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2017-12-11 |
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This documentation is for {{}} on {{}}. To see the documentation for the previous version of {{}} on {{}} Marketplace, click this link {: new_window}. {: tip}
{: #artifacts}
First create or import artifacts to use to train the annotators. {: shortdesc}
The annotators learn about the following types of artifacts that you add to the workspace:
Type system
A type system defines the entities and relationships between entities that matter to you. See Establishing a type system.
A dictionary groups together words and phrases that should be treated equivalently by an annotator component. See Creating dictionaries.
Documents serve a different purpose depending on whether you are creating a machine-learning annotator or a rule-based annotator. See the following topics for more information:
- Machine-learning annotator documents: Adding documents for annotation
- Rule-based annotator documents: Adding documents for defining rules
You can import many of these artifacts from external resources, including artifacts that you exported from other {{}}™ {{}} workspaces. See Importing resources from another workspace for information about importing artifacts from other workspaces.
See Summary of inputs, outputs, and limitations for key facts about artifacts, such as size limits and supported file types for imported artifacts.