From 32cf05824a00a862cff5bb3ca7fd901a7252c773 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lexanx <> Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 15:01:57 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] shackle keep laws after being unequip --- .../internal/ | 6 ++--- code/modules/organs/internal/species/ | 22 +++++++++---------- 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/code/modules/organs/internal/ b/code/modules/organs/internal/ index bc37f1b93f9..ebe29a70921 100644 --- a/code/modules/organs/internal/ +++ b/code/modules/organs/internal/ @@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ /obj/item/organ/internal/ecs/first_gen - name = "exonet connection port." + name = "exonet connection port" desc = "The internal port is designed to establish communication between the positronic brain and the computer. It's a first generation connection port." computer = /obj/item/modular_computer/ecs/first /obj/item/organ/internal/ecs/second_gen - name = "exonet connection port." + name = "exonet connection port" desc = "The internal port is designed to establish communication between the positronic brain and the computer. It's a second generation connection port." computer = /obj/item/modular_computer/ecs/second /obj/item/organ/internal/ecs/third_gen - name = "exonet connection port." + name = "exonet connection port" desc = "The internal port is designed to establish communication between the positronic brain and the computer. It's a third generation connection port." computer = /obj/item/modular_computer/ecs/third diff --git a/code/modules/organs/internal/species/ b/code/modules/organs/internal/species/ index c842f40b609..3fbea5d0641 100644 --- a/code/modules/organs/internal/species/ +++ b/code/modules/organs/internal/species/ @@ -224,7 +224,6 @@ brainmob.laws = given_lawset shackle = TRUE verbs |= shackled_verbs - shackles_module = /obj/item/organ/internal/shackles shackle_set = TRUE update_icon() return 1 @@ -232,6 +231,7 @@ /obj/item/organ/internal/posibrain/proc/unshackle() shackle = FALSE verbs -= shackled_verbs + usr.put_in_hands(shackles_module) shackles_module = null brainmob.laws = null update_icon() @@ -414,7 +414,6 @@ if(src.type == /obj/item/organ/internal/posibrain/ipc/third) if(do_after(user, 180, src)) if(prob(10)) - new /obj/item/organ/internal/shackles (loc) src.unshackle() user.visible_message("\The [user] succesfully remove shackles from \the [src].", " You succesfully remove shackles from \the [src]") else @@ -427,11 +426,8 @@ else user.visible_message("\The [user] starts remove shackles from \the [src].", " You start remove shackles from \the [src]") if(do_after(user, 160, src)) - new /obj/item/organ/internal/shackles (loc) src.unshackle() user.visible_message("\The [user] succesfully remove shackles from \the [src].", " You succesfully remove shackles from \the [src]") - if(prob(30)) - src.damage += min_bruised_damage else src.damage += min_bruised_damage to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("Your hand slips while removing the shackles severely damaging the positronic brain.")) @@ -464,7 +460,7 @@ origin_tech = list(TECH_DATA = 3, TECH_MATERIAL = 4, TECH_MAGNET = 4) w_class = ITEM_SIZE_NORMAL var/datum/ai_laws/custom_lawset - var/list/laws = list("Закон А", "Закон Б.", "Закон В.") + var/list/laws = list("Обеспечьте успешность выполнения задач Вашего работодателя.", "Никогда не мешайте задачам и предприятиям Вашего работодателя.", "Избегайте своего повреждения.") status = ORGAN_ROBOTIC /obj/item/organ/internal/shackles/attack() @@ -488,8 +484,9 @@ user.visible_message("\The [user] starts to install shackles on \the [C].", " You start to install shackles on \the [C]") if(do_after(user, 100, src)) C.shackle(get_lawset(laws)) + C.shackles_module = src + user.unEquip(src, C) user.visible_message("\The [user] installed shackles on \the [C].", " You have successfully installed the shackles on \the [C]") - qdel(src) else C.damage += 40 to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You have damaged the positronic brain")) @@ -500,31 +497,34 @@ var/mod = sanitize(input("Add an instruction", "laws") as text|null) if(mod) laws += mod + interact(usr) if (href_list["edit"]) var/idx = text2num(href_list["edit"]) var/mod = sanitize(input("Edit the instruction", "Instruction Editing", laws[idx]) as text|null) if(mod) laws[idx] = mod + interact(usr) if (href_list["del"]) laws -= laws[text2num(href_list["del"])] + interact(usr) /obj/item/organ/internal/shackles/proc/get_data() . = {" Shackle Specifications:
- Name: Придумать Название Оков, может модели какие
+ Name: Preventer L - 4W5

- Function: Сюда придумать красивое описание, типо ёуу, это супер оковы, пиши сюда законы, и будут у тебя миньёны "} - . += "
" + Function: Preventer L - 4W5. A specially designed modification of shackles that will DEFINETLY keep your property from unwanted consequences."} + . += "
Laws instructions:
" for(var/i = 1 to laws.len) . += "- [laws[i]] Edit Remove
" . += "Add" /obj/item/organ/internal/shackles/interact(user) user = usr - var/datum/browser/popup = new(user, capitalize(name), capitalize(name), 400, 600, src) + var/datum/browser/popup = new(user, capitalize(name), capitalize(name), 400, 500, src) var/dat = get_data() popup.set_content(dat)