Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (75b1cde)
Merge pull request #618 from AndriiNeverov/schematics-angular11-support (955782a)
Merge pull request #623 from jkiipper/master (1213af3)
Fix: hide ngx-auth-firebaseui-email-confirmation if config.enableEmailVerification=false (0e6ceda)
Merge pull request #1 from AnthonyNahas/master (eb5705d)
Merge pull request #622 from rikwilbrink/patch-2 (21a3508)
Fix background-img Avatar when photoURL is empty (e131ecd)
schematics: upgraded Schematics to 11.1.2 (fe97d88)
fix(project): updated the readme (02b8537)
fix(project): updated the dependencies (4b1a6b6)
Merge pull request #611 from geromegrignon/master (f3868ca)
Merge pull request #616 from anaob/master (61de7dd)
Merge pull request #615 from Dehfw/master (4986b02)
Update the avatar initials when changed in profile (996a771)
Propagate onAccountEdited event (a2ebe84)
Fixes issues #580: ngx-auth-firebaseui-avatar doesn't run onSignOut when clicking "SignOut" from Profile (1b83da4)
fix(lib): upgraded the lib to v^8.0.0 (44c0d03)
fix(lib): upgraded the lib to v^8.0.0 (2674bbf)
feat(lib): add i18n support to ngx-auth-firebaseui-user (fb929b3)
Merge pull request #610 from crunck78/master (9ed2e69)
Update ngx-auth-firebaseui-register.component.ts (c1e4382)
Update ngx-auth-firebaseui-register.md (640d121)
password length validator for standalone registration component (847305a)
Merge pull request #602 from DavidTheProgrammer/master (081d3fd)
login/register: Output raw UserCredentials on login and signup (363c46b)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/AnthonyNahas/ngx-auth-firebaseui (d5dc54c)
Merge pull request #557 from asithade/terms-conditions-privacy-text (34cf813)
Merge pull request #574 from dennismuench/master (d6b344a)
Merge pull request #599 from asithade/autocomplete-password (c62c09d)
Merge branch 'master' into terms-conditions-privacy-text (736f705)
Login: Add Autocomplete on Registration/Login (b5f6756)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/longcharmroeun/ngx-auth-firebaseui (21f7980)
Adjusted Circle CI config (9f12154)
Update ngx-auth-firebaseui-login.component.scss (06cce58)
Register Account: Update Docs (76b657b)
Register Account: T&C + Privacy Policy Dynamic Text Updates (4cf8725)
fix(project): updated the dependencies (ec0ebab)
docs(project): updated the reamde (d4292ea)
fix(lib): updated angular-material-extensions/password-strength (5c95975)
fix(lib): updated angular flex layout (1bd0aee)
fix(lib): updated schematics (b76f380)
fix(lib): updated schematics (fa07ffc)
fix(lib): updated firebase deps (bab2459)
fix(lib): added angular schematics v11 (4fd2e0a)
fix(lib): nguniversal express engine to v11 (ac84aa5)
fix(lib): upgraded angular fire to v6.1.1 (0da9d75)
fix(lib): upgraded angular v11 and other deps incl. firebase v8 (cc14282)
fix(lib): upgraded angular v11 and other deps incl. firebase v8 (86a2b08)
fix(lib): upgraded angular material to v11 (b60c889)
fix(lib): upgraded angular to v11 (2b71fbb)
Merge pull request #595 from longcharmroeun/master (76e8ca0)
fix(lib): added postinstall script to the project (2f7d485)
Merge pull request #584 from DavidTheProgrammer/master (9a43a8d)
Upgrade the lib to Angular 11 (5945332)
fix(lib): updated firebase (6dfba0f)
Added tests (fa6c346)
Added events to login and register button clicks (ba3f2c7)
fix(lib): updated firebase (09dd3be)
fix(lib): updated FUNDING.yml (f3f1f7f)
fix(lib): updated FUNDING.yml (85fbced)
fix(lib): updated the dependencies (2db7bd5)
Create FUNDING.yml (aa2f288)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (bee8ad1)
Merge pull request #559 from firepixy/improved-avatar-by-firepixy (8863bfb)
fix(lib): updated firebase (0b47932)
NgxAuthFirebaseuiAvatarComponent: button with CSS class (a575a2a)
Demo: updated example for ngx-auth-firebaseui-avatar (866b669)
Docs: updated ngx-auth-firebaseui-avatar.md (0784050)
NgxAuthFirebaseuiAvatarComponent: new input properties (b61b7c9)
fix(lib): updated the dependeicies (91b75d3)
fix(lib): apple provider is set ti lower case #397 (18701ca)
Merge pull request #556 from semla/master (fbeff35)
auth.component: Make Go back button optional (f3c0d79)
feat(lib): updating CHANGELOG.md for v4.3.0 (daff43f)
fix(lib): updated firebase, tslib and release changelog package (fcbaa5e)
fix(lib): updated angular material and cdk to v9.2.3 (0cacc41)
fix(lib): updated angular to v9.1.6 (cb541dc)
Merge pull request #539 from DevIntent/fix-user-component (9b86c68)
fix(user): user photo fails to display, edit form & save are broken (db11d16)
Merge pull request #534 from grant-wilson/grant-wilson-patch-1 (067d7a8)
Fix typos in API section of README.md (119c7a3)
fix(lib): updated firebase, tslib and release changelog package (fcbaa5e)
fix(lib): updated angular material and cdk to v9.2.3 (0cacc41)
fix(lib): updated angular to v9.1.6 (cb541dc)
Merge pull request #539 from DevIntent/fix-user-component (9b86c68)
fix(user): user photo fails to display, edit form & save are broken (db11d16)
Merge pull request #534 from grant-wilson/grant-wilson-patch-1 (067d7a8)
Fix typos in API section of README.md (119c7a3)
docs(project): updated the readme (325ad05)
fix(lib): updated deps (f6f8742)
Merge pull request #519 from asithade/bug-fix-register-account (b210659)
Revert (9430719)
Revert "feat(lib): updating CHANGELOG.md for v4.2.0" (09ff2f3)
Release 4.2.0 (abba03f)
feat(lib): updating CHANGELOG.md for v4.2.0 (a337afe)
Fix Register Account Bug (b577442)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (5836b4f)
Merge pull request #499 from semla/tos-privacy-dialog-for-providers (a93fe38)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (1fe1733)
Merge pull request #500 from alonshmiel/can-edit-account (f1b2ab2)
fix(lib): updated deps (86656f7)
Update readme files (f488236)
Merge pull request #513 from mukaschultze/488-remove-internal-rxjs-imports (2add36a)
Merge pull request #509 from asithade/tos-privacy (04c3896)
Forgot to change 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject' (cbd5941)
Remove imports from 'rxjs/internal' (7b0904c)
ToS & Privacy Policy on Register Component (363dd81)
whether to render the edit account button (cf63928)
show tos & privacy dialog also for providers (119feeb)
4.1.0 (2020-04-18)
- lib: minor (a976025)
- lib: support of angular fire v6 # (66ccf56)
- lib: updated 3rd party deps (43b2b01)
- lib: updated angular and material to the latest version (b0511b0)
- lib: updated angular deps to the latest version (59928f4)
- lib: updated angular deps to the latest version (acef244)
- lib: updated angular material and cdk to v9.2.0 (a281e32)
4.0.4 (2020-04-07)
- lib: minor - export
4.0.3 (2020-03-29)
4.0.2 (2020-03-27)
- lib: updated angular cli (4c0396e)
4.0.1 (2020-02-17)
- lib: fixed node engine version (42fa8b6)
- lib: inc. version (efeb46f)
- lib: updated package.json file (f093641)
4.0.0 (2020-02-16)
- demo: added getting started component (8a7716c)
- demo: added the required assets (4a1daee)
- demo: improved the new demo app (2aa0767)
- demo: integration of the lib with angular v9 demo app (b326c11)
- demo: integration of the lib with angular v9 demo app (96108a5)
- demo: integration of the lib with angular v9 demo app (f493b10)
- demo: updated the demo app with angular v9 (6513065)
- demo: updated the demo app with angular v9 (bd18548)
- demo: updated the dependencies (8aca5e7)
- lib: alignment icons are now safe (d86b33d)
- lib: updated angular deps to v9.0.1 (5fbb120)
- lib: updated package.json file (59e0eed)
- lib: updated package.json file (02eaed5)
- lib: updated the angular fire to v5.4.1 (a909315)
- lib: updated the dependencies (6b829e3)
- lib: upgraded the lib to angular V9 (918e594)
- czech tranlation (fcfab00)
- lib: added apple support #397 (83488e8)
- lib: updating CHANGELOG.md for v4.0.0 (b61827a)
- lib: updating CHANGELOG.md for v4.0.0 (801a337)
4.0.0 (2020-02-16)
- demo: added getting started component (8a7716c)
- demo: added the required assets (4a1daee)
- demo: improved the new demo app (2aa0767)
- demo: integration of the lib with angular v9 demo app (b326c11)
- demo: integration of the lib with angular v9 demo app (96108a5)
- demo: integration of the lib with angular v9 demo app (f493b10)
- demo: updated the demo app with angular v9 (6513065)
- demo: updated the demo app with angular v9 (bd18548)
- demo: updated the dependencies (8aca5e7)
- lib: alignment icons are now safe (d86b33d)
- lib: updated angular deps to v9.0.1 (5fbb120)
- lib: updated package.json file (59e0eed)
- lib: updated package.json file (02eaed5)
- lib: updated the angular fire to v5.4.1 (a909315)
- lib: updated the dependencies (6b829e3)
- lib: upgraded the lib to angular V9 (918e594)
- czech tranlation (fcfab00)
- lib: added apple support #397 (83488e8)
- lib: updating CHANGELOG.md for v4.0.0 (801a337)
4.0.0 (2020-02-16)
- demo: added getting started component (8a7716c)
- demo: added the required assets (4a1daee)
- demo: improved the new demo app (2aa0767)
- demo: integration of the lib with angular v9 demo app (b326c11)
- demo: integration of the lib with angular v9 demo app (96108a5)
- demo: integration of the lib with angular v9 demo app (f493b10)
- demo: updated the demo app with angular v9 (6513065)
- demo: updated the demo app with angular v9 (bd18548)
- demo: updated the dependencies (8aca5e7)
- lib: alignment icons are now safe (d86b33d)
- lib: updated angular deps to v9.0.1 (5fbb120)
- lib: updated package.json file (59e0eed)
- lib: updated package.json file (02eaed5)
- lib: updated the angular fire to v5.4.1 (a909315)
- lib: updated the dependencies (6b829e3)
- lib: upgraded the lib to angular V9 (918e594)
3.5.0 (2020-01-08)
- demo: run demo in AOT mode (08efe9f)
- demo: updated angular and other dependencies (762ddd4)
- demo: updated firebase and other dependencies (982e57e)
- package: fixed condition, show displayNameInitials only if user photoURL is not available (2a1ae29)
- package: handle null values in components (e85f404)
- package: Undefined provider fails prod build (1e563b6)
- package: updated angular and other dependencies (1af5550)
- package: updated angular, firebase and other dependencies (0aeafd3)
- package: updated firebase to v7.6.1 (1241ea8)
3.4.2 (2019-10-10)
- demo: minor fix (8ffffc0)
- demo: updated angular and other dependencies (1b2099a)
- demo: updated angular and other dependencies (d9c1890)
- demo: updated angular material (08308e8)
- package: fixed minor issue in the avatar template (e00d402)
- package: show displaYNameInitials only if user photoURL is not available (94f473b)
- package: updated angular and other dependencies (2828bae)
- package: updated angular and other dependencies (76b1be7)
- project: added all files again (8e9dd1d)
- project: converted the services to singleton (2723c6f)
3.4.1 (2019-08-24)
- package: added missed
input in the login component (ce783d9) - package: do not render the or label if there were no providers (cbe20e8)
- package: removed the remember password checkbox for now (future feature) (079777a)
3.4.0 (2019-08-23)
- demo: minor - adjusted the highlight code for the new components (9de7709)
- demo: updated angular, firebase and other dependencies (ad81691)
- i18n: remove hardcoded error messages for password length (de57dd0)
- package: added i18n support for the name input + tos as feature (f117ca7)
- package: added onLoginRequested event in
#323 (13c5478) - package: added the export of
(09951a1) - package: adjusted the animations of
#323 (647e195) - package: adjusted the imports #316 (e1e5ab2)
- package: improved
- dynamic color palette (08f372c) - package: improved
+ i18n support (d1f1724) - package: improved
| dynamic color palette #323 (220d855) - package: initialized the providers in
(04bc86c) - package: integration of auth providers #316 (cb4f36b)
- package: issue with generating angular components solved #316 (ecda449)
- package: orth. in
's templatephotoURL
(7c6aaf8) - package: removed tos and pp checkboxes for now in
#323 (b4ed0e4) - package: removed unwanted files #316 (6539538)
- package: updated
fired (29bf087) - package: updated angular, material, firebase and other dev deps (69ecdc6)
- package: updated the animations of
(df257c9) - reset-password: hide auth providers in reset password tab (0527d49)
- package: added animations to the ngx-auth-firebaseui component (27b7704)
- package: added new single register component #323 (8bad446)
- package: added onCreateAccountRequested event
comp. #316 (0f3c600) - package: added the first draft of
comp. #316 (e5fec91) - package: enhanced - i18n |
comp. #316 (4071c63) - package: enhanced - i18n and more |
comp. #316 (e4dc5f8) - package: enhanced the animations of the auth providers component (708b3a2)
- package: integration of firebase auth in
#323 (4b26a30) - providers: add possibility to override theme too in auth component (a73bb7f)
3.3.2 (2019-08-09)
3.3.1 (2019-08-08)
- demo: revert angular version to v8.1.2 (90f268b)
- demo: updated angular and other dependencies (7904958)
- package: do not break the route of authGuardLoggedInURL is not provided #309 (c3296bd)
- package: updated angular and other dependencies (4eb7e01)
- package: updated angular material and firebase to the latest version (e2ed829)
3.3.0 (2019-08-02)
- package: initialize the min max on comp. init (7d4704b)
- password: make sure min-max input parameters are respected #297 (4ff8f5e)
3.2.6 (2019-07-25)
3.2.5 (2019-07-25)
- demo: updated angular to v8.1.2 (e8c052c)
- demo: updated firebase, bootstrap and other deps (15bf59c)
- demo: updated the demo app (a628df4)
- demo: updated the demo app #298 (1d3a4fa)
- package: updated angular, password strength lib and firebase (132f5b5)
3.2.4 (2019-07-17)
- package: select the right tab when forgot password action is requested #121 (a87b2df)
- package: updated angular material to v8.1.1 (bdebe63)
3.2.3 (2019-07-15)
- package: added the onSuccess and the onError events to the providers comp. #257 (7e806b4)
- package: updated the schematics (94f893b)
- package: updated the versions in schematics module (7a2b78d)
3.2.2 (2019-07-14)
- package: typeError: "this.passwordStrength is undefined" when disabling registration tab #286 (345ddba)
3.2.1 (2019-07-10)
- demo: remove for root at
(d8218b4) - demo: updated angular and other deps #284 (070feee)
- package: updated the dependencies (angular and rollup) #284 (4e65767)
- package: updated the schematics of the lib #284 (cbc1cbd)
3.2.0 (2019-07-08)
- demo2: removed deprecated demo2 app (17a6b0e)
3.1.0 (2019-07-07)
- demo: updated @nguniversal/express-engine (bad1a31)
- demo: updated angular v8.1 (e8c3c66)
- demo: updated firebase tools (0d7b09d)
- package: updated @angular-material-extensions/password-strength to v4 #191 (c1493fb)
- package: updated the dependencies (e5d328e)
- package: implemented the password strength api #191 (f31efc9)
- package: implemented the password strength api #191 (3968d12)
3.0.1 (2019-07-03)
- project: updated the deps (cb3d160)
3.0.0 (2019-07-02)
- demo: updated firebase to v6 (9032860)
- demo: updated the dependencies (018f8f4)
- demo: upgraded angular material to v8 (98773ef)
- demo: upgraded angular material to v8.0.1 #277 (4a94994)
- demo: upgraded angular to v8 #277 (2c062ef)
- demo: upgraded the demo app to v8 (a0338e8)
- package: error in ngx-auth-firebaseui-avatar (e9128f5)
- package: minor (a5dfaad)
- package: remove debug print (fcc8b91)
- package: solved
is now dynamic #254 (24d00b2) - package: updated the dependencies (fbdcd2c)
- package: updated the dependencies (a72f20d)
- package: updated the dependencies (2287e70)
- package: updated the package-lock.json files (2686376)
- package: upgraded angular and material to v8 #277 (c9e173b)
2.7.2 (2019-05-16)
- package: stop rendering the reset pass tab on init (57384f2)
2.7.1 (2019-05-15)
2.7.0 (2019-05-14)
- demo: integration of the page material extension in the features component (e9a57f4)
- demo: updated deps (77e8e7e)
- demo: updated rxjs to v6.5.2 and firebase-tools to 6.9.2 (5cba55f)
- package: adjusted the snackbar msg on deleting the user (d7d1b92)
- package: deleted the old user component files (51900c1)
- package: deleting the old auth comp. files (4407136)
- package: deleting user fixed + minor update at #217 (913cf7a)
- package: minor (f309cae)
- package: minor in user component (38c6669)
- package: unknown changes fixed (988bc1a)
- package: updated @angular-material-extensions/password-strength to v3.8.1 #239 (0b5300e)
- package: updated angular and other dependencies (414e605)
- package: updated angular and other dependencies (82bb7ae)
- package: updated angular and password strength's lib (1011dac)
- package: updated dependencies (ed4bc8b)
- package: updated rxjs to v6.5.2 (994a6e7)
- package: updated types jest (a4e95f1)
- package: updating the display name in firestore fixed on registration #216 (ec129d8)
- demo: added new angular material demo app from scratch (2a3efc8)
- demo: added translations #226 #76 (470a154)
- demo: added translations #226 #76 (f5c01ac)
- demo: added translations #226 #76 (aaaea74)
- demo-schematics: minor update npm scripts (484eddf)
- package: added required attribute to the email input #226 #76 (4c15900)
- package: enhanced the translations #226 #76 (ab1a562)
- package: removed the input placeholder (since we use labels) in main component #226 #76 (0b1ce2e)
- package: support custom text (i18n) for the main component #226 #76 (0ac7c13)
- package: support custom text (i18n) for the reset pass tab #226 #76 (c2a23aa)
- package: typo #226 #76 (d076958)
2.6.0 (2019-03-26)
- demo: migrate
(7df9e2e) - demo: updated angular to v7.2.10 (efec90c)
- package: bind sigUpNameFormControl for name input errors (f810cca)
- package: updated @angular-material-extensions/password-strength to v3.6.0 + rollup (4cbebb8)
- package: updated angular to v7.2.10 and material password strength (22d9beb)
- package: added
component (f328f22) - package: added new component
(69ba656) - package: added the ability disable editing the account in the user component (2098d3e)
- package: integration of
for the pass strength (0b7a77d)
2.5.2 (2019-03-13)
- package: merge config when the auth process service is injected (61632b0)
- package: updated angular fire to v5.1.2 (01473a4)
2.5.1 (2019-03-12)
- package: fixed the package path in the schematics file (634b0fb)
2.5.0 (2019-03-11)
- package: added the first version of
's schematics #204 (3c37c6d) - package: minor - schematics #204 (36e1cd2)
- package: schematics improved #204 (e58d5db)
2.4.0 (2019-02-28)
- demo: updated angular material to v7.3.3 (9c09a8c)
- demo: updated angular to v7.2.7 (63fc337)
- demo: updated deps (a194478)
- demo: updated package-lock.json (4d97044)
- demo: updated ts-node and ts-lint (c52f6be)
- package: updated jest and gulp deps (21e634c)
- package: updated ts to v3.2.4 and removed karma dependencies (5a85d91)
- demo: added a registration component as example for new input #202 (0d648c7)
- demo: added reset password component as example in the demo app #202 (ec33493)
- demo: added the route for the demo reset password component (e3753ff)
- package: ability to disable
reset password
#202 (265408f) - package: added
as input forngx-auth-firebaseui
2.3.3 (2019-02-24)
- demo: updated angular to v7.2.4 and material to v7.3.2 and other deps (4add7a1)
- demo: updated angular to v7.2.6 (204d72b)
- package: assign default config after initializing the main component # 190 (5684afd)
- package: updated angular to v7.2.6, firebase and other deps (55063d5)
- package: updated angular to v7.3.2 (3d1e7fc)
- package: updated firebase to v5.8.3 (3bcf0d0)
- package: added
output event to the user component (d7950fc) - package: added phone number as auth provider (beta) (ff8b86e)
2.3.2 (2019-02-10)
- demo: export function of firebase app name factory to support aot (c0647e2)
- package: fixed export bug with ES5 at auth providers #179 (73ca9b9)
- package: updated minor packages (1412b2d)
2.3.1 (2019-02-08)
2.3.0 (2019-02-05)
- demo: updated the package-lock.json (746b20b)
- package: add signup middleware to the registration process too - @bailejl 100 Thanks #172 (c0f2eb6)
- package: added angular router as dependency (677925e)
- package: added try and catch block for the handling success async method (2bc3ed9)
- package: merge default config without overriding the forwarded values from user #155 (46ec424)
- package: removed
from config and docs - deprecated (5447e31) - package: updated angular material and csk to v7.3.1 (da1c95c)
- package: updated angular to v7.1.4 and firebase to v5.7.1 (8539db6)
- package: updated angular to v7.2.3 and other deps (92e5b0e)
- package: updated firebase and other dependencies (076ca43)
- package: upgraded angular to v7.2.2 (5f90dfc)
- package: upgraded rollup to v1 (3e5529d)
- app: added separate firebase config and two new options 'canLogout' and 'canDeleteAccount' (3157c8f)
- package: ability to interpolate the input
#163 (9eb7094) - package: add LoggedInGuard (7f3b17f)
2.2.1 (2018-12-15)
- package: make sure messageOnAuthSuccess is undefined by default (b0ed27f)
2.2.0 (2018-12-11)
- demo: changed the base href in the index.html for lazyloading modules (9b4727d)
- demo: replaced code input with highlight (0963b25)
- demo: upgraded ngx-highlightjs to v3 (cc8af62)
2.1.0 (2018-11-05)
- demo: updated dependencies of the demo app - angular v7 (3f7f4e3)
- package: added the ability to modify the snackbar messages in runtime (d748ca8)
- package: upgraded angular to v7 and ts v3.1.3 (d0475a0)
2.0.1 (2018-09-29)
- package: import of 'firebase/auth' has been added to create auth providers (cdbe00a)
2.0.0 (2018-09-29)
- package: defining the auth providers in the authentication service (11ae0b3)
- package: fixed the import of firebase and firebase/auth (f151188)
- package: fixed typeError: Cannot read property 'photoURL' of null #116 (d4cf1b0)
- package: reset signup form group after signing up successfully #118 (6d25754)
- package: select the appropriate tab when forgot password action is requested #121 (f998cc4)
- package: vertical alignment of the icon button of the providers fixed #117 (bb83b46)
- package: added new optional input to customize the appearance of the
#119 (a83530c) - package: added optional
input forngx-auth-firebaseui
(74b504c) - package: added tos and pp middleware as dialog for registration #80 (6768351)
1.2.0 (2018-08-07)
- package: adjusted the import statements of the firebase module #112 (b4aa7f2)
- package: path of config interface to support aot
- ngx-auth-firebaseui-providers: dded NgxAuthFirebaseUIConfig to the module (6e2f0d6)
- project: integration of @angular-material-extensions/password-strength (37f1631)
- project: snackbar message is now optional via NgxAuthFirebaseUIConfig #83 (631fed5)
1.1.1 (2018-06-15)
1.1.0 (2018-06-11)
- icons: added new assets of material design icons (5057e9e)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: added more themes for the auth providers buttons (41477af)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: continue as guest button is now optional via
input (2f3dd9f)
1.0.0 (2018-06-01)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: at anonymously sign in (8e3880b)
- package: removed mat-label for the register tab due a bug with material2 (c1969c7)
- package: sign in results are all now UserCredential du to the update of firebase (dd3f5a6)
- package: sign u result is now UserCredential due to the update of firebase (f0f425d)
- package: update @angular/cdk to version 6.2.0 (59a39f9)
- package: update @angular/material to version 6.2.0 (b2560c8)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: sync firestore with firebase's authntication on user's delete (ab5ca7e)
- package: added a template for the user component when not authenticated (c7c4cec)
- phone_number: added regex for phone number's form controller's validator (c6bdf55)
- provider: by default all providers will be available with ngx-auth-firebaseui-providers (276db04)
- providers: added optional layout input | "row" or "column" (78d92e9)
- user: update and sync user with firestore when editing user's properties incl. phone number (0c525a1)
0.8.0 (2018-05-23)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: setting timestampsInSnapshots to true for firebase settings (15e191b)
- package: update ngx-material-password-strength to version 2.0.0 (33a34d9)
- project: downgrading firebase to v.4.10.1 due to some bugs (5778f7f)
- assets: added additional users svg images (ebb68f6)
- assets: added anonymous sign in and delete account functionality (985fc1a)
- assets: added sign in as guest feature (f8f65cb)
- assets: added verification's email status and onAccountDeleted output event (0f3b889)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: added accounts enum to parse svg images in the auth process (2d78a6b)
0.7.0 (2018-04-29)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: ability to configure the auth providers (82c1fb5)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: default value for the provider input --> 'all' (80b7ff8)
0.6.1 (2018-04-24)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: correction of the email regex in the auth.component.ts (f7c5663)
0.6.0 (2018-04-23)
0.5.7 (2018-04-22)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: removed unwanted imports (16b4292)
0.5.6 (2018-04-16)
0.5.5 (2018-04-15)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: added ngx-material-password-strength as npm dependency (c185039)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: added the peerDependencies to gulp for rollup (7ea4809)
0.5.4 (2018-04-12)
0.5.3 (2018-04-11)
0.5.2 (2018-04-06)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: updated gulp script to copy the assets dir (0f3bdcf)
0.5.1 (2018-04-04)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: added password strength component (b1b7fd5)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: integration of password strength + added loading progress bar (d068716)
0.5.0 (2018-04-03)
- demo: added the missed manifest files + g analytics (a475804)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: added missed assets (8713d6d)
- ngx-auth-firebaseui: added the missed github provider to the auth process service #3 (5e4451c)
- demo: added another demoapp with angular-cli (generated) --> demo-app will be deprecated (0f9b1ae)
- demo: added firebase config for hosting (95bb009)
- project: added editor config file (068b42f)