(UTC -08:00)
CUE Ecosystem
The home of the CUE language! Validate and define text-based and dynamic configuration
Timoni is a package manager for Kubernetes, powered by CUE and inspired by Helm.
A tool for generating, validating & sharing all your configurations, powered by CUE. Works with Kubernetes, Terraform, Compose, GitHub actions and much more...
CUE-lang helper utility for debugging and development
Sigstore Policy Controller - an admission controller that can be used to enforce policy on a Kubernetes cluster based on verifiable supply-chain metadata from cosign
CUEK8s is an experimental environment for a CUE based approach to Kubernetes manifest management.
Example of using CUE to model baremetal network configurations
A Kubernetes controller for CUE via Flux
A curated list of awesome CUE frameworks, libraries and software
Experimental CUE packages for generating Flux configurations
Terraform provider for evaluting CUE to render JSON
Truly declarative kubernetes manifests via cuelang
A simple (experimental) tool for generating Kubernetes manifest from templates based on CUE