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"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.ActionMapButton.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.ActionMapButton.html",
"title": "Class ActionMapButton | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Class ActionMapButton Input Rebinder runtime script for an action map button Inheritance Object UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Component UnityEngine.Behaviour UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour ActionMapButton Namespace : InputRebinder.Runtime Assembly : Unity.com.songyang.InputRebinder.Runtime.dll Syntax [RequireComponent(typeof(Button))] public class ActionMapButton : MonoBehaviour Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Map Reference to the input system map the button represents Declaration [HideInInspector] public InputActionMap Map Field Value Type Description UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputActionMap | Improve this Doc View Source scrollView Reference to the scroll view component for managing all map buttons Declaration [Tooltip(\"Reference to the scroll view component for managing all map buttons\")] [SerializeField] public ActionMapScroll scrollView Field Value Type Description ActionMapScroll Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ButtonText Text of the button, usually the name of the action map Declaration public string ButtonText { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ClickMap() Listener to the button click Declaration public void ClickMap()"
"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.ActionMapContent.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.ActionMapContent.html",
"title": "Class ActionMapContent | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Class ActionMapContent Content of the viewport for a particular action map Inheritance Object UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Component UnityEngine.Behaviour UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour ActionMapContent Namespace : InputRebinder.Runtime Assembly : Unity.com.songyang.InputRebinder.Runtime.dll Syntax [RequireComponent(typeof(VerticalLayoutGroup))] public class ActionMapContent : MonoBehaviour Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Actions Input Rebinder Actions of this map Declaration [HideInInspector] public List<InputRebinderAction> Actions Field Value Type Description List < InputRebinderAction > | Improve this Doc View Source BindingPairs Input Rebinder Binding Pairs for better display Declaration [HideInInspector] public List<GameObject> BindingPairs Field Value Type Description List < UnityEngine.GameObject > | Improve this Doc View Source Map Map associated with this content Declaration [HideInInspector] public InputActionMap Map Field Value Type Description UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputActionMap Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetInputRebinderAction(InputAction) Declaration public InputRebinderAction GetInputRebinderAction(InputAction action) Parameters Type Name Description UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputAction action Returns Type Description InputRebinderAction"
"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.ActionMapDisplayScroll.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.ActionMapDisplayScroll.html",
"title": "Class ActionMapDisplayScroll | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Class ActionMapDisplayScroll Content window of the selected action map Inheritance Object UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Component UnityEngine.Behaviour UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour ActionMapDisplayScroll Namespace : InputRebinder.Runtime Assembly : Unity.com.songyang.InputRebinder.Runtime.dll Syntax [RequireComponent(typeof(ScrollRect))] public class ActionMapDisplayScroll : MonoBehaviour Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Contents List of contents display in the scrollview Declaration [HideInInspector] public List<ActionMapContent> Contents Field Value Type Description List < ActionMapContent > | Improve this Doc View Source Viewport Reference to the viewport Declaration [Tooltip(\"Reference to the viewport\")] public GameObject Viewport Field Value Type Description UnityEngine.GameObject Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ActivateFirstMapContent() Displays the first map, used after generating the prefab Declaration public void ActivateFirstMapContent() | Improve this Doc View Source GetActionMapContent(InputActionMap) Finds the action map content component of a input action map in this scrollview Declaration public ActionMapContent GetActionMapContent(InputActionMap map) Parameters Type Name Description UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputActionMap map Input system map to look for Returns Type Description ActionMapContent Associated ActionMapContent | Improve this Doc View Source SetActiveMap(InputActionMap) Displays the content for the given map and hides all other maps Declaration public void SetActiveMap(InputActionMap map) Parameters Type Name Description UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputActionMap map"
"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.ActionMapScroll.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.ActionMapScroll.html",
"title": "Class ActionMapScroll | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Class ActionMapScroll Controls the list of buttons for action maps Inheritance Object UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Component UnityEngine.Behaviour UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour ActionMapScroll Namespace : InputRebinder.Runtime Assembly : Unity.com.songyang.InputRebinder.Runtime.dll Syntax [RequireComponent(typeof(ScrollRect))] public class ActionMapScroll : MonoBehaviour Fields | Improve this Doc View Source ButtonContainer Content container for the buttons, simply add buttons as children thanks to the horizontal layout group Declaration [Tooltip(\"Container of buttons\")] public GameObject ButtonContainer Field Value Type Description UnityEngine.GameObject | Improve this Doc View Source contentScrollview Scroll view for the display of map contents Declaration [Tooltip(\"Scroll view for the display of map contents\")] public ActionMapDisplayScroll contentScrollview Field Value Type Description ActionMapDisplayScroll Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ShowMap(ActionMapButton) Displays the action map on the screen Declaration public void ShowMap(ActionMapButton map) Parameters Type Name Description ActionMapButton map"
"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.BindingPair.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.BindingPair.html",
"title": "Class BindingPair | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Class BindingPair Container that holds at most 2 bindings for display Inheritance Object UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Component UnityEngine.Behaviour UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour BindingPair Namespace : InputRebinder.Runtime Assembly : Unity.com.songyang.InputRebinder.Runtime.dll Syntax public class BindingPair : MonoBehaviour Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Count Number of bindings in the pair for now Declaration public int Count Field Value Type Description Int32"
"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.html",
"title": "Namespace InputRebinder.Runtime | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Namespace InputRebinder.Runtime Classes ActionMapButton Input Rebinder runtime script for an action map button ActionMapContent Content of the viewport for a particular action map ActionMapDisplayScroll Content window of the selected action map ActionMapScroll Controls the list of buttons for action maps BindingPair Container that holds at most 2 bindings for display InputRebinderAction Component attached to an input system action in the menu InputRebinderBinding Component of a input system binding InputRebinderCanvas Controls the highest level of the input rebinder canvas InputRebinderMain Component at the root of the Input Rebinder runtime suite. To display the UI in the game, you need to enable the game object attached to this component."
"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.InputRebinderAction.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.InputRebinderAction.html",
"title": "Class InputRebinderAction | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Class InputRebinderAction Component attached to an input system action in the menu Inheritance Object UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Component UnityEngine.Behaviour UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour InputRebinderAction Namespace : InputRebinder.Runtime Assembly : Unity.com.songyang.InputRebinder.Runtime.dll Syntax public class InputRebinderAction : MonoBehaviour Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Action Reference to the input action inside Unity Declaration public InputAction Action Field Value Type Description UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputAction | Improve this Doc View Source ActionName TMPro of the action's name Declaration [Tooltip(\"Text of the action's name\")] public TextMeshProUGUI ActionName Field Value Type Description TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI | Improve this Doc View Source BindingsParent Reference to the parent where bindings are added Declaration public GameObject BindingsParent Field Value Type Description UnityEngine.GameObject | Improve this Doc View Source InputRebinderBindings List of bindings for this action Declaration public List<InputRebinderBinding> InputRebinderBindings Field Value Type Description List < InputRebinderBinding > | Improve this Doc View Source LastPair The last pair is used to populate the window Declaration public BindingPair LastPair Field Value Type Description BindingPair"
"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.InputRebinderBinding.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.InputRebinderBinding.html",
"title": "Class InputRebinderBinding | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Class InputRebinderBinding Component of a input system binding Inheritance Object UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Component UnityEngine.Behaviour UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour InputRebinderBinding Namespace : InputRebinder.Runtime Assembly : Unity.com.songyang.InputRebinder.Runtime.dll Syntax public class InputRebinderBinding : MonoBehaviour Fields | Improve this Doc View Source ActionName Name of the input action that this binding is in Declaration public string ActionName Field Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Asset Reference to the input system component in Unity Declaration public InputActionAsset Asset Field Value Type Description UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputActionAsset | Improve this Doc View Source BindingIndex Index of this binding in the action's bindings array Declaration public int BindingIndex Field Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source CurrentBindingText TMPro component of the text of the current binding Declaration public TextMeshProUGUI CurrentBindingText Field Value Type Description TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI | Improve this Doc View Source MapName Name of the input action map that this binding is in Declaration public string MapName Field Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source OriginalBinding Reference to the binding in Unity Declaration [HideInInspector] public InputBinding OriginalBinding Field Value Type Description UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputBinding Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Action Reference to the input action, will search if not set Declaration public InputActionReference Action { get; set; } Property Value Type Description UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputActionReference Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ClickRebind() Event listener of when the rebind button is clicked Declaration public void ClickRebind() | Improve this Doc View Source ClickReset() Event listener of when the reset button is clicked Declaration public void ClickReset()"
"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.InputRebinderCanvas.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.InputRebinderCanvas.html",
"title": "Class InputRebinderCanvas | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Class InputRebinderCanvas Controls the highest level of the input rebinder canvas Inheritance Object UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Component UnityEngine.Behaviour UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour InputRebinderCanvas Namespace : InputRebinder.Runtime Assembly : Unity.com.songyang.InputRebinder.Runtime.dll Syntax [RequireComponent(typeof(Canvas))] public class InputRebinderCanvas : MonoBehaviour Fields | Improve this Doc View Source PluginVersion Gameobject with the version number and name Declaration [Tooltip(\"Text with the version number and name\")] public TextMeshProUGUI PluginVersion Field Value Type Description TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI"
"api/InputRebinder.Runtime.InputRebinderMain.html": {
"href": "api/InputRebinder.Runtime.InputRebinderMain.html",
"title": "Class InputRebinderMain | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Class InputRebinderMain Component at the root of the Input Rebinder runtime suite. To display the UI in the game, you need to enable the game object attached to this component. Inheritance Object UnityEngine.Object UnityEngine.Component UnityEngine.Behaviour UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour InputRebinderMain Namespace : InputRebinder.Runtime Assembly : Unity.com.songyang.InputRebinder.Runtime.dll Syntax public class InputRebinderMain : MonoBehaviour Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ClickClose() Listener to when the close button is clicked Declaration public void ClickClose()"
"index.html": {
"href": "index.html",
"title": "Input Rebinder | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Input Rebinder A package that generates UI for \"control settings\" in a Unity project. Users can use the control settings to rebind their inputs interactively. Features Easy-to-use editor plugin Automatic generation of in-game UI Ready-to-use prefab, limited additional tinkering required Customizable generation Getting Started To get started, see the tutorial ."
"manual/Add_Functionality.html": {
"href": "manual/Add_Functionality.html",
"title": "How to add functionality to the generated UI prefab? | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "How to add functionality to the generated UI prefab? The plugin only contains a minimal set of functions for now. You may need to implement a more complex UI for your project. Fortunately, you can do that while still benefiting from this plugin. Localization, multilingual support Currently, the plugin does not contain built-in support for language localization. However, you can add your language options to the plugin. To offer translations for your action names, you need to edit the Input Rebinder Action . This class has a name in a TextMeshPro field which you can set when you swap languages. You would need to attach a new component to the root of the prefab Input Rebinder Template to keep a dictionary of translations. To offer translations for binding names, there is currently no easy way. Since the plugin relies on Unity's input system for interactive listening, language support for device names and control names depends on Unity. I doubt there is non-English language support for bindings. Miscellaneous game events Your game design may involve subverting the user while they are using the UI. For example, you can trigger a game event when the user clicks the close button or any button. Usually, the game event is the sound of clicking a button. For each button in the prefab, you can find its related game object in the hierarchy by clicking on the button in the scene view. Then you can add listeners to the click event."
"manual/Customize_Appearance.html": {
"href": "manual/Customize_Appearance.html",
"title": "How to customize the appearance of the generated prefab | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "How to customize the appearance of the generated prefab In almost every game, the default appearance of the generated prefab is not suitable for your aesthetic. Your game may have a theme that requires a certain color palette and font palette. The prefab generated by Input Rebinder is customizable just like any Unity game object. There are two ways to modify the appearance. Modify the generated prefab variant Modify the prefab templates used by the plugin Modifying the generated prefab variant This way of modifying the prefab is straightforward. You can treat the prefab just like any other game object in your scene. The downside is that you would have to repeat the process each time you need to generate a new prefab, e.g because your .inputactions file has changed. To avoid repetition, you should only modify the prefab after your game control design has been settled. However, if iterating over controls is needed, you should modify the plugin's prefab templates . ⚠️ WARNING : If you generate the prefab again, the default appearance will overwrite your current prefab variant and all its changes. To avoid this, you should rename your prefab variant on disk, set another name inside the plugin's editor window, or detach your scene instance from the prefab completely. Bring the prefab into a scene Drag the prefab variant from the project explorer to the scene hierarchy. You can then click on the prefab children game objects to modify them. Examples of modifiable objects Description of actions Each action is held by an Input Rebinder Action prefab, under the corresponding Action Map prefab, which in turn is placed inside the Displayed Map Scroll View . Every action is paired with an empty slot for a potential description. You can edit the underlying text. You can adjust the size and position of the text and its box. Order of appearance of actions It is possible to modify the order in which things are displayed. Each action and binding pair are arranged sequencially under an action map . The original order is determined by the order of your .inputactions file. You can move an action with all its bindings by selecting all pairs between the action and next action. To move them in the hierarchy, Unity requires you to be inside a prefab view. ⚠️ WARNING : If you don't move the binding pairs with the action, the presentation will be messy. Although each binding will work individually and still connect to the correct action, your user will be confused. Order of appearance of bindings Similar to actions, bindings can be arranged in a custom order. All bindings come in pairs . Each pair may contain 1 or 2 bindings. You may shuffle the order of pairs within an action, the order of bindings within a pair, or exchange bindings between pairs. The original order of bindings is determined by your .inputactions file. Unity may require you to go inside a prefab view to move the bindings around. ⚠️ WARNING : It is possible to move a binding pair outside of its corresponding action. Modifying the prefab templates used by the plugin This way of modifying the prefab is indirect and more complicated. However, this method will make the plugin generate prefabs in your aesthetic all the time. The prefab templates are in the folder Packages/Input Rebinder/Runtime/Prefabs . Currently, there is no way of saving your aesthetics for future use. Therefore, if a package update is attempted, your modified prefab templates will get overwritten. Examples of changes Change the background color of a binding To change the background color of a binding, you can open the prefab of a binding . Then you can change the background color of the root game object."
"manual/Getting_Started.html": {
"href": "manual/Getting_Started.html",
"title": "Getting Started | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "Getting Started Importing To import this package in your project, you need to use Unity's package manager (\"Window\" > \"Package Manager\"). From there, follow the instructions for your situation. If the package is already on your disk, click \"Add package from disk...\". Otherwise, you need to acquire the package from the Asset Store. Generate an in-game UI Step 1 Go to \"Tools\" > \"Input Rebinder\". This will open the editor plugin's window. Step 2 On the opened editor window, select your .inputactions file. This is a file that Unity generates when you use the Input System. To select, click the rounded symbol with a dot inside. Note : The Input Rebinder plugin comes with some .inputactions file, namely Empty and One . They are used for testing only. Step 3 In Generated Prefab Folder , select where you want the prefab to be generated in your project. By default, it is \"Assets/Prefabs\" and it will create the folders if they don't exist. Step 4 In Generated Prefab Name , write the name of the prefab that will be generated by the Input Rebinder plugin. By default, the name is \"Input Rebinder Controls\". Step 5 Click Analyse . Step 6 Pick which actions and action maps you want the plugin to generate. Usually, the UI action map is deselected because you don't want players to change the in-game UI's event system. Step 7 Click Generate . A prefab variant is generated at your desired location. A prefab variant is an instance of another prefab that is instantiable by itself. You may detach the prefab variant after you have finished using the plugin. Step 8 Place the generated prefab into a scene. Click 2D in the editor to see in-game UI instead of the 3D world. Step 9 To integrate your game, there are many ways and it depends on you. For example, you may disable the prefab and write a script that enables the generated prefab when a game event occurs. Or you may place the generated prefab alone in a scene that is switched into. By default, the Close button on the prefab disables the root of the prefab. You can modify its behavior by changing its attached listener in the inspector."
"manual/How_to.html": {
"href": "manual/How_to.html",
"title": "How to... | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "How to... How do I... Ignore some actions and action maps? Customize the look of generated prefab variant? Add functionality to the generated prefab?"
"manual/Ignore_Actions.html": {
"href": "manual/Ignore_Actions.html",
"title": "How to ignore some actions and action maps? | Input Rebinder 1.0.0 documentation",
"keywords": "How to ignore some actions and action maps? In most situations, there are some actions that you don't want the user to remap. These are usually related to UI browsing. Ignore individual actions To ignore individual actions, you need to use the editor plugin window. After clicking \"Analyze\" or \"Re-analyze\", you have a list of check boxes. Uncheck the actions you don't want. Ignore action maps To ignore an entire action map, you need to use the editor plugin window. After a successful analysis, you can deselect an action map."