title | date | authors | |||||||
Terminology |
2024-06-27 |
Harmonising terminology within or between communities is an important aspect in cooperation. The SKOS ontology is a common mechanism to advertise (and link between) terminologies.
For the soil domain we should distinghuish various types of entities for which definitions can be listed.
- General glossary on soil related terms, what is soil, soil health, soil quality
- Soil properties / Soil health indicators to be monitored
- Results, in those cases that a result is a reference to a classification (low, medium, high) a proper definition of the class needs to be defined
- Observation Procedures describe how an observation has been performed
- The potential occurence of a soil thread can be determined by combining a number of indicators
- Remediation procedures describe how soil threads can be reduced
- Ability to perform Soil functions is estimated by the quality indicators
- Feature Of Interest types, an (set of) observation should be representative for a FOI, eg a horizon, profile, plot, site, body
AGROVOC is a Linked Open Dataset about agriculture, available for public use and facilitates access and visibility of data across domains and languages. It offers a structured collection of agricultural concepts, terms, definitions and relationships which are used to unambiguously identify resources, allowing standardized indexing processes and making searches more efficient.
- Browser (SKOSMOS)
- HTML pages (Loddy)
- SPARQL end-point
The INSPIRE infrastructure involves a number of items, which require clear descriptions and the possibility to be referenced through unique identifiers. Examples for such items include INSPIRE themes, code lists, application schemas or discovery services. Registers provide a means to assign identifiers to items and their labels, definitions and descriptions (in different languages). The INSPIRE registry provides a central access point to a number of centrally managed INSPIRE registers. The content of these registers are based on the INSPIRE Directive, Implementing Rules and Technical Guidelines.
Interactive Terminology for Europe IATE is the EU's terminology management system. It has been used in the EU institutions and agencies since summer 2004 for the collection, dissemination and management of EU-specific terminology. The project was launched in 1999 with the aim of providing a web-based infrastructure for all EU terminology resources, enhancing the availability and standardisation of the information.
EEA and Eionet - the institutional environmental network of almost 40 European countries - are committed to update GEMET as a source of common and relevant terminology used under the ever-growing environmental agenda.
The International Standards Organisation has prepared a large number of standards related to exchange of soil data, recording soil and site information, Field soil description, soil contamination. These standards each reference the iso11074 standard for relevant definitions. These definitions are publicly available via the iso public OBP veiwer Soil vocabulairy standard (iso11074) ISLANDR project had an initiave to host a RDF/SKOS version of this list
Glosis web ontolgy is a community initiative based on work from FAO and Sieusoil project. The set of soil vocabularies around FAO guidelines for soil description is continuously updated to reflect the the latest in soil classification and description.
The Australian National Soil Information System provides a complete vocabulary service on various aspects of the soil domain.
Despite limited online presence various editions of the World Reference Base describe a classification system for soils, maintained by the WRB working group of IUSS.