This mixin is used to capture information regarding an individual's subscriptions, such as the billing period, contract ID, start date, and end date. Profile subscriptions include commercial or licensed services, and entitlements.
Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Defined In |
Can be instantiated | Yes | Experimental | No | Forbidden | Permitted | context/profile-subscriptions.schema.json |
- Profile subscriptions
- Extensibility base schema
- Extensibility base schema
"xdm:subscriptions": [
"@id": "",
"xdm:subscriber": {
"xdm:firstName": "John",
"xdm:lastName": "Smith",
"xdm:courtesyTitle": "Mr.",
"xdm:birthDay": 1,
"xdm:birthMonth": 1,
"xdm:birthYear": 2000,
"xdm:gender": "male"
"xdm:device": {
"xdm:typeId": "TypeIdentifier-111",
"xdm:typeIdService": "deviceAtlas",
"xdm:type": "mobile",
"xdm:manufacturer": "Apple",
"xdm:model": "iPhone 6",
"xdm:modelNumber": "A1586",
"xdm:screenHeight": 667,
"xdm:screenWidth": 375,
"xdm:colorDepth": 16777216
"xdm:SKU": "12345678",
"xdm:planName": "PS+ 12 Month Membership",
"xdm:country": "USA",
"xdm:startDate": "2001-01-01",
"xdm:endDate": "2002-01-01",
"xdm:term": 12,
"xdm:termUnitOfTime": "Month",
"xdm:status": "active",
"xdm:contractId": "contractid-123",
"xdm:paymentMethod": "creditCard",
"xdm:billingPeriod": "Month",
"xdm:billingStartDate": "2001-01-01",
"xdm:paymentStatus": "paid"
Property | Type | Required | Defined by |
xdm:subscriptions | Subscription | Optional | Profile subscriptions (this schema) |
* |
any | Additional | this schema allows additional properties |
Subscriptions that the profile is entitled to including terminated, expired, or exhausted subscriptions.
is optional
type: Subscription
defined in this schema
Array type: Subscription
All items must be of the type:
- Subscription –