- 트리구조 라이브러리 & UI 구현(UI는
이용) - MTS 프로젝트를 진행하면서 해당 트리구조 라이브러리 이용함.
- 트리구조 라이브러리
- Written in Objective-C, Swift and Objective-C compatability
- 트리구조 라이브러리
- Written in Swift
- 계층적 데이터의 구조를 잡아준다
- 실제로 사용될 컨텐츠는 제네릭으로 감싸는 구조
- 서브 아이템을 열고 닫을 수 있는 Flag를 지원하여 사용될 UI(TableView 또는 CollectionView)에서 이를 적절히 이용할 수 있다
- recurrence 기능을 제공하여 일괄적인 데이터 업데이트 가능
- 특정 아이템에서 자신의 indexPath에 대한 정보 Get 가능
- UI 에서 Drag & Drop 이용 시 아카이브 데이터 제공
- MGROutlineItem
- Written in Objective-C, Swift and Objective-C compatability
- SKHOutlineItem
- Written in Swift
- MGROutlineItem (Objective-C), SKHOutlineItem (Swift) & UI
- 트리구조 알고리즘과 이를 뷰모델로 이용하여 구현한 UI(
Sample 1 | Sample 2 | MTS 프로젝트에서 사용 예 |
MGROutlineItem *item0 =
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Compositional Layout"] subitems:@[
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Getting Started"] subitems:@[
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"List" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Grid" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Inset Items Grid" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Two-Column Grid" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Per-Section Layout"] subitems:@[
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Distinct Sections" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Adaptive Sections" viewControllerClass:classObjc]]]]]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Advanced Layouts"] subitems:@[
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Supplementary Views"] subitems:@[
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Item Badges" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Section Headers/Footers" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Pinnned Section Headers" viewControllerClass:classObjc]]]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Section Background Decoration" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Nested Groups" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Orthogonal Sections"] subitems:@[
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Orthogonal Sections" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Orthogonal Section Behaviors" viewControllerClass:classObjc]]]]]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Conference App"] subitems:@[
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Videos" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"News" viewControllerClass:classObjc]]]]
MGROutlineItem *item1 =
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Diffable Data Source"] subitems:@[
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Mountains Search" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Settings: Wi-Fi" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"Insertion Sort Visualization" viewControllerClass:classObjc]],
[MGROutlineItem outlineWithContentItem:[OutlineContent itemWithTitle:@"UITableView: Editing" viewControllerClass:classObjc]]]];
_menuItems = @[item0, item1].mutableCopy;
👇🖱️ SKHOutlineItem.swift
import Foundation
#if os(macOS)
import AppKit
#elseif os(iOS)
import UIKit
import MobileCoreServices
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
public protocol SKHOutlineItemContent: Codable, AnyObject {
func outlineItem<T: Codable>(_ value: SKHOutlineItem<T>)
final public class SKHOutlineItem<T: Codable>: NSObject, Codable, NSItemProviderReading, NSItemProviderWriting {
// MARK: - Property
public var contentItem: T?
public private(set) var subitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>?
public var recurrenceAllSubitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>? { // 자기자신 제외. 위치를 확인하기 위해. Temp 이용
var recurrenceAllSubitems = _recurrenceAllSubitems()
recurrenceAllSubitems.removeAll {
$0 === self
return recurrenceAllSubitems
var recurrenceAllExpandedSubitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>? { // 자기자신 제외. expand 전체를 확인하기 위해. Temp 이용
var recurrenceAllExpandedSubitems = _recurrenceAllSubitems(isExpanded: true)
recurrenceAllExpandedSubitems.removeAll {
$0 === self
return recurrenceAllExpandedSubitems
var recurrenceAllCollapsedSubitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>? { // 자기자신 제외. collapse 전체를 확인하기 위해. Temp 이용
var recurrenceAllCollapsedSubitems = _recurrenceAllSubitems(isExpanded: false)
recurrenceAllCollapsedSubitems.removeAll {
$0 === self
return recurrenceAllCollapsedSubitems
public weak var superitem: SKHOutlineItem<T>?
public var progenitor: SKHOutlineItem<T>? {
var result = self.superitem
while result?.superitem !== nil {
result = result?.superitem
return result
var currentLocationInfo: LocationInfo? {
guard let superitem = self.superitem else {
assertionFailure("부모가 없을 경우, controller에서 판단해야한다.")
return nil
if let count = superitem.subitems?.count, count > 1 { // 부모의 서브 아이템이 2 개 이상일 경우
if superitem.subitems?.first == self {
return LocationInfo.init(superitem: superitem, afterItem: nil, beforeItem: superitem.subitems?[1])
} else if superitem.subitems?.last == self {
let index = count - 2
return LocationInfo.init(superitem: superitem, afterItem: superitem.subitems?[index], beforeItem: nil)
} else { // 자신이 부모의 첫 번째 또는 마지막 아이템이 아닐 경우.
guard var index = superitem.subitems?.firstIndex(of: self) else {
assertionFailure("index가 nil 일 수는 없다. - 불가능")
return nil
index = index - 1
return LocationInfo.init(superitem: superitem, afterItem: superitem.subitems?[index], beforeItem: superitem.subitems?[index + 2])
} else { // 부모의 서브 아이템이 오직 자신 뿐일 경우.
return LocationInfo.init(superitem: superitem, afterItem: nil, beforeItem: nil)
public var isExpanded: Bool = false
private(set) var isFolder: Bool
public var hasSubitem: Bool {
if let subItem = self.subitems, subItem.count > 0 {
return true
return false
public var indentationLevel: Int {
var indentLevel: Int = 0
var outlineItem = superitem
while outlineItem != nil {
indentLevel += 1
outlineItem = outlineItem?.superitem
return indentLevel
private(set) var isTempRoot = false
private var identifier = UUID()
// MARK: - Override
public override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
guard let other = object as? Self else {
return false
if other === self {
return true
return identifier == other.identifier
public override var hash: Int {
var hasher = Hasher()
return hasher.finalize()
// MARK: - 생성 & 소멸
/// 모두 가능
public init(contentItem: T?, isFolder: Bool, subitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>?) {
self.contentItem = contentItem
self.isFolder = isFolder
if let item = contentItem as? (any SKHOutlineItemContent) {
/// 폴더에서 사용. nil 이면 빈 폴더 의미.
public convenience init(contentItem: T, subitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>?) {
self.init(contentItem: contentItem, isFolder: true, subitems: subitems)
/// 폴더가 아닌 곳에서 사용.
public convenience init(contentItem: T) {
self.init(contentItem: contentItem, isFolder: false, subitems: nil)
/// 임시 루트. 계산을 위해 필요하다
public convenience init(tempRoot subitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>?) {
self.init(contentItem: nil, isFolder: true, subitems: subitems)
isTempRoot = true
// MARK: - Actions
public func append(_ subitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>?) {
guard let subitems = subitems
else {
if self.subitems == nil {
self.subitems = []
for subItem in subitems {
public func insert(
_ subitems: [SKHOutlineItem<T>],
afterItem: SKHOutlineItem<T>
) {
if var items = self.subitems,
let index = items.firstIndex(of: afterItem) {
items.insert(contentsOf: subitems, at: index + 1)
self.subitems = items
public func insert(
_ subitems: [SKHOutlineItem<T>],
beforeItem: SKHOutlineItem<T>
) {
if var items = self.subitems,
let index = items.firstIndex(of: beforeItem) {
items.insert(contentsOf: subitems, at: index)
self.subitems = items
public func delete(
_ subitems: [SKHOutlineItem<T>]
) {
guard let items = self.subitems else {
let intersection = Set(items).intersection(Set(subitems))
let intersectionArray = Array(intersection)
self.subitems?.removeAll(where: {
public func deleteAllSubitems() {
subitems = [SKHOutlineItem<T>]()
public func removeFromSuperitem() {
if let superitem = superitem {
public func superitemsToUpperLimit() -> [SKHOutlineItem<T>] {
if isExpanded {
assertionFailure("폴더이면서 열려 있다면 호출 자체를 하지 마라")
var result = [SKHOutlineItem<T>]()
var currentItem = self
var superitem = self.superitem
if superitem == nil {
assertionFailure("현재 손가락에 해당하는 아이템이 Root라면 호출 자체를 하지 마라")
} else if superitem?.subitems?.last !== self {
assertionFailure("현재 손가락에 해당하는 아이템이 superitem의 마지막 아이템이 아니라면 호출 자체를 하지 마라")
while superitem?.subitems?.last == currentItem && superitem != nil {
currentItem = superitem!
superitem = superitem!.superitem
} // 딱 한단계 빼고 다 모은다. nil은 없다.
if result.last?.isTempRoot == false {
if let item = result.last?.superitem {
} else {
assertionFailure("주어진 TempRoot를 사용해야한다")
return result
// MARK: - Private Helper
private func register(_ subitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>?) {
guard let subitems = subitems
else {
for item in subitems {
item.superitem = self
private func unRegister(_ subitems: Array<SKHOutlineItem<T>>?) {
guard let subitems = subitems
else {
for item in subitems {
item.superitem = nil
private func _recurrenceAllSubitems() -> [SKHOutlineItem<T>] {
var all = [SKHOutlineItem<T>]()
let getSubitemsBlock: (SKHOutlineItem<T>) -> Void = { current in
if let subitems = current.subitems {
for sub in subitems {
all += sub._recurrenceAllSubitems()
return all
private func _recurrenceAllSubitems(isExpanded: Bool) -> [SKHOutlineItem<T>] {
var all = [SKHOutlineItem<T>]()
let getSubViewsBlock: (SKHOutlineItem<T>) -> Void = { current in
if current.isExpanded == isExpanded {
if let subitems = current.subitems {
for sub in subitems {
all += sub._recurrenceAllSubitems(isExpanded: isExpanded)
return all
// MARK: - NSItemProviderReading
public static var readableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider: [String] {
if #available(macOS 11, iOS 14, *) {
return [UTType.data.identifier]
} else {
return [(kUTTypeData as String)]
public static func object(
withItemProviderData data: Data,
typeIdentifier: String
) throws -> Self {
do {
let subject = try JSONDecoder().decode(Self.self, from: data)
return subject
// MARK: - NSItemProviderWriting
public static var writableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider: [String] {
if #available(macOS 11, iOS 14, *) {
return [UTType.data.identifier]
} else {
return [(kUTTypeData as String)]
public func loadData(
withTypeIdentifier typeIdentifier: String,
forItemProviderCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping @Sendable (Data?, Error?) -> Void
) -> Progress? {
let progress = Progress(totalUnitCount: 100)
do {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(self)
progress.completedUnitCount = 100
completionHandler(data, nil)
catch {
completionHandler(nil, error)
return progress
@available(*, unavailable)
override public init() {
fatalError("init() has not been implemented")
extension SKHOutlineItem {
class LocationInfo: NSObject, NSCopying {
var superitem: SKHOutlineItem?
var afterItem: SKHOutlineItem?
var beforeItem: SKHOutlineItem?
init(superitem: SKHOutlineItem?, afterItem: SKHOutlineItem?, beforeItem: SKHOutlineItem?) {
self.superitem = superitem
self.afterItem = afterItem
self.beforeItem = beforeItem
override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
guard let other = object as? Self else {
return false
if other === self {
return true
return superitem == other.superitem && afterItem == other.afterItem && beforeItem == other.beforeItem
override var hash: Int {
var hasher = Hasher()
return hasher.finalize()
// MARK: - NSCopying
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let copy = SKHOutlineItem.LocationInfo.init(superitem: self.superitem, afterItem: self.afterItem, beforeItem: self.beforeItem)
return copy
@available(*, unavailable)
override init() {
fatalError("init() has not been implemented")
sonkoni(손관현), [email protected]
This project is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.