- Use released dependencies in gherkin.gemspec for c21e and cucumber-messages-ruby
- Set up automated releases for these projects
- Fix the travis build (deploy stage) in gherkin-{java,javascript,ruby}. See gherkin-go
- Set up build triggering for tagged builds
- Use script similar to: https://hiddentao.com/archives/2016/08/29/triggering-travis-ci-build-from-another-projects-build/
- Also see API: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/triggering-builds
- Regular tagged build does not deploy
- Triggered tagged build deploys
- Trigger module (go) knows what to trigger
- Use script similar to: https://hiddentao.com/archives/2016/08/29/triggering-travis-ci-build-from-another-projects-build/
- Ruby
- Fix rubygems access control: https://travis-ci.org/cucumber/gherkin-ruby/jobs/430763146
- Pin gem versions for bundler and coveralls