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Sonic-CLI Not showing MAC address #2938

salvadorb opened this issue Aug 4, 2023 · 2 comments

Sonic-CLI Not showing MAC address #2938

salvadorb opened this issue Aug 4, 2023 · 2 comments


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Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Enter into sonic-cli
  2. type show mac address-table
  3. see no result

Describe the results you received

Describe the results you expected

Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally)

Output of show version

sonic# show version
Software Version  : 'feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d'
Product           : Enterprise SONiC Distribution by Broadcom - Cloud Base package
Distribution      : '9.13'
Kernel            : '4.9.0-11-2-amd64'
Config DB Version : version_3_1_2
Build Commit      : '1904c4f5d'
Build Date        : Sun Sep 11 22:28:43 UTC 2022
Built By          : sonicbld@sonic-lvn-csg-004
Platform          : x86_64-cel_seastone-r0
HwSKU             : Seastone-DX010
ASIC              : broadcom
Hardware Version  : Seastone
Serial Number     : DX010B2F049A18LK200049
Uptime            : 01:42:17 up 22:01, 1 user, load average: 0.99, 0.98, 1.00 
Mfg               : Celestica
REPOSITORY                              TAG                                     IMAGE ID            SIZE
docker-database                         feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d55f8e31e312c        287MB
docker-database                         latest                                  55f8e31e312c        287MB
docker-dhcp-relay                       feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5df305fab7a423        327MB
docker-dhcp-relay                       latest                                  f305fab7a423        327MB
docker-fpm-frr                          feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5dbf0660b82a22        365MB
docker-fpm-frr                          latest                                  bf0660b82a22        365MB
docker-iccpd                            feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d1d4b7764558c        321MB
docker-iccpd                            latest                                  1d4b7764558c        321MB
docker-lldp-sv2                         feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d2f47017b6f92        308MB
docker-lldp-sv2                         latest                                  2f47017b6f92        308MB
docker-nat                              feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5de84a012126e2        321MB
docker-nat                              latest                                  e84a012126e2        321MB
docker-pde                              feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5dd4be928bb17c        542MB
docker-pde                              latest                                  d4be928bb17c        542MB
docker-platform-monitor                 feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d4ce497a4e56b        383MB
docker-platform-monitor                 latest                                  4ce497a4e56b        383MB
docker-router-advertiser                feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d0f2ced71e96d        287MB
docker-router-advertiser                latest                                  0f2ced71e96d        287MB
docker-sflow                            feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d70bbe3a2f671        322MB
docker-sflow                            latest                                  70bbe3a2f671        322MB
docker-snmp-sv2                         feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d951e9bbdfd04        348MB
docker-snmp-sv2                         latest                                  951e9bbdfd04        348MB
docker-sonic-mgmt-framework             feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5dff7ba48e4652        498MB
docker-sonic-mgmt-framework             latest                                  ff7ba48e4652        498MB
docker-sonic-telemetry                  feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d41e70b794eaa        435MB
docker-sonic-telemetry                  latest                                  41e70b794eaa        435MB
docker-swss-brcm-cld-base               feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d06cbd931d32d        341MB
docker-swss-brcm-cld-base               latest                                  06cbd931d32d        341MB
docker-syncd-brcm-cld-base              feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d70fe3fe2eb29        454MB
docker-syncd-brcm-cld-base              latest                                  70fe3fe2eb29        454MB
docker-tam                              feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5db0676d87bb6c        361MB
docker-tam                              latest                                  b0676d87bb6c        361MB
docker-teamd                            feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5da756df4a0d5a        319MB
docker-teamd                            latest                                  a756df4a0d5a        319MB
docker-udld                             feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d9b7b9bb25998        316MB
docker-udld                             latest                                  9b7b9bb25998        316MB
docker-vrrp                             feat_broadcom_sonic_3.1.2.x_vs_obfuscation.0-1904c4f5d1765dd3bb295        334MB
docker-vrrp                             latest                                  1765dd3bb295        334MB```

     Also attach debug file produced by `sudo generate_dump`

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Hi @salvadorb ,

Please note that the mentioned command(i.e., show mac address-table) is not available in the SONiC community image.
While in the community image of SONiC, following related command is available i.e.,

"show mac":

root@sonic:~# show mac
No.    Vlan    MacAddress    Port    Type
-----  ------  ------------  ------  ------
Total number of entries 0

options of "show mac":

root@sonic:~# show mac --help
Usage: show mac [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Show MAC (FDB) entries

  -v, --vlan TEXT
  -p, --port TEXT
  -a, --address TEXT
  -t, --type TEXT
  -c, --count
  --verbose           Enable verbose output
  -?, -h, --help      Show this message and exit.


Also, I have noticed that you are using "Enterprise SONiC Distribution by Broadcom - Cloud Base package". Can you confirm whether the issue is seen in the community SONiC image as well? If yes, please mention the release/branch details.

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Hi @salvadorb,

  • I have verified the code implementation of SONiC community image within 202311 and master branch, there is no show command available as " show mac address-table ".
  • Instead there is a command to get the mac address table which is "show mac ". codeRef

options of "show mac":

root@sonic:~# show mac --help
Usage: show mac [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Show MAC (FDB) entries

  -v, --vlan TEXT
  -p, --port TEXT
  -a, --address TEXT
  -t, --type TEXT
  -c, --count
  --verbose           Enable verbose output
  -?, -h, --help      Show this message and exit.

  • By using the command "show mac -a", it lists all the fdb entries.
  • From the above observations there is no fix applicable for command "show mac address-table" and issue can be closed.

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