VHDL Source: olo_base_delay
This component is an efficient implementation for delay chains. It uses FPGA memory resources (Block-RAM and distributed RAM resp. SRLs) for implementing the delays (instead of many FFs). The last delay stage is always implemented in FFs to ensure good timing (RAM outputs are usually slow).
The delay is specified as a number of data-beats (samples). For a delay in clock-cycles, simply connect In_Valid='1' - or lave In_Valid unconnected to rely on its default value.
One Problem with using RAM resources to implement delays is that they don't have a reset, so the content of the RAM persists after resetting the logic. The olo_base_delay entity works around this issue by some logic that ensures that any persisting data is replaced by zeros after a reset. The replacement is done at the output of the olo_base_delay, so no time to overwrite memory cells after a reset is required and the entity is ready to operate on the first clock cycle after the reset.
If the delay is implemented using a RAM, the behavior of the RAM (read-before-write or write-before-read) can be selected to allow efficient implementation independently of the target technology.
Note that output data is valid together with Input data (when In_Valid is high). Below figure shows the behavior for Delay_g=3 with both possible settings for RstState_g:
In cases a delayed version of an AXI4-Stream with back-pressure (Ready signal) is required, the ANDed Ready and Valid signals shall be connected to the In_Valid input of olo_base_delay.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Width_g | positive | - | Data width |
Delay_g | natural | - | Number of samples / data-beats of delay |
Resource_g | string | "AUTO" | The following values are possible: - "BRAM": Always use BlockRAM (only allowed for Delay_g >= 3) - "SRL": Always use shift registers - "AUTO": Automatically select based on Delay_g and BramThreshold_g |
BramThreshold_g | positive | 128 | In case of Resource_g="AUTO", BlockRAM is used when Delay_g>BramThreshold_g and shift registers are used otherwise. Must be greater or equal to 3. |
RstState_g | boolean | true | true: 0 is outputted for the first Delay_g data beats after reset false: No special handling for reset, the content of the delay-line is output after reset. |
RamBehavior_g | string | "RBW" | "RBW" = read-before-write, "WBR" = write-before-read For details refer to the description in olo_base_ram_sdp. |
Note that BlockRAM as resource are only a valid choice for Delay_g >= 3. For lower Delay_g values, "SRL" or "AUTO" must be chosen as resource.
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Clk | in | 1 | - | Clock |
Rst | in | 1 | - | Reset input (high-active, synchronous to Clk) |
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
In_Data | in | Width_g | - | Input data |
In_Valid | in | 1 | '1' | AXI4-Stream handshaking signal for In_Data |
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Out_Data | out | Width_g | N/A | Output data (valid as indicated by in_Valid) |
The architecture of the entity is simple, not detailed description is required.