GitLab is a complete DevOps platform With GitLab, you get a complete CI/CD toolchain in a single application. One interface. One conversation. One permission model. Thousands of features. You'll be amazed at everything GitLab can do today. And we're just getting started.
You can get Gitlab up and running by running the following command in the hashiqube source repository
🕒 Duration 15 - 30 minutes
💡 We will bring up the Docker daemon and Minikube and then deploy Gitlab ontop of Minikube using Helm
During the install process you can open the Kubernetes Dashboard once Minikube has been installed - Initally you will see some red as Gitlab pods and services start up, later this will all turn to green.
bash docker/
bash minikube/
bash gitlab/
vagrant up --provision-with basetools,docker,docsify,minikube,gitlab
docker compose exec hashiqube /bin/bash
bash hashiqube/
bash docker/
bash docsify/
bash minikube/
bash gitlab/
The above Gitlab provision will look like this
You can now login to Gitlab at http://localhost:5580 and login with Username root
and the password printed out example: jMh629reoQ7FqtillBmLQZPY69JUStSFATXD11T5wMk39NtNezqIKohcIIwoxwvl
You can follow along with the rest of the documentation here:
Locally: http://localhost:3333/gitlab/README?id=you-are-here
You have just ran the Gitlab provisioner and Gitlab should now be installed.
Please login with username root and the password that was printed out
Now you should be logged into Gitlab, and you will see a page looking like this
Now let's create our first project in Gitlab
Click on Create a Project -> Create a Blank project and enter the project name as test
Select the namespace as root
Make it a Public repository
And click Create Project
Our Test Repository has been created
Now we need to add our SSH key to our User Profile in Gitlab, we can then clone this repository locally, using our SSH keys as authentication.
To do that, please navigate to Top Left, Click on your Profile Icon image and click on Preferences
Now please navigate to SSH Keys
On your laptop in a Terminal Window, please do:
cat ~/.ssh/
It should look something like this
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDIgkrDFTASaZYyJfGd0swmUZaol3JSZmO6D74230CtZjz/YrHq4QL34r5z4oPz9gO8f0l6kN8Hz6BEhAIzArg8kDI9lrsPXypCqlahE49cuzNH3C5GEC9MHo46U6+ZG2IOwCXjiP5ohnXyG8ho8N1BVpDa0xyVevy4COg4malaLVcRwP73YwgxiitNLWcq8k8nB [email protected]
Copy that key, we will enter it now, navigate back to Gitlab
Add Key
Now we have a method to authenticate to Gitlab, now we can clone our Test repository we created earlier!
Navigate back to the home page of Gitlab, and click on your test repository.
Now, to the right you will see a Clone Button, please click on that, and Copy the Clone with SSH
in there. So please don't use that, it won;t work.
I will clone this to my ~/workspace/personal/test
directory, and I will use this command git clone ssh://git@localhost:32022/root/test.git
The output is below
Now that we have cloned the Test repository locally, we can add files to it. For our first file we are going to add a .gitlab-ci.yml
Gitlab Pipeline file.
So create a new file in the test reposiroty directory, called .gitlab-ci.yml
with the following content
- test
- build
- dev
- stg
- prd
stage: test
- echo 'Here you can run tests'
stage: build
- echo 'After Test stage was successful, here you can run build your container'
stage: dev
- echo 'After Build stage was successful, here you can run your Development environment deployment'
stage: stg
- echo 'After Dev stage was successful, here you can run your Staging environment deployment'
stage: prd
- echo 'After Stg stage was successful, here you can run your Production environment deployment'
Here is a screenshot of what I did, and the commands will be below that you can copy and past.
cd test
nano .gitlab-ci.yml
git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
git add .gitlab-ci.yml
git commit -am "adding .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline file"
[main 0fe4e09] adding .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline file
1 file changed, 35 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .gitlab-ci.yml
git push
Enumerating objects: 4, done.
Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Delta compression using up to 10 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 573 bytes | 573.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
To ssh://localhost:32022/root/test.git
29c151b..0fe4e09 main -> main
Now when you navigate back to the Gitlab Test Reposiroty and you refresh the page, you will see that our file have been added.
In the next section we will add a Runner to run our pipeline, enjoy!
Let's add a Gitlab runner for our test
project, please navigate to Settings -> CI/CD
Now please expand Runners
and click on New Project Runner
Run Untagged Jobs
And click on Create Runner.
Remember that BUG I mentioned above? :bug:
Well you will now get a blank page, because it redirects us to the URL: http://localhost/root/test/-/runners/1/register?platform=linux
So please add the :5580
after localhost in the URL adrress bar and press enter
You see the text in Register Runner, Step 1? Copy that, mine looks like below, BUT LOK CLOSELY, You see the BUG again? It's missing the port!! :5580
gitlab-runner register --url http://localhost --token glrt-NRYUnqLZ2yzyutC1MYVV
So remember to add the port there so that it looks like
gitlab-runner register --url http://localhost:5580 --token glrt-NRYUnqLZ2yzyutC1MYVV
Now let's head over to our Hashiqube instance, in our hashiqube directory, we can do
vagrant ssh
And we'll register our runner in the Hashiqube instance, be sure to remember to add the port in there
Now you can do step 3 where we run the runner
gitlab-runner run
When you now go back to your Gitlab page you will see 🎉 You've created a new runner!
You can now click on Go to the Runners page and you will see it is registered and ready to accept jobs
Ok, so we have a Test Project, We have a registered Runner and we have a Pipeline, so let's run our pipeline. Please navigate on your left to Build - Pipelines
and you will see in the next screen your pipeline is running
To see what the Pipeline Jobs did, please navigate to Jobs
on the left and then click on one of those jobs
And that's it for now folks, thank you for taking the time to go through this tutorial with me and thank you for using Hashiqube, I hope you had fun!