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2017-12-11 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:tip: .tip} {:pre: .pre} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:javascript: .ph data-hd-programlang='javascript'} {:java: .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:python: .ph data-hd-programlang='python'} {:swift: .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'}
This documentation is for {{}} on {{}}. To see the documentation for the previous version of {{}} on {{}} Marketplace, click this link {: new_window}. {: tip}
{: #train-ml}
In {{}} , the creation of the machine-learning annotator component involves training the machine-learning annotator and evaluating how well the annotator performed when annotating test data and blind data. {: shortdesc}
{: #wks_madocsets}
When you create a machine-learning annotator component, you select the document sets that you want to use to train the annotator component and specify the percentage of documents that are to be used as training data, test data, and blind data.
By exploring the performance metrics, you can identify ways to improve the annotator component's accuracy.
Restriction: Only three machine-learning annotators can be trained at a time per {{}}™ {{}} instance. If your instance contains multiple workspaces and the number of machine-learning annotators that are being trained in other workspaces totals 3 already, then your request to train the machine-learning annotator in your workspace will be queued until the other training processes are done.
To create a machine-learning annotator component:
Log in as a {{}} {{}} administrator and open the Human Annotation page.
Verify that all of the document sets have been approved and that all annotation conflicts have been resolved through adjudication. Only documents that have become ground truth through adjudication or approval can be used to train the annotator component.
Open the Annotator Component page. Under the Machine Learning annotator type, click Create this type of annotator.
Select the document sets that you want to use for training the annotator.
Note: The document sets must contain at least 10 annotated documents.
Specify how you want to allocate documents from your document sets to be used by the system-level training, test, or blind sets.
See Document set management for help determining which ratios to apply.
Optional: Associate any dictionaries that you want the machine-learning annotator to use during training with the entity type of the dictionary entries.
If you created a dictionary pre-annotator, then you already performed this step. Click Reuse mapping that is defined for dictionary pre-annotator to reuse it or define a new mapping.
The annotator uses the type information of dictionary terms as one feature among many linguistic analysis features that it considers during training.
Click Train to train the annotator, or click Train & Evaluate to train the annotator, evaluate annotations added by the machine-learning annotator, and analyze the performance statistics.
Important: Training a machine-learning annotator can take several minutes or several hours, depending on the number of human annotations that exist and the total number of words across all documents.
After the annotator component is created, select one of the following actions:
Option Description Log
View the log file to see whether any problems occurred.
View the annotation performance statistics, change the document sets that you want to use for training and testing the annotator, and create snapshot versions of the annotator component artifacts.
Export a
file to your local system that contains the components that are required for the annotator to run in a machine-learning runtime environment.
{: #wks_matest}
You can compare the ground truth view for annotations added by human annotators to the annotations added by the annotator component.
To evaluate the annotations added by the annotator component:
- On the Annotator Component page, locate the annotator component that you created and click Details. The Training/Test/Blind page is displayed.
- Click View Ground Truth for the training set or test set to see the annotations that were added through pre-annotation and by human annotators. The Ground Truth Editor opens. Click to open individual documents and see how the mentions, relations, and coreferenced mentions were annotated.
- Click View Decoding Results to see the annotations that the machine-learning annotator added to documents in the test set. This button is available only after you evaluate the annotator component, either by clicking Train & Evaluate on this page or when you created the annotator component, or by clicking Evaluate on this page. By viewing results, you can see how well the machine-learning annotator labeled mentions, relations, and coreferenced mentions in the test data.
- If you want to change how the documents are divided between training, test, and blind data sets, click Edit Sets. For example, if initial results seem acceptable, you might want to increase the number of documents in the test set to further test the machine-learning annotator's results. You can change the ratio for how documents are automatically divided for different purposes, or you can select specific document sets to use as training data, test data, and blind data.
- If you made any changes, click Train & Evaluate to retrain the annotator component and re-evaluate the annotations.
{: #wks_madelete}
You cannot delete a machine-learning annotator.
You can delete the workspace that was used to develop the annotator component, but you cannot delete the annotator itself. Deleting an annotator is not the best approach. Instead, update or replace the artifacts that are used to train the model. Even if the model is not producing the results you expect, you can continue to refine it. Each time you create a new version, the model is built anew. You can edit artifacts like dictionaries and the type system, and choose to use different annotation sets when you train the next version.