- reinstall node_modules, recreate package-lock.json ([email protected])
- version 2, support storybook 8, remove 'left' property from options ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- restore reset button, storybook from v8.0.0 to v8.0.7 ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- restoring plugin functionality ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- restore content of preview.tsx ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Rollback storybook #2 ([email protected])
- try to fix error in pipeline (copying new configuration from Addon Kit) ([email protected])
- try to fix error in pipeline (remove dropdrown component) ([email protected])
- try to fix error in pipeline ([email protected])
- upgrade tsup ([email protected])
- implement workaround fix for non-working Storybook's v8 functions in preview object, for onChange function workaround is optinally passing string and internally the string is parsed to a function ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov (@somewonderfulguy)
- fix typo in addon name, add todo comment ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- implement choosing in what viewMode to show dropdown(s) - docs, story, both ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- update readme (quick start section) ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- update node version in release.yml ([email protected])
- update storybook and other dependencies ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- v 1.0.0 ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- updating Readme - work in progress ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- add support for localStorage ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- add static class to whole drop-down, change color of check icon to match theme.color.secondary ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- add class name to menu item for external use ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- upgrade storybook ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- upd readme ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- add demo gif into readme ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- another image test ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- try to add image in readme ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- start working on readme ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- tiny changes ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- add optional onChange fn with exposing storybook api ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- upgrade storybook ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- fix wrong order of values on reset ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- add theme decorator for tests, fix wrong ordering on initialization & when reducing selected items ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- fix left inner shape ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- create test component ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- implement reset functionality ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- implement disabling addon via parameters ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- implement all base functionality of selects ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- fix default values check for multiselects ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- fix checking default values logic, upd code style ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- add error icon for error boundary ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- add error boundary, add check queryKey cannot be empty string ([email protected])
- extract hooks to separate files, add more validation that user passed values correctly (all uniques unique) ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- implement state initialisation (based on defaultValue(s) & queryParams ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- fix styles crush ([email protected])
- rollback require in prepublish, add queryKey, fix styling of text in button ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- make ui render completely through params, upd params config for better testing ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Undo commit #1 ([email protected])
- upd yarn.lock ([email protected])
- trying to fix build ([email protected])
- remove comments ([email protected])
- add type assertion json for importing json file ([email protected])
- replace require to import in prepublish-checks.js ([email protected])
- rollback storybook (not working on build) ([email protected])
- upgrade storybook version, all props through params - wip ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov (@somewonderfulguy)
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- upd passing params to match model ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- add support for storbook icons ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- use parameters instead of globals for init config, export types ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- dev in progress, add ability to add multiple instances via preview globals and with custom icons ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- upd ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/somewonderfulguy/storybook-multiselect-addon ([email protected])
- plugin creation - wip ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov ([email protected])
- upd token name ([email protected])
- undo skipChecks, add registry ([email protected])
- skipChecks ([email protected])
- increment version ([email protected])
- upd ([email protected])
- restore checks ([email protected])
- remove checks ([email protected])
- finish visual implementation of addon ([email protected])
- ui implementation of plugin - base ([email protected])
- remove panel & tab addons, create reference types, start dev addon ui ([email protected])
- prettier ([email protected])
- init addon ([email protected])
- Initial commit ([email protected])
- Dmitriy Yastrebov (@somewonderfulguy)