Releases: soup-bowl/
Releases · soup-bowl/
Version 0.2.11
- Cron calculator segment.
- Unix epoch segment.
- SEO tags for shared links.
- Menu and homepage grid instructions consolidated.
Version 0.2.10 - Patch 1
White screen on Help & About on iOS Safari/Mobile Webkit browsers.
Version 0.2.10
- Strip URL smells from an input to the DNS inspector.
- Show used local storage in about page.
- Crypto password box causing mobile display issues.
Version 0.2.9
- IP information of the user shown on the DNS page.
- Current page highlighted in drawer.
- Reload PWA when a new version has been deployed (untested).
- Spurious information in the drawer now in an 'About' page.
- Inspection usage data change to reflect API change.
Version 0.2.8
- Moved CNAME to public folder, to stop the GitHub Pages deployment breaking the URL.
- GitHub 404 added to pick-up users who haven't cached the system first.
- Switched to hashed routing since GitHub web rules are not available, to help reduce 404s.
Version 0.2.7
An issue occurred with versioning - a minor leap has occurred to account for it.
- Added DNS inspection segment, in line with addition to the API.
- Help page.
- Inspector shows visible signs of being inaccessible when offline.
- Hyperlink issue on Conversion page.
- 404 URLs now redirect back to the homepage.
Version 0.2.6
- Help page.
- Inspector shows visible signs of being inaccessible when offline.
- Hyperlink issue on Conversion page.
Version 0.2.5
Version adjustments.
Version 0.2.4
- New homescreen.
- More encoding options, renamed Encoder to Converter,
- Cloud indicator to highlight if the tool is connected to the internet or not.
- Clicking on menu items now closes the drawer.
Version 0.2.3
- Encoder segment.
- Upgraded from React 17 to React 18, and other dependencies.
- Axios could not be upgraded to 0.27.0 due to "webpack < 5 used to include polyfills for node.js core modules by default".
- Website inspector now moved to a unique path to allow for expansion. Redirect for continuity for now.
- Menu now displays a drawer instead of in header to allow for more options.
- Tool given offline-working capabilities (PWA).