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Releases: stcorp/coda


04 Nov 16:22
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πŸ“… 2011-09-02

  • Added coda_open_as().
  • Fixed issue where CODA was producing error messages when trying to read
    Variable Scale Factor integers.
  • Fixed endian conversion problem in GRIB backend for Grid Definition Section
  • Fixed issue where MATLAB coda_size() function did not work on the root of
    a product if the root was an array.
  • Fixed issue where expressions on ascii content in xml products were not able
    to use the attribute content of the encapsulating xml element.
  • Fixed matching of product format detection expressions based on file names on
    Windows when the path to the file used '' characters instead of '/'.
  • libcoda is now linked statically into the CODA IDL DLM again on Unix systems
    (regression from CODA 1.1). This eliminates the need for users to set a
    runtime shared library path.
  • Fixed wrong fieldname in CODA documentation of SP3-c mapping.
  • Removed the text format restriction on 'product type' names (they no longer
    have to consist of only a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '_' characters).


04 Nov 16:22
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πŸ“… 2011-07-21

  • CODA now has a logo.
  • Added coda_type_get_attributes().
  • Added support for SP3-c format.
  • Added XML Schema export option to codadd.
  • Fixed documentation for 'exists()' expression. This function can also be used
    on non-existing paths (instead of only being able to test for availability of
    optional record fields).


04 Nov 16:22
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πŸ“… 2011-05-17

  • Fixed issue that prevented correctly opening GRIB files.


04 Nov 16:23
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πŸ“… 2011-04-20

  • Major redesign of the backend architecture of CODA with the aim to:
    • Easier add format-specific backends for which the data will be kept fully
      in memory, such as for the RINEX and SP3c formats.
    • Prepare for future support for specification of data formats through
      .codadef files for self describing formats such as HDF5 and netCDF for
      format verification purposes.
  • Added RINEX backend, currently only supporting Observation and Navigation
    data for RINEX version 3.0.
  • Added skeleton for upcoming SP3-c backend. Although SP3-c files can currently
    be opened, the product is mapped as an empty record. A full implementation of
    the SP3-c backend will arrive in the next CODA version.
  • Removed coda_type_has_ascii_content() function.
    It is now only possible to determine the 'ascii content' property
    dynamically using coda_cursor_has_ascii_content().
  • Added coda_eval() function to IDL and MATLAB interfaces to allow evaluation
    of CODA expressions.
  • coda_type_get_record_field_real_name() now gives the actual name for:
    • XML element and attribute names
    • HDF4 GRImage, SDS, Vdata, and Vgroup names
    • netCDF variable and attribute names
  • Added coda_type_get_record_field_index_from_real_name()
  • Added productformat() to CODA expressions.
  • Improved performance of reading bitmasked GRIB data and fixed memory leak
    in GRIB backend.


04 Nov 16:23
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πŸ“… 2010-12-20

  • Added coda_get_product_definition_file().
  • Added support for Bit Maps for GRIB1 and GRIB2.
  • Fixed possible memory corruption when coda_init() was called again after
  • Fixed memory leaks in GRIB backend for coda_done().
  • Fixes in CMake build.


04 Nov 16:23
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πŸ“… 2010-12-01

  • CODA can now be build using MSYS/MinGW on Windows.
  • Fixed issue with GRIB backend on systems that require strict word alignment.
  • Added support for GRIB files with spacing between the GRIB messages.


04 Nov 16:24
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πŸ“… 2010-11-08

  • Added support for reading of GRIB1 and GRIB2 formatted data. Support is
    currently limited to data stored with simple packing and using a lat/lon or
    Gaussian grid.
  • Added public C API for creating and evaluating CODA expressions.
    A wrapper interface is available for Fortran, Python, and Java.
  • Added regex functions to CODA expression language. The functions use PCRE,
    which is now included with CODA, to evaluate the regular expressions.
  • Added support for raw strings (i.e. strings where the escape sequences are
    not evaluated by CODA) in the expression language. A raw string starts with
    'r' (similar to Python): r"no \escaping" -> "no \escaping"
  • Added codaeval command line tool to verify and evaluate CODA expressions.
  • Added new time functions to the C interface (with Fortran, Python, and Java
    wrappers) that can deal with leap seconds (they convert between TAI and UTC):
    coda_utcdatetime_to_double(), coda_double_to_utcdatetime(),
    coda_time_to_utcstring(), coda_utcstring_to_time()
  • C interface types coda_ProductFile, coda_Type, and coda_Cursor are now called
    coda_product, coda_type, and coda_cursor. Defines are still available for the
    old type names to allow backward compatibility.
  • Added coda_type_get_record_field_real_name().
  • Added coda_set_definition_path_conditional().
  • codadump no longer shows execution time information for HDF4 export.
    The list view of codadump also does not quote the type names anymore.
  • Fixed error handling of Python coda.string_to_time() function.
  • Added variant of unboundindex() expression function that can take an explicit
    termination condition as third argument.
  • Windows build of CODA is now performed using Visual Studio 2008 (9.0).
    The MATLAB build on Windows now requires MATLAB R2007b or later.


04 Nov 16:24
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πŸ“… 2010-06-11

  • Fixes in CMake build files for big-endian systems.


04 Nov 16:25
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πŸ“… 2010-05-10

  • Added support for reading of 24, 40, 48, and 56 bit little endian integers.


04 Nov 16:25
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πŸ“… 2010-04-02

  • Fixes in CMake build files.