All notable changes to the LaunchDarkly Node.js SDK DynamoDB integration will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a database error when overwriting the entire data set with new data, if there is a key prefix.
- Fixed a bug that could produce an unhandled promise rejection if there was a database error.
- The fix in 1.1.2 was incomplete, causing some operations to still fail when there is a prefix.
- The prefix property added in 1.1.0 did not work correctly: data was written with prefixed keys, but was read with non-prefixed keys. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a potential race condition that could occur if one process is reading a feature flag while another one is updating the entire data set.
- Added TypeScript definitions.
- it is now possible to specify a prefix string for the database keys, so that multiple SDK clients can share the same DynamoDB table without interfering with each other's data as long as they use different prefixes.
Initial release.