drawing in more recent Unity versions.
Possible null ref in Conversation editor during variable match check
Block connections not drawing if origin block is not drawn.
Portraits are now all cached when requested under their own gameobjects and toggle active.
Fungus Docs moved to github wiki
JSONObject lib updated to newer version. Thanks to qrostar.
CameraManager and View now use Tween types.
Dragable EventHandlers now support an array of target dragables. Thanks to SarveshBajaj
Flowchart GetVariables by type. Thanks to cg-tespy
A null FungusVariables will now report their string value as Null instead of an empty string.
Develop updated to Unity 2019.3.13
Demo scenes rebuilt in minimum supported Unity version.
Block selector now orders blocks by name.
Block search now supports partial matches.
Update to c#4
Updates to Contributing, Code of Conduct.
Menu command has a button to add a block for it to target.
Character selector now sorts names.
Portrait selector now sorts names.
Update header license
Writer uses InvariantCulture when parsing floats to avoid unexpected behaviour under changing system cultures.
You can’t perform that action at this time.