All notable changes to SSV Network contracts will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- c80dc3b - [Feature] Bulk exit of validators.
- 6431a00 - [Feature] Bulk removal of validators.
- 9c609cd - [Feature] Bulk registration of validators.
- c9a90b1 - [Update] Added triggers for compilation in a few tasks (upgrading / updating).
- 4471f05 - [Update] Deployment tests and update task and documentation.
- 7564dfe - [Feature] Integration ssv-keys in ssv-network for generating keyshares.
- 8647401 - [Update]: Configuration for publishing npm package.
- 8f5df42 - Change ValidatorExited signature: owner indexed.
- 0ab954e - Permissionless audited version.
Takes v1.0.0-rc3 as the base tag.
- 8878241 Enable permissionless validator registration.
- bf0c51d A validator can voluntarily exit.
- Audit fixes/recommendations
- Validate a cluster with 0 validators can not be liquidated
- Deployment process now uses hardhat tasks
- The DAO can set a maximum operator fee (SSV)
- Remove the setRegisterAuth function (register operator/validator without restrictions)
- SSVNetworkViews contract does not throw an error as a way of return.