Releases: sociomantic-tsunami/ocean
v4.4.1 auto-converted to D2
v4.4.0+breaking auto-converted to D2
Migration Instructions
Tasks do not implement ISuspendable interface anymore
This is a breaking change that may cause compilation errors.
Marking Task
class as implementing ISuspendable
was a historical mistake
coming from similarity of methods - and it indeed worked for very simple use
cases. However, tasks are much more restrictive about when exactly it is legal
to call suspend
and resume
methods while ISuspendable
expects both to be
callable at any arbitrary moment.
As a result, trying to use tasks as suspendables has caused several extremely
hard to debug issues and needs to be prohibited. Originally this change was
scheduled for v5.0.0 because it is a breaking one, but negative impact of bugs
occuring because of this mistake has proven to be strong enough to warrant
immediate upgrade effort.
Any affected code has to be adjusted to use raw epoll events (which are
registered on resume
calls and unregistered on suspend
calls) instead of a
Move assumeUnique
to ocean.core.TypeConvert
, ocean.transition
This helper function is not merely transitional: as an ocean counterpart
to the Phobos std.exception.assumeUnique
function it will continue to
be useful even in D2-only code. The function has therefore been moved
to an appropriate non-transitional module.
retains access to the function via a public import
so there should be no impact on downstream apps or libraries, but code
transitioning to D2 only can import the new module in order to bypass
any ocean.transition
Deprecate ConfigFiller.ClassIterator
ClassIterator has been renamed to ConfigIterator and now supports struct types
and should be used instead.
Usage of Task.continueAfterThrow
is not needed anymore
method has been deprecated and is now
implemented as no-op. Calls to this method can simply be removed; the required
cleanup behaviour is now handled automatically by the scheduler. (A task that
rethrows an unhandled exception to the caller will now be automatically resumed
by the scheduler for cleanup, using the delayedResume functionality.)
In rare cases when tasks are used without scheduler, caller must resume task
directly instead of calling continueAfterThrow
Deprecate UnixSocketExt.add/removeInteractiveHandler
There's no need to separate addHandler/removeHandler for
different types of handlers, instead overloads of addHandler
should be used.
Add StatsLogReader reader that parses stats
StatsLogReader iterates a char stream and it parses each
line into StatsLine which allows extracting values through
an opIndex overload.
Helpers for auto-relinquishing shared resources used by an execution context
Helper structs for a specific execution context (e.g. a Task
or connection
handler) to acquire and relinquish resources from a shared pool.
Several utilities are provided in this module, all of which build on top of
* Acquired
: Tracks instances of a specific type acquired from the
shared resources and automatically relinquishes them when the
execution context exits.
* AcquiredArraysOf
: Tracks arrays of a specific type acquired from the
shared resources and automatically relinquishes them when the
execution context exits.
* AcquiredSingleton
: Tracks a singleton instance acquired from the
shared resources and automatically relinquishes it when the execution
context exits.
For more details on how to set up a global shared resources container and a
class to track the resources that have been acquired by a specific execution
context, see the module header documentation.
The module contains detailed usage examples. For the most common use case --
acquiring and reliniquishing arrays from a pool -- see the usage example of
Allow changing of the output streams for AppStatus
now support connecting and disconnecting
to/from the output streams at runtime, decoupling them from the Stdout. This
allows for connecting various output devices, such as unix domain sockets at
Add UnixSocketExt handler to display the AppStatus to socket
now allows program to register the AppStatus instance
with the Unix domain socket's handler and print the app status there
until the socket is connected. The usage example is as simple as
this.unix_socket_ext.addHandler("show_status", &this.app_status.connectedSocketHandler)
Non-allocating replacement for declaring array literals.
Add a new helper function
to assign all the elements of an array.
The function is an alternative for declaring an array literal, which is
known to allocate GC memory. (fill()
also checks that the length of the
array matches the number of variadic arguments.)A couple of examples without this functionality:
int[4] mem_array = [0, 1, 2, 3]; // allocates memory in the heap int[3] static_array; static_array[0] = 0; static_array[1] = 1; // Does not allocate memory in the heap but does not static_array[2] = 2; // scale well for many elements
So the
functionality helps as follows:int[3] array; array.fill(0, 1, 2); // Does not allocate memory in the heap and scale well
Support struct types in ConfigIterator.
ClassIterator has been renamed to ConfigIterator and now supports iterating
over struct types.
Enhanced CSV parser implementation
Internal implementation of the parser was rewritten to support the following
- Handles quoted field on the end of row (
) - Handles partially quoted field (
) - More stack friendly, 512 byte stream reading buffer was moved to heap
- Added tests for escaping quotes
Separate lifetime for empty records of ExpiringCache
Now supports extra optional constructor argument - lifetime used for empty
cached records. If not specified, regular lifetime value will be used, same as
ExpiringCache considers a cached record with array length 0 as being "empty".
This feature is intended for applications caching failures as empty values so
that shorter expiration can be used for those.
Wrap already open file descriptor in File instance
class implements all ocean's IO interfaces, so it's
very convenient to wrap a file descriptor of previously
opened device intoFile
instance for easy composition
in the rest of the IO framework.File
class now implements
method which allows user to wrap the
around it.
Allow turning off CPU/Memory usage and/or uptime in AppStatus
now allows turning off particular components of the heading
line printout. This allows user not to query potentially expensive stats
(such asMemoryUsage
if not needed).
Add statistics counter for generating a time histogram
A timing statistics counter for any sort of transaction that takes a
microsecond to a second to complete. Collects the following statistical
a logarithmic time histogram with bins from ≥1µs to <1s, three bins per
power of ten in a stepping of 1 .. 2 .. 5 .., plus one bin for each <1µs
and ≥1s, -
the total number of transactions and the aggregated total completion time.
New bindings for OpenSSL
This new module contains C bindings for the OpenSsl library. Only a very
small subset of the library is currently included. It contains the functions
required for RSA encryption and low-level asynchronous SSL communication.
Change of StreamProcessor
, TaskPool
and ThrottledTaskPool
Also affects StreamProcessor
as it uses ThrottledTaskPool
Both TaskPool
and ThrottledTaskPool
stopped defining internal private
to wrap user-supplied type in. Instead, regular termination hook
infrastructure is used.
Both also don't try to catch and rethrow exceptions arising from a task. This is
not needed because recycling is already done by the termination hook system.
Overall, only expected observable impact is fixed interaction between
specialized worker fiber pools and TaskPool
. However, because of how different
internal logic is now, it is highly recommended to carefully test applications
when upgrading.
Add ebtree based TreeMap data structure
TreeMap is an ebtree based map with malloc-allocated nodes,
with a very low overhead for the entire map. Additionally,
any tree modification is allowed during a tree iteration.
Extract the Unix socket command system from the application
The only convenient way to use the Unix domain socket as a control point was
through the UnixSocketExt
, which was limiting this to a single socket per
application. Now the UnixSocketExt
is only instantiating and configuring the
instance of UnixSocketListener
and ComandsRegistry
, which can also be
instantiated and configured manually as many times as needed.
Support registering handlers that accept unix socket in UnixSocketExt
now provides an interface for the user to register the
unix socket command h...
v4.3.7 auto-converted to D2
v4.2.11 auto-converted to D2
v4.3.6 auto-converted to D2
Inherits changes from