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[Bug]: recenter_frames with fourier induces artifact at bright sources #233

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taichiuyama opened this issue Nov 28, 2024 · 7 comments
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Image Tools


I recently updated spaceKLIP and now I got stripe-like artifact features at residual stellar light and a bright background star after I ran recenter_frames by FT. If I select spline it doesn't induce the artifacts.
I tried blurring the frames before recenter_frames to avoid this feature but it still appeared unless I blurred it too much. Should I select spline to avoid this? or are there any other ways to avoid the artifact at bright pixels?

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pop_os 22.04

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python 3.11

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Screenshot from 2024-11-28 14-41-05

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wbalmer commented Dec 2, 2024

Hi @taichiuyama ,

I took a look at this with some proprietary data in the MASK335R / F444W mode.

I used the branch shift_methods where I implemented separate keywords for the measurement of shifts (e.g. fourier shifting or spline shifting, and then subtraction) and the eventual image shifts themselves.

fourier shifting appears to give the most reliable results when computing the underlying shifts, regardless of the rippling artifacts, so i would not use the spline shifting to compute the underlying shifts.

as for the eventual image shifts (to avoid interpolation artefacts), at very high contrast (1e-6) the spline shifting appears to perform worse in contrast by about 1.2x at key spatial separations (0-2"), see plots below. it could in principle be used to avoid the fourier rippling if your science case requires less stringent contrast limits than those shown. the noise also might behave differently in different limits (e.g. photon noise limited at 1e-4, where the host star is faint) which would require more tests. In Jens' beta Pic b paper, we had to "overblur" the data to avoid these artifacts, but in some ways this is an unavoidable consequence of the undersigned of the data.

Others might have more insight.



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taichiuyama commented Dec 3, 2024

thank you @wbalmer , one more question, do you have any ideas why the current spaceKLIP version has heavier artifacts than v1 (left: old version as of Apr 1 2024, right: current version)?
Screenshot from 2024-12-02 16-38-21

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taichiuyama commented Dec 6, 2024

one more, even if I ignore this artifact I found the v2 pipeline resulted in worse image registration when I compared the final output, seeing more speckle residuals than the v1 output. Possibly related to some other libraries imported in spaceklip, do you have any ideas? see comparison of roll-subtracted images with v1 (left) and v2 (right)
I'll post another issue if you want to check more.

v1_roll-subimage v2_roll-subimage

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wbalmer commented Dec 6, 2024

Hi @taichiuyama it looks like the bad pixel step might have truncated some of the actual psf speckles in your version 2 reduction , hence the extra discontinuities and therefore the residuals and shifting artifacts. for instance if the sigma threshold is too low it might flag peaks in the psf as bad.

what functions/parameters did you use to flag and remove the bad pixels in your dataset? feel free to reach out on the ers slack directly

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wbalmer commented Dec 6, 2024

these bad pixel steps have changed since v1, if i recall correctly

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thanks for pointing out, ok I'll rerun the badpix fixing step and if I still see them I'll post on slack

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Chiming in late here, but another reason you might see a change in Fourier artifacts between SpaceKLIP versions is if modulo 1 of the shift being applied in the newest version is closer to a half pixel (a shift of 0.9 pixels induces less significant artifacts than a shift of 0.5 pixels). At some point, I believe SpaceKLIP changed the aligned position to always fall on a pixel center rather than a pixel intersection (in the case of axes with round numbers of pixels). This could easily result in the new shift modulo 1 being closer to 0.5, resulting in brighter artifacts.

You could check this for the aligned images, which should have a FITS extension called IMSHIFTS that records the shifts applied.

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