git log
is another good way to peer into the innards of this repository.
- Fixed some .toc text.
- Make the backpack order the same as what's displayed in AddOns like ArkInventory.
- Tested for Shadowlands beta
- Fixed an in-combat error.
- No longer hiding a popup nag, as that's not compatible with Shadowlands and it's not this AddOn's job anyway.
- Implemented dual retail-classic support.
- I'm not going to maintain a totally separate addon for classic because that would be annoying. This is a simple enough addon that I can manage this.
- TOC bump
- TOC bump
- Minor code audit and cleanup.
- Slightly widened the reveal region for the side bars area; when the mouse approaches the side, the buttons will show sooner.
- Removed TidyBar-specific main area frame, now attaching to the world frame to solve a SetPoint() error.
- Move the hidden
so it's hidden frame is not overtop of everything.
- TOC bump
- Implemented a hackish workaround for #67 - Implement StatusTrackingBarManager functionality
- Fix an in-combat error from
- Hide the background/side styling of the
- Styling the power bar area.
- Entirely removed objectives tracker code.
- I don't understand what parts to manipulate.
- Fixed the objectives tracker code, again.
- Fixed parts of the objectives tracker being constantly removed.
- This unintentionally fixed the positioning of the multi-seat vehicle UI (e.g. the Grand Expedition Yak).
- Stacked the pet bar.
- Shifted a hidden bar that was preventing mouseover and clicking in part of the chat area.
- Major rewrite
- Not just a rewrite for 8.x, but a general code audit and simplification. TidyBar is now easier to maintain. Probably.
- Hardening
- When WoW is updated, and as the API changes (and addons break), TidyBar will try to avoid "exploding with errors", and will offer suggestions for maintainers.
- Fixed the main area positioning code.
- Old experience, honor and artifact power code was removed.
- Blizzard made a combined bar, and it's stuck underneath the main buttons. I don't understand it well enough to move it around. It really does act different.
- As there was some hackery to fix a "wiggle" issue, related code removal slightly reduces some CPU load.
- Bar height functionality removed. I don't use it, and that code wasn't very happy.
- Bar spacing removed. It wasn't working all that well in the first place; I couldn't fix it properly, and I never even used it.
- Removed show/hide the main bar background.
- Blizzard has made this one large texture. As I don't know how to deal with it, I'll revisit this in the future.
- See also #68 - Implement main bar texture
- See also #49 - Implement bars texture changing
- Partially-fixed #30 - Hide global cooldowns in sidebar, when hidden-on-mouseout
- Gryphons have been hidden
- See #70 - Re-implement gryphon functionality
- Mostly-implemented #60 - Main bar vertical positioning
- See also #69 - Implement a better maximum y position
- TOC bump
- TOC bump
- Fixed #58 - Move pet bar
- It's now positioned the same as the main bar.
- These could be made to be configured independently, but I'm not going to bother.
- The pet battle UI is now scaled the same as the main bar.
- These could be made to be configured independently, but I'm not going to bother.
- The pet battle UI now has its background textures shown/hidden the same as the main bar.
- These could be made to be configured independently, but I'm not going to bother.
- Hide the FPS text (FramerateText).
- Fixed #57 - Move FPS meter
- Vehicle support
- It's hardcoded, but seems to be a reasonable default for me. People with a chat box on the right are screwed. Same with the pet UI.
- Fixed the pet battle UI.
- Implemented #31 - Support the pet battle UI
- Fixed #56 - Fix tooltips on items in the side
- Fixed the right-gryphon not appearing properly when the option was toggled.
- Fixed the addon release date.
- Tested against 7.2
- More aggressively remove the talent nag's transparent overlay.
- Code cleanup and style improvements.
- Fixed the experience bar appearing with a max-level character.
- Fixed #40 - Adjust bars when level 100 but not in possession of a legendary weapon
- Fixed #43 and #54 related to the bars resetting and repositioning under certain circumstances.
- Fixed the feature to show/hide macro text on buttons.
- Implemented bar height customization.
- Thinned-down the vehicle health and power bars.
- Fixed #50 - Fix jumping main area
- Fixed the side not toggling correctly when set/unset in the options panel.
- General code clarity improvements.
- For code clarity, references to "sidebar" have been renamed "side".
- Users who wish to once again hide the "sidebar" on mouseout will have to enable this renamed preference in the options panel.
- Style improvements to the options panel code.
- Yes, these things matter.
- Removed old code from the original author(s).
- I's been commented-out for some time now, to check if it would be missed. That code is no longer, or was never, needed. Probably.
- I think TidyBar may have been broken for users who were not max level.
- Fixed an unpredictable error message when first logging in.
- Fixed a probable bug with a global/local variable.
- Releasing with just this fix, since it's likely a bad issue for some people.
- Fixed #47 - Fix ArtifactWatchBar height resetting
- Fixed #43 - Fix artifact bar background resetting to dim yellow
- Implemented a debugging mode.
- Prints out various messages of interest to developers.
- Fixed #27 - Right-hand mainbar alignment.
- Hiding the grey locked-XP bar.
- Support HonorWatchBar.
- I have no way of testing this, as I do not and will never PvP or get in a circumstance where I can even be flagged.
- Implemented an option to show/hide the HonorWatchBar.
- Fixed #41 - Fix reputation bar when at max-xp
- Fixed #26 - Fix artifact experience bar backdrop
- Fixed #37 - Adjust artifact power bar
- It was working well, but imperfectly and caused some jumpyness.
- Removed some misaligned sparklies when experience or artifact points are gained.
- Fixed the horizontal movement for the main area.
- Fixed the positioning of the ArtifactWatchBar.
- Fixed the text of the ArtifactWatchBar appearing at startup, until refreshed or the mouse is moved through it.
- Removed the reputation bar functionality.
- As of 22522, I've learned that the "reputation as experience bar" feature is gone, though the checkbox still exists in the UI.
- I don't know if the UI needs to be updated, or if the feature will return in some form. I'm guessing the former.
- Fixed ArtifactWatchBar on characters with no legendary weapon.
- ArtifactWatchBar support.
- Implemented a reasonable simplification of the vehicle UI.
- Hid the overly-loud spark that appears when experience is gained.
- Fixed the sidebar scaling.
- Fixed the mainbar texture, when
TidyBar_options.show_textured_backgrounds = true
- Implemented an option to force the reputation bar height, even when changing them.
- This uses 'OnUpdate', which I hate.
- Rework bar alignment for style and speed.
- Wrote
the reputation bar
with some notes on this.
- Wrote
- When
TidyBar_options.show_experience_bar = true
, keep the experience text hidden (when various character interfaces are shown). - Fixed #21 - Fix reputation bar height when max experience
- Okay, so maybe it's not so easy to fix these things..
- Fixed #26 - Fix the sidebar scale after user-changes
- Fixed #28 - Immediately hide the sidebar when the option is enabled
- Fixed #29 - Improve sidebar mousein showing
- Fixed #22 - Reposition 'request stop' when on a taxi
- Fixed #25 - Reposition the gryphons
- Implemented #14 - Implement global configuration
- Implemented an options panel.
- No more editing
- Fixed an issue with the gryphon hiding option.
renamed toTidyBar_show_MainMenuBar_textured_background
renamed toTidyBar_show_macro_text
renamed toTidyBar_ShowGryphons
- Fixed #20 - Fix the bar separation between the top two bars and the main bars, when no exp/rep displayed
renamed toTidyBar_ShowExperienceBar
- Implemented
to move the main area around somewhat.- Default 500.
- Fixed #21 - Fix reputation bar height when max experience
- It's easy to fix these sorts of things, when focus is on code clarity.
- Fixed alignment issues with the right bars. Again.
- Corrections to the background when
TidyBar_HideActionBarButtonsTexturedBackground = false
- Created an
folder.- Added notes and a solution regarding the missing hotkey text for empty mainbar buttons when
TidyBar_HideActionBarButtonsTexturedBackground = true
- Added notes and a solution regarding the missing hotkey text for empty mainbar buttons when
- Implemented an option to hide macro text.
- Default
- Default
- Fixed alignment issues with the right bars.
- Fixed the objective tracker placement with/without the right bars.
- Fixed the reputation/etc bars jumping around when entering/exiting rested (city), and world.
- Code style changes.
- Reworked the button/bar alignment, so they line up properly in all cases.
- Hide the button border around the stance buttons.
- Hide the background behind the stance buttons.
- Fixed objectives positioning when TidyBar scaling is used.
- Renamed
- Fixed the height and separation of the experience and reputation bars.
- Fixed the objectives tracker only showing a few items.
- Implemented an option to remove the background texture of the main buttons.
- Default
- Fixed the reputation bar hanging off of the right-hand side. Again.
- Fixed the experience bar hanging off of the right-hand side.
- Fixed the reputation bar hanging off of the right-hand side.
- Updated
- It lists the author as "Binny". Curious.
- Implemented an option to automatically/always show the right sidebar.
- Implemented an option to show/hide the gryphons on either side the bars.
- 7.0.3 compatibility changes.
- A major code style rewrite. Thanks, Cynbe.
- Removed old comments.
Earlier than this, I had hacked on TidyBar here and there.
(no notes were taken)
I had hacked on TidyBar here and there.
The following notes were by the original author.
Note that these old releases may or may not be buried in this git repository. I (spiralofhope) have kept those old archives if anyone is that interested.
- Added the Store button to the Tidy Bar container so it gets hidden properly.
- TOC Bump
- Update to 5.x TOC
- Added
variables to the head ofTidyBar.lua
; Setting the variable totrue
will make the changes.
- Update to 4.3 TOC
- Update to 4.2 TOC
- Updated to 4.2 UI changes
I have no notes from earlier than this.
Presumably this AddOn didn't exist before the 4.2 update that was mentioned last.