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Import into IDEA or Spring Tools Suite

Brian Clozel edited this page Jun 12, 2019 · 3 revisions


Import Sagan project sources into your IDE of choice.




  1. Open IDEA.
  2. If any projects are open, click File->Close Project for each.
  3. From the "Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA" screen, click "Open Project".
  4. Navigate to the root directory of your sagan repository clone.
  5. Click "Choose".
  6. Click File->Project Structure->Project and select "8.0" as project language level
  7. You should now have all sources imported without errors.

Spring Tool Suite

  1. In STS, click File->Import->Existing Projects into Workspace.
  2. In the "Select root directory" field, click "Browse" and navigate to the root directory of your Sagan repository clone and click "Open".
  3. Check the "Search for nested projects" box.
  4. Click "Finish".
  5. You should now have all sources imported without errors.

Next steps

At this point, you may want to build everything or run the site locally if you have not already.