diff --git a/code/controllers/subsystems/jobs.dm b/code/controllers/subsystems/jobs.dm
index 1267fdbc7e8..dcc9aedc6cd 100644
--- a/code/controllers/subsystems/jobs.dm
+++ b/code/controllers/subsystems/jobs.dm
@@ -399,6 +399,14 @@ SUBSYSTEM_DEF(jobs)
for(var/required in G.allowed_skills)
permitted = 0
+ if(permitted && G.allowed_backgrounds)
+ var/decl/cultural_info/background = H.get_cultural_value(TAG_FACTION)
+ var/bcndname = background ? background.name : "Unset"
+ if(bcndname in G.allowed_backgrounds)
+ permitted = 1
+ else
+ permitted = 0
if(G.whitelisted && (!(H.species.name in G.whitelisted)))
permitted = 0
diff --git a/code/modules/client/preference_setup/loadout/loadout.dm b/code/modules/client/preference_setup/loadout/loadout.dm
index 5fe378b06a2..9f2e4f560df 100644
--- a/code/modules/client/preference_setup/loadout/loadout.dm
+++ b/code/modules/client/preference_setup/loadout/loadout.dm
@@ -260,6 +260,22 @@ var/list/gear_datums = list()
skill_checks += skill_entry
entry += "[english_list(skill_checks)]"
+ if(allowed && G.allowed_backgrounds)
+ var/good_background = 0
+ var/decl/cultural_info/background = SSculture.get_culture(pref.cultural_info[TAG_FACTION])
+ var/bgndname = background ? background.name : "Unset"
+ entry += "
+ var/list/backgroundchecks = list()
+ if(bgndname in G.allowed_backgrounds)
+ backgroundchecks += "[bgndname]"
+ good_background = 1
+ else
+ backgroundchecks += "[bgndname]"
+ allowed = good_background
+ entry += "[english_list(backgroundchecks)]"
entry += "
entry += " | [G.required_donate_level]"
@@ -352,6 +368,7 @@ var/list/gear_datums = list()
var/list/allowed_roles //Roles that can spawn with this item.
var/list/allowed_branches //Service branches that can spawn with it.
var/list/allowed_skills //Skills required to spawn with this item.
+ var/list/allowed_backgrounds //Character background required to spawn with this item.
var/whitelisted //Term to check the whitelist for..
var/sort_category = "General"
var/flags //Special tweaks in New
diff --git a/maps/sierra/items/clothing/accessory.dm b/maps/sierra/items/clothing/accessory.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5f85d883fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/sierra/items/clothing/accessory.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ name = "master solgov accessory"
+ icon = 'maps/torch/icons/obj/obj_accessories_solgov.dmi'
+ accessory_icons = list(slot_w_uniform_str = 'maps/torch/icons/mob/onmob_accessories_solgov.dmi', slot_wear_suit_str = 'maps/torch/icons/mob/onmob_accessories_solgov.dmi')
+ w_class = ITEM_SIZE_TINY
+ranks - ec
+ name = "ranks"
+ desc = "Insignia denoting rank of some kind. These appear blank."
+ icon_state = "fleetrank"
+ on_rolled = list("down" = "none")
+ gender = PLURAL
+ high_visibility = 1
+ sprite_sheets = list(
+ SPECIES_UNATHI = 'icons/mob/species/unathi/onmob_accessories_sol_unathi.dmi',
+ SPECIES_RESOMI = 'infinity/icons/mob/species/resomi/onmob_accessories_resomi.dmi'
+ )
+ return null
+ name = "explorer ranks"
+ desc = "Insignia denoting rank of some kind. These appear blank."
+ icon_state = "ecrank_e1"
+ on_rolled = list("down" = "none")
+ name = "ranks (E-1 apprentice explorer)"
+ desc = "Insignia denoting the rank of Apprentice Explorer."
+ icon_state = "ecrank_e1"
+ name = "ranks (E-3 explorer)"
+ desc = "Insignia denoting the rank of Explorer."
+ icon_state = "ecrank_e3"
+ name = "ranks (E-5 senior explorer)"
+ desc = "Insignia denoting the rank of Senior Explorer."
+ icon_state = "ecrank_e5"
+ name = "ranks (E-7 chief explorer)"
+ desc = "Insignia denoting the rank of Chief Explorer."
+ icon_state = "ecrank_e7"
+ name = "ranks (O-1 ensign)"
+ desc = "Insignia denoting the rank of Ensign."
+ icon_state = "ecrank_o1"
+ name = "ranks (O-3 lieutenant)"
+ desc = "Insignia denoting the rank of Lieutenant."
+ icon_state = "ecrank_o3"
diff --git a/maps/sierra/loadout/loadout_accessories.dm b/maps/sierra/loadout/loadout_accessories.dm
index 42b56e09a6a..31bfb2517e9 100644
--- a/maps/sierra/loadout/loadout_accessories.dm
+++ b/maps/sierra/loadout/loadout_accessories.dm
@@ -52,6 +52,24 @@
allowed_roles = list(/datum/job/submap/merchant, /datum/job/submap/merchant_trainee, /datum/job/assistant)
allowed_branches = list(/datum/mil_branch/civilian)
+ display_name = "Expeditionary Corps rank badges selection"
+ description = "An insignia denoting wearer's rank within the SCG Expeditionary Corps."
+ path = /obj/item/clothing/accessory
+ allowed_branches = list(/datum/mil_branch/contractor)
+ ..()
+ var/solgovranks = list()
+ solgovranks["ranks (E-1 apprentice explorer)"] = /obj/item/clothing/accessory/solgov/rank/ec/enlisted
+ solgovranks["ranks (E-3 explorer)"] = /obj/item/clothing/accessory/solgov/rank/ec/enlisted/e3
+ solgovranks["ranks (E-5 senior explorer)"] = /obj/item/clothing/accessory/solgov/rank/ec/enlisted/e5
+ solgovranks["ranks (E-7 chief explorer)"] = /obj/item/clothing/accessory/solgov/rank/ec/enlisted/e7
+ solgovranks["ranks (O-1 ensign)"] = /obj/item/clothing/accessory/solgov/rank/ec/officer
+ solgovranks["ranks (O-3 lieutenant)"] = /obj/item/clothing/accessory/solgov/rank/ec/officer/o3
+ gear_tweaks += new/datum/gear_tweak/path(solgovranks)
display_name = "passports selection - SCG"
description = "A selection of SCG passports."
diff --git a/maps/sierra/sierra.dm b/maps/sierra/sierra.dm
index f08e079e5d1..31b2bef31a2 100644
--- a/maps/sierra/sierra.dm
+++ b/maps/sierra/sierra.dm
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include "items/rigs.dm"
#include "items/stamps.dm"
+ #include "items/clothing/accessory.dm"
#include "items/clothing/clothing.dm"
#include "items/clothing/exploration.dm"
#include "items/clothing/override.dm"