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Xiang Zhu edited this page Aug 10, 2016 · 16 revisions

Example 1: Fit the RSS model via MCMC


This example illustrates how to fit an RSS model using MCMC simulation. Three types of prior distributions are considered: BVSR, BSLMM and ASH. The output of MCMC is further used to estimate SNP heritability.


The summary-level data are computed from a simulated GWAS dataset. The GWAS data are simulated under the Scenario 2.1 in the RSS paper. Specifically, 100 "causal" SNPs are randomly drawn from 12758 SNPs on chromosome 16 (WTCCC UK Blood Service Control Group), with effect sizes coming from N(0,1). The true PVE (SNP heritability) is 0.2.

The population LD matrix is estimated from a reference panel (WTCCC 1958 British Birth Cohort), using the shrinkage estimator in Wen and Stephens (2010).

To reproduce results of Example 1, please use example1.m.

Before running example1.m, please make sure the MCMC subroutines of RSS are installed. See here for instructions.

Step-by-step illustration

Step 1. Download the simulated summary-level data example1.mat. Please contact us if you have trouble accessing this file.

The example1.mat contains the following data.

  • betahat: 12758 by 1 vector, the single-SNP effect size estimate for each SNP
  • se: 12758 by 1 vector, the standard errors of the single-SNP effect size estimates
  • Nsnp: 12758 by 1 vector, the sample size of each SNP
  • R: 12758 by 12758 matrix, the LD matrix estimated from a reference panel
  • bwd: integer, the bandwidth of the matrix R
  • BR: (bwd+1) by 12758 matrix, the banded storage of the matrix R

Note that only betahat, se, Nsnp and R are needed for model fitting. The other two quantities, bwd and BR, are used in SNP heritability calculation.

Step 2. Check the "small effects" model assumption.

Using the summary data, we can compute the squared sample correlation between the phenotype and each SNP. We check the "small effects" assumption by looking at these marginal squared correlation values.

>> chatsqr = (betahat(:).^2) ./ (Nsnp(:).*(se(:).^2) + betahat(:).^2);
>> disp(prctile(log10(chatsqr), 0:25:100));
  -11.6029   -4.1154   -3.4721   -2.9962   -1.5982

Since our data is simulated from genotypes on a single chromosome, the simulated effect sizes per SNP are larger than would be expected in a typical GWAS (Table 1 in the RSS paper).

Step 3. Fit the RSS-BVSR, RSS-BSLMM and RSS-ASH model via MCMC.

To fit the RSS-BVSR and RSS-BSLMM model, only the length of MCMC simulation is needed.

Ndraw = 2e6;
Nburn = 2e5;
Nthin = 9e1;
[betasam, gammasam, hsam, logpisam, Naccept] = rss_bvsr(betahat, se, R, Nsnp, Ndraw, Nburn, Nthin);
[bsam, zsam, lpsam, hsam, rsam, Naccept] = rss_bslmm(betahat, se, R, Nsnp, Ndraw, Nburn, Nthin);

The fitting of RSS-ASH model requires a grid for the prior standard deviations for the effect sizes.

Ndraw = 5e7;
Nburn = 1e7;
Nthin = 1e3;
sigma_beta = [0 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3];
[bsam, zsam, wsam, lsam, Naccept] = rss_ash(betahat, se, R, Nsnp, sigma_beta, Ndraw, Nburn, Nthin);

Step 4. Estimate the SNP heritability.

We now use the posterior of multiple-SNP effect sizes to estimate the SNP heritability.

M = length(hsam); % the length of posterior simulations
pvesam = zeros(M,1); % preallocate the pve posterior estimates
for i = 1:M 
  pvesam(i) = compute_pve(bsam(i,:), betahat, se, Nsnp, bwd, BR, 1);

Recall that the SNP heritability estimator (Equation 3.8 in the RSS paper) involves vector-matrix-vector product. To speed the calculation, we exploit the banded structure of R and use the banded version of vector-matrix-vector product implemented in lapack. Hence, the banded storage BR, instead of the original form R, is used to calculate the SNP heritability.

Step 5. Summarize the results.

The data is simulated with the true SNP heritability (PVE) being 0.2. The following table summarizes the posterior estimates (with 95% credible interval) and the total computational time (including MCMC iterations and PVE calculations) for the three models.

Model PVE estimation Total time
RSS-BVSR 0.200 [0.125, 0.290] 1.38 hours
RSS-BSLMM 0.216 [0.136, 0.306] 2.52 hours
RSS-ASH 0.197 [0.114, 0.286] 6.69 hours

The following histograms depict the posterior distributions of estimated SNP heritability under the three models. example1_pve

More simulations

The simulations in Section 4.2 of the RSS paper are essentially "replications" of the example above. To facilitate reproducible research, we make the simulated datasets for Scenario 2.1 and 2.2 publicly available (link).

Each simulated dataset contains three files: genotype.txt, phenotype.txt and simulated_data.mat. The files genotype.txt and phenotype.txt are the genotype and phenotype files for GEMMA. The file simulated_data.mat contains three cells.

true_para = {pve, beta, gamma, sigma};
individual_data = {y, X};
summary_data = {betahat, se, Nsnp};

Only the summary_data cell is used as the input for RSS methods.

The RSS methods also require an estimated LD matrix. This matrix R is provided in the file genotype.mat.

After applying RSS methods to these simulated data, we obtain the following results.

Scenario 2.1 (sparse), True PVE = 0.2

Scenario 2.1 (sparse), True PVE = 0.6

Scenario 2.2 (polygenic), True PVE = 0.2

Scenario 2.2 (polygenic), True PVE = 0.6