0830 : research regex to extract authorization code from URL 0900 : research adding onClick function to anchor tag 0930 : develop logic to change currently visible state of authorization code is present 1000 : break 0945-1000 1030 : work with Postman to navigate API call endpoints with authorization code 1100 : read www.learnhowtoprogram.com lesson on API calls with react 1200 : lunch from 11-12 1230 : continue researching API calls with react 1300 : read Dexcom Developer documentation 1330 : debug api call for bearer token in CurrentBloodSugar.js 1400 : debug accessing environmental variables in CurrentBloodSugar.js 1430 : break 1415-1430 1500 : read Dexcom Developer documentation 1530 : refactor CurrentBloodSugarComponent to intake authorization code as prop 1600 : troubleshoot regex to extract authorization code from URL 1630 : read Dexcom Developer documentation 1700 : continue troubleshooting Dexcom post request for authorization code