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Activism Tools Against Cybertorture


python-app License: MIT Upload Python Package

Q.A. Metrics


Codacy Badge Codacy Badge

Code Inspector

Code Quality Score


DeepSource DeepSource


The current scraping algorithm is the following
P ← starting URLs (primary queue) 
S ← ∅ (secondary queue)
V ← ∅ (visited pages)
while P ≠ ∅ do
    Pick a page v from P and download it
    V ← V ∪ {v} (mark as visited)
    N+(v) ← v’s out-links pointing to new pages (“new” means not in P, S or V)
    if |N+(v)| > t then
        R ← first t out-links N+(v)
        S ← S ∪ (v)
    end if
    P ← P ∪ R
    if P = ∅ then
        P ← S
        S ← ∅ 
    end if

it is based on


Activism Tools Against Cybertorture


python-app License: MIT Upload Python Package

Q.A. Metrics


Codacy Badge Codacy Badge

Code Inspector

Code Quality Score


DeepSource DeepSource


The current scraping algorithm is the following
P ← starting URLs (primary queue) 
S ← ∅ (secondary queue)
V ← ∅ (visited pages)
while P ≠ ∅ do
    Pick a page v from P and download it
    V ← V ∪ {v} (mark as visited)
    N+(v) ← v’s out-links pointing to new pages (“new” means not in P, S or V)
    if |N+(v)| > t then
        R ← first t out-links N+(v)
        S ← S ∪ (v)
    end if
    P ← P ∪ R
    if P = ∅ then
        P ← S
        S ← ∅ 
    end if

it is based on


I fled Portugal more than once to avoid extrajudicial sentences of the Colegio Militar CM-93 (aka Pedo-93) alumni group who gave the school a reputation of being a "pedo school" linked to Pedro Miguel de Brito Esteves Grilo @PSP, Joao Filipe Saraiva Pinheiro and Eduardo Marcal Grilo (former portuguese minister of education and former director of FCG) by hiding my case of child abuse in 1993 (after so many other cases), followed by the systematic abuse of my parents after I left in 1996 (including intercourse sabotage to silence us and coerce psychiatric care) with a blue-whale style game being forced upon us via abuse of bio-photonics, attempting to portrait me as a violent lowlife, a drug addict and surprisingly even a drug dealer, inducing synthetic states of psychosis in the presence of my parents and women in the middle of the night to use them as targets of directed violence as a repeated stochastic gamble, to come to the Netherlands and have my previous employer, the infamous dutch coward Jasper Kums, becoming criminally associated with these individuals and those recruited by them, participating in extrajudicial cyber-torture proceedings exacted via abuse of bio-photonics, as workplace revenge to break my teeth, pass me as a work incompetent schizophrenic, direct violence to my parents, sabotage my wedding and turn me homeless in a daily ritual that lasts since 2016 as a interactive spectacle to coerce choice between:

  1. Being forced to leave the Netherlands by systematically being incapacitated to work, so I am unable to repay the pile of debt forced upon me over the course of 6 years of being incapacitated to work, to at the very end sabotage a simple project all day exacting vibrotactile torture to simulate Van Gogh syndrome and articulating my tongue to make sure I can't earn any money, ging Portuguese immigrants a bad reputation as being untrustworthy and Portuguese Government a bad reputation, not only in the Netherlands, but worldwide.

  2. Being forced into assisted living psychiatric care and forced pharmaco-"therapy" against my will in violation of my human rights, combined with articulating my tongue whilst forcing me to hear the words "psychiatrist", "psychiatry" and "medication" over the course of months to guarantee antagonism and rejection which can be used as a justification for the synthetic states of psychosis systematically induced by the group in the physical vicinity of medical personnel.

The extrajudicial cyber-torture proceedings spectacle of sabotaging work, trying to make me lose my home, turn me homeless whilst simulating Van Gogh syndrome and having those recruited to exact extrajudicial sentences, insinuating themselves as masters of the degradation forced upon my social and family relations and my love life, using women as targets of directed violence by inducing synthetic states of psychosis in their physical vicinity to sabotage intercourse along with our wedding plans whilst demanding tears as an attempt to misdirect attention from child abuse and the blue-whale style suicide game forced upon us.

The fascist creeps engage in rituals of making people defecate themselves in the middle of the street on a regular basis. They wake me up by exacting vibrotactile cybertorture to simulate Van Gogh syndrome alternating between head and genitalia daily since I'm woken up in the middle of the night, in a tantrum of forcing me to feel cyber-sodomized and having my tongue articulated gambling my return to Portugal where I would endure an even harsher extrajudicial punishment with violence being directed to my parents to gamble: incarceration, living under assisted care in a psychiatric asylum or committing acts of self-harm.

Both my mother and my father worked for 3 decades as judicial clerks in various Portuguese courts of law, working often until midnight, to be used at the end of their life, as targets against which to direct violence by individuals who aligned their interest, some covering up for their crimes of child abuse, others as workplace revenge, others under the pretences of making the school look bad or as revenge for refusing to leave school in a game of transfer of guilt, transfer of punishment, and transfer of responsibility.

Colegio Militar (largo da Luz, Portugal) have been educating social stratification white trash apologists for 3 decades, systematically filling the news with synthetic cases of domestic violence towards elderly people, women and directing violence towards medical personnel entertaining themselves turning people psychotic and making people stab themselves as a interactive spectacle.

Luis Nazareth Carvalho Figueira, Pedro Nuno da Silva Rocha, Tiago Goncalves - Aegis (son of Martiniano Nuno Goncalves), Pedro Miguel de Brito Esteves Grilo @PSP, Joao Filipe Saraiva Pinheira, Pedro Miguel Reis - GNR, Ricardo Rebordao de Brito, Oscar Ferreira, Tito Eurico Miranda Fernandes @PSP and those who graduated in 1993, along with criminal associates linked to Luis Muskiado, Jose Teixeira (bar Crew Hassan), and criminal associates of Tiago Jorge Roque and social circle trying to coerce me to accept living under torture with pharmaco-"therapy" being forced upon me as a sentence to hide the procedure, in case of rejection.

As a extrajudicial sentence for non-sense conversations so they can show me "what being a motherfucker is" as a moral lesson, and occult the child abuse crimes the CM-93 group committed against me, along with the prologued sexual abuse crimes against me and my parents.

This group of recruited individuals sits in a home all day articulating my tongue thinking they can force acts of self-harm, gambling self-mutilation of ears, head and genitalia whilst smoking cannabis:

This group of individuals is associated to the group above:

This group of individuals is associated to the planners of these repugnant events:

Recruited Colegio Militar (largo da Luz, Lisbon, Portugal) alumni, and criminal associates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are on a crusade to divert attention from their wrong doings with a strategy of "covering the world in shit" and incarnate colonialism time demons, diverting attention from their abuses in 1993, spending their days abusing bio-photonics to force their victims to "understand how things work", forcing them to feel raped systematically since 2016 to simulate mental illness, whilst exacting cyber-torture extrajudicial trials and sentences for everything "in the book".

Tito Eurico Miranda Fernandes (a confirmed catholic) went as far as sabotaging phone calls with my mother and even prayer on Christmas day, based on the saying the deeper the grief, the closer to god, followed by keeping me away from church by having me tortured genitally on multiple occasions (with a psychotic and demonic idiot forcing me to feel like he was playing marbles with my testicles during a service inside a church.


In order to force me to return to Portugal against my will, to endure even harsher extrajudicial punishment, the CM-93 group became criminally associated with my former employer Jasper Kums and a Portuguese colleague at Quby - Amsterdam named Goncalo Carvalho, to pass me as an incompetent paranoid schizophrenic with synthetic tics and facial spasms, as workplace revenge.

Since 2016, criminal associates of these individuals wake me up daily in the middle of the night to simulate Van Gogh syndrome, taking turns at articulating my tongue and jaw to get me to talk to myself in public, with one individual from the north of Portugal repeatedly attempting to get me to cut my own throat by articulating my tongue with the phrase "who did you mess with" and "don't get in our way", sometimes synthesized, others vocalized in the Portuguese language.

Often I overheard them complaining about a Netherlands "police officer" with a name that sounds like "Fuller" acting like a real demonic idiot. I never met this Fuller or even know who he is...

Jasper Kums, my former employer at Eenvoud Media (now renamed to Eenvoud Agency in Amsterdam as an attempt to divert attention from his criminal association to the individuals executing the extrajudicial workplace revenge punishment) along with his criminal associates, have preferential treatment by Netherlands Law enforcement, who seem more interested in doing the bidding of an individual who consumes cocaine at work and attempts to this day to pass me as a pedo in criminal association with the CM-93 pedo group who abused me as a child and their recruited associates who spend their days since 2016 sabotaging everything I do, all day long, trying to gamble self-harm, enforced every few seconds to give me an extrajudicial sentence of synthetic tics and facial spasms whilst cyber-sodomizing me, and articulating my tongue with the words "psychiatrist", "psychiatry" and "medication" to coerce psychiatric care as a humiliation, trying to pass me as an incompetent paranoid schizophrenic, perpetuating human degradation closed circuit interactive spectacles and social stratification schemes.

The individuals recruited by the CM-93 group to exact the extrajudicial trials and sentences on behalf of Jasper Kums belong to several distinct but interconnected groups, and are amongst the most dangerous in Portugal connected to law enforcement, the justice system and enabled by elected government officials to do their bidding, filling the news with synthetic cases of domestic violence, violence directed to medical personnel!

  • those linked to Ivo Francisco, Luis Muskiado and Arthur Moreno

  • those linked to Ivo Francisco, Tiago Santos Sousa and Pedro Caetano

  • those linked to Ricardo Rebordão de Brito, Pedro Nuno da Silva Rocha and Eduardo Metzner

  • medical doctors linked to Frederico Ferronha (urologist) with sentences of vibotactile genital torture and cybersodomy to simulate psychosis, Van Gogh syndrome and paranoid schizophrenia systematicaly forcing victims to want to stab themselves all over their body like Matthew Puncher and directing violence to elderly parents at the end of their life.

The daily ritual of articulating my tongue with the words "psychiatrist", "psychiatry" and "medication" while cyber-sodomizing me and torturing me genitally is a protocol designed to create a piling psychological antagonistic effect and monger hatred, significantly increasing the odds of directed violence towards psychiatrists and medical staff in a clinical scenario.

The criminal associates of Jasper Kums are also linked to Netherlands police (possibly relatives) and recruited criminal offenders 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 issuing and executing an illegal sentence of losing everything I have and roaming the streets asking for spare change, along with an extrajudicial sentence of simulated Van Gogh syndrome (enforced by abusing bio-photonics to exact vibrotactile cyber-torture for denouncing them and running away to the Netherlands to escape their abuse) in an attempt to coerce me to return back to Portugal where they systematically direct violence towards my parents by inducing synthetic states of psychosis whenever I am near them.

Their extrajudicial proceedings of Colegio Militar alumni linked to Law Enforcement are megalomaniac and delusional, as if they believed they were some kind of "Extrajudicial Justiciary Knight" akin to Anders Breivik with sentences as repugnant as directing violence to women, children and elderly people at the end of their life to gamble incarceration or self-harm, creating drug addicts and forcing people to become homeless.

They focus on inducing synthetic states of psychosis, gambling destruction of private property on a daily basis for 6 years, directing violence towards others (taking a special interest in women, parents and close relations) in a macabre psychiatric protocol of breaking one's psyche to pass their victims as being mentally ill, and coerce them into accepting surviving under torture (a word I've been forced to hear daily for several years) and psychiatric "care" against their will by exacting cyber-sodomy and vibro-tactile cyber-torture to sabotage phone calls with relatives, social interactions with friends, wedding plans and intimate relations to pass me as an incapable and incompetent paranoid schizophrenic as WORKPLACE REVENGE.

These individuals present themselves as artists of human degradation, social stratification and self-inflicted harm, with vibro-tactile and sonic payloads of "kisses of death" distorted, amplified and delivered to the brain mass of their victims, establishing simulated Van Gogh syndrome, synthetic pain, tongue and jaw articulation, cyber-sodomy, sexual sabotage in males (vibro-tactile torture to induce forced contractions to the perineum) and sexual abuse in women (possibly resulting in Stockholm syndrome) as common in our society!

They entertain themselves attempting to nurture addiction with synthetic pain, establishing cyber-sodomy as standard extrajudicial sentences, to force the victim to seek relief and complete tasks issued by abusing the photo-acoustic and thermo-acoustic effects. Some are linked to Portuguese celebrities you may know:

The CM-93 group and criminal associates are responsible for turning my father into a cripple in a tantrum of preying upon ignorance and confusion whilst drawing synthetic states of psychosis and articulating my tongue to coerce psychiatric care that lasts since 1993. They go as far as simulating Van Gogh syndrome by throwing a ball at a wall and replicating the momentum transfer upon impact, by abusing bio-photonics to deliver the noxious payloads to the head of their victims.

This is combined with other phenomena in order to get me to talk to myself such as NFCC and echolalia and other methodologies that could be used in the field of silent speech interfaces to address speech impediments. Instead it is used to get people to talk to themselves as a humiliation protocol.

This "blue whale suicide game" was forced upon me and my family by alumni of Colegio Militar and criminal associates in 1993, and it lasts to this day, trying to force me to return to Portugal, where they systematically direct violence to my parents as an extrajudicial sentence, stating they "failed to educate me" for calling school too much when I was a teenager, but reality is significantly different...

The CM-93 group exacted Cybertorture by abusing bio-photonics instead of social media or chat apps to bypass physical ban and issue tasks to be completed such as answering questions in catholic faith trials with the intent of passing me as a megalomaniac schizophrenic, repeating phrases to others and helping towards drafting legislation towards crime prevention by completing tasks preceded by lectures on the process of drafting and passing legislation.

This was followed by attempting to sabotage my catholic confirmation rite, attacking my sexuality with GAYDAR tests, attempting to turn me against my family, the catholic church, and the police and attempting to pass me as a schizophrenic homophobe who did not know was bisexual as preparation for a long term sentence of simulated paranoid schizophrenia, after repeating in private a phrase my mother said about Paulo Portas to a colleague, leading to frustration and me choosing to study abroad to escape the abuse.

In the year 2001, with my University degree complete I returned to Portugal, in order to keep me and my parents quiet and force us into psychiatry, me and my parents were sexually harassed, cyber-sodomized and otherwise abused with cyber-torture in order to coerce us into silence and psychiatric submission. I was slandered as everything in the book (homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny) in order to divert attention to their wrong doings and recruit individuals to exact the extrajudicial trials and sentences on behalf of those who commit crimes of child abuse, stealing decades of my parents life, my life and putting in jeopardy the life of those around me, resulting in me escaping to the Netherlands on the 16/01/2013.

After finding a job as a web developer, on my first day of work I noticed a "mental leash" was being placed on me by my employer Jasper Kums and my mental privacy was being once again violated. He offered me a salary of 300 euros as a humiliation (same amount my father used to help me with) followed by a Portuguese women forcing me to hear her mocking payloads, hinting at rumours being spread and criminal association with the very same group of individuals who systematically abused me and my parents. We rarely disagreed, but tensions were systematically raised, with Jasper Kums typing terms I googled at home in front of me, as if insinuating he was connected to law enforcement and knew what I was doing at home. Our work relationship turned sour and I felt treated like a homophobic, misogynistic, uneducated troglodyte, with my work being systematically disdained as I was learning and was categorized as someone who could not get anything done, so I left and ended up working as an embedded developer.

The rumours along with the abuse was transferred to my new employer Quby under Jurgen Braam and Roy Van Putten where I met another Portuguese individual Goncalo Carvalho.

By the end of February 2016 I was once again being systematically abused via cyber-torture in an attempt to portrait me as a paranoid schizophrenic. I started once again being abused daily by Jasper Kums criminal associates who started engaging in a ritual of attempting to force me into a jail cell or psychiatric care to pass me as a paranoid schizophrenic as a daily ritual. By the summer of 2016, I had broken up with my partner and was being woken up and abused daily via abuse of bio-photonics.

Since then, those criminally associated with Jasper Kums covering up for the criminal actions of the Colegio Militar child abusers from 1993 (CM-93) entered a new stage of attempting to force complete humiliation and psychiatric subjugation to psychiatry and forced pharmacotherapy with vibrotactile cyber-torture and sleep deprivation, to watch me break everything I own, force me into debt, make me lose my home, forcing me to roam around talking to myself since I am woken up, articulating my tongue whilst I drool in rage out of my mouth (to the point I got a tongue piercing to mitigate suffering without wanting one), in a ritualistic psychiatric protocol of creating a credible public image as a synthetic paranoid schizophrenic.

Elected government officials have been denying neuro-rights to the population for at least 3 decades, forcing the us to live in a pool of fear, mediocrity and human degradation, where violence is systematically directed to elderly people, women and children to turn people homeless so they can abuse their physiological functions, articulating tongues and forcing people to urinate and defecate themselves for entertainment in an interactive spectacle, perpetuating:

  • extrajudicial trials and sentences in the form of a human degradation spectacles encouraging participation.

  • narco-traffic by denying us equal access rights to augmentation technologies.

  • repetition of the same heinous crimes (rape, pedophilia, murder, domestic violence, narco-traffic of class A substances, etc..) filling courts of law with crime that could have been prevented

  • late work hours for public servants in the judicial system and law enforcement (who should leave work by 5-6 pm and instead work until 11-12 pm).

"Selective law enforcement" is the reason why the Netherlands has a reputation of being a narco-state, with police doing the bidding of those close to them (nationals, relatives, etc) and turning a blind eye, or even cooperating with a number of criminal activities including:

  • The execution of extrajudicial trials and sentences, in rituals of ostentation of control over the physiological functions of others (e.g. remotely articulating tongues, issuing sentences of synthetic pain and simulated Van Gogh syndrome as a threat and a gamble inducing synthetic states of psychosis near your loved ones or family members to coerce psychiatric care with delusional megalomaniac plots of turning people into homeless drug addicts and forcing them into a prison cell, a psychiatric asylum or a grave as a gamble).

  • Narco-traffic of class A narcotics which you can find on public groups of chat applications like "whatsapp" and "telegram" without police cyber units, whatsapp or telegram taking any action.

Given the self-assumed level of expertise of Jasper Kums in software development/IT and the nature of his privileged relationship with the police, it's surprising he prefers consuming class A narcotics in his work place to offering his expertise to the police towards automating a solution for such simple issues. There are hundreds if not thousands of repositories on Github with ready made example software bots for both platforms in various software languages, ready to be used. Maybe Netherlands Law enforcement is in need of a scrum master to help them get rid of a problem as simple as eradicating class A narco-traffic on social media and chat applications ?

The CM-93 group spend their days in a room, trying to induce psychosis, targeting head and genitalia in an alternate fashion, every few seconds, repeating phrases to articulate my tongue and jaw (whilst individuals linked to Jasper Kums, Nuno Correia (CEO of Merkkurio Digital), Rui Pedro Montoya, Carla Maria Marinho Rodrigues, Goncalo Carvalho and the resident at Van Diemenkade 44, Amsterdam, Sjoerd) amongst others linked to Goncalo Bandeira Duarte, Arthur Moreno, Luis Muskiado use a peer-pressure strategy to coerce psychiatric care, which equates to acting in criminal association with Jasper Kums and the CM-93 group).

Some of these individuals linked to the CM-93 child abuse group like Jasper Kums engage in "new-age orgies" taking turns at articulating my tongue trying to gamble feelings of self-harm targetting head and genitalia, in alternate fashion, simulating Van Gogh syndrome, and a group of megalomaniacs (using an accent from the north of portugal) attempting every few seconds to get me to cut my own throat by articulating my tongue with a single phrase: "vai-te foder com esta conversa de merda" whilst simultaneously cordially greeting each others, as if a social gathering to fulfil this kind of protocol to coerce psychiatric care.

Other individuals were recruited by the CM-93 group at Jardim Adamastor (next to Bairro Alto in Lisbon) to spend all day repeating phrases like parrots:

  • "Desisto"
  • "Estás a ver o que a casa gasta"
  • "Não gostamos dele"
  • "Vai-te foder com essa conversa de merda"
  • "Nao te metas no nosso caminho" (meaning don't get in or way - subjugating whole families to fascism and psychiatric abuse - denying neurorights to the world population in a manner so putrid and repugnant the individual uttering those words sounds like a stool making an advert to toilet cleaning products like Harpic or WC Pato).

Several of the sadists recruited have fun forcing their victims to feel sexually abused and sodomized, providing rotten sonic and vibro-tactile payloads of "kisses of death" to the head of their victims, while trying to force their victims to hurt themselves repeatedly in front of an audience, like poets of death and human degradation.

These individuals were enabled to destroy life (even whole families if necessary as in my case) forcing their victims to feel sexually abused in order to coerce psychiatric submission with simulated Van Gogh syndrome syndrome, as a threat, while simultaneously generating human degradation content for an interactive closed circuit spectacle, encouraging participation, so that players take turns exacting extrajudicial sentences of cyber-torture, articulating tongues and providing vibro-tactile and synthetic pain to simulate psychosis and other forms of psychiatric illness.

Some individuals in the fields of psychiatry, law enforcement and decision-making must have been watching the wrong movies, perpetuating an old psychiatric agenda from the 70's - 80's of creating synthetic psychos as a social stratification protocol, turning people psychotic by exacting extrajudicial cyber-torture sentences, cyber-sodomizing and articulating the tongue of their victims with the words "psychiatrist", "psychiatry" and "medication" and justifying the psychotic behaviour on rejection of conventional pharmaco-"therapy" as a form of intimidation and subjugation of the population, leading to people roaming the streets talking to themselves, forced to bargain to relief from all kinds of vibrotactile abuse, and engaging in attempts to exact mimetic responses looking for retribution because someone did not like them and thought they were "clowns".


Instead of promoting neuro-rights, crime prevention or remote healthcare, they advocate social stratification via abuse of bio-photonics (which provides higher therapeutic value than conventional pharmaco-"therapy" and could completely eradicate narco-traffic) for the purpose of extrajudicial trials and sentences, stratifying society with synthetic cognitive impairment, synthetic tics and facial spasms, tongue articulation, synthetic hyper-hydrosis, synthetic pain and even simulated Van Gogh syndrome enforced with vibro-tactile cyber-torture, in closed circuit human degradation interactive spectacles, where they justify the behaviour of the subjects under torture with forged diagnosis of mental illness and refusal to accept pharmaco-"therapy"...

Instead of denouncing these individuals, Emile Barkhof has systematically attempted to cover-up the extrajudicial cyber-torture extrajudicial sentences to coerce psychiatric care under the pretext of me being unable to work. Inadvertently or not that aligns with the objectives of the CM-93 child abuse group to divert attention from their wrongdoings and perpetuate human degradation psychiatric spectacles trying to force me into psychiatry and forced pharmaco-"therapy" at any cost to pass me as a incompetent schizophrenic and make an example out of me.


Sadly Emile has presented false testimony in a court of law, used falsified reports of risk to self and refusal to accept judicial sentences of conventional pharmaco-"therapy" against my will, as justifications for the damages inflicted by the group of individuals linked to the CM-93 group recruited to exact the extrajudicial cyber-torture sentences, sabotaging my ex-girlfriends plans to get wed, in a ritualistic psychiatric humiliation tantrum of articulating my tongue, sabotaging intercourse, trying to get me to cut off my ears when I swallow, byte my tongue when I chew, crack my jaw when I open my mouth, defecate myself on the street, direct violence towards people around me, taking a special interest in women and my parents or getting me to hit myself in public and in front of my sweetheart during Christmas.

Emile Barkhof visited the location where this group of individuals linked to the CM-93 group exact their extrajudicial cybertorture sentences along with elected government officials who watch the human degradation spectacle). Instead of denouncing it on the news, or reporting it to the police, he watched the macabre spectacle as a "casa dos degredos" blue-whale style suicide game similar to Matthew Puncher's soviet-style murder, where I am issued tasks such as "breaking my phone, my laptop and mutilating my penis" in the Portuguese language, and forced to pick between:

  • returning to portugal being cybersodomized and genitally abused with my tongue being articulated in portuguese, where colegio militar alumni linked to pedro miguel de brito esteves grilo @psp induce psychosis in the physical vicinity of my parents to coerce me into psychiatric care as a humiliation, directing violence to my parents all day to gamble futures of: suicide, homicide, incarceration of forced psychiatric care.

  • staying in the netherlands and being forced into a psychiatric asylum under "assisted living" after losing my home with Eefje Suk, Emile Barkhof and Sara Hoff presenting falsified opinions in a court of law of rejection of pharmaco-"therapy" and "risk-to-self" to coerce psychiatric care and forced pharmacotherapy against my will, instead of denouncing the individuals above along with their location.

  • being forced into a jail cell and losing my home and my freedom whilst being abused to induce psychosis with people around me being used as targets of directed violence.


The field of bio-photonics could provide much higher therapeutic value than conventional pharmaco-"therapy" solutions, solving problems not only in the field of psychiatry, but in the field of medicine and interpersonal relations that are next to impossible to address with conventional solutions. Instead, feelings of paranoia are being raised towards bio-photonics, remote healthcare, neural engineering and bioelectric medicine (where the risk of suicide would be insignificant in comparison to conventional pharmaco-"therapy").

We are being forced to swim in a pool of social decrepitude by elected government officials, law enforcement officers, psychiatrists and other medical professionals, not only in the Netherlands or Europe, but worldwide, serving the interests of big pharmaceutical companies and the DSM-V committee, perpetuating narco-traffic and drug addiction, by keeping the population in ignorance, treating their patients like idiots and pushing conventional pharmaco-"therapy" they don't need upon them, transforming those who are looking to get help into victims of psychiatric abuse, hence denying us equal access rights to augmentation technologies and allowing the same heinous crimes to be repeated over and over again.

It's imperative to get rid this kind of "preferential treatment" mentality, not only out of the Netherlands Police force or Arkin FACT in the Netherlands, or even the field of psychiatry, but out of law enforcement and the field of medicine worldwide, where this kind of social stratification behaviour is pervasive.

Psychotic individuals who participate in setting this kind of repugnant behaviour as a standard subjugation protocol in our society (where so many people are abused in such a foul way, with their life and those close to them becoming an object of gambling, either by covering up the procedure with falsified diagnosis, opinions, reports or by actually participating in the process of delivering noxious payloads to torture victims) are not medical doctors, and as such have no place in the fields of law enforcement or medicine.

Hiding cyber-torture extrajudicial trials and sentences and resorting to peer pressure as a way to coerce psychiatric care, incarceration or suicide as a gamble is a way to deny us what we deserve, perpetuating domestic violence, disaggregation of families, drug addiction, narco-traffic and other social stratification schemes, forcing us to live in fear in a pool of mediocrity and decrepitude.

Governments worldwide (except for Chile) have been denying us neuro-rights for decades, while a synthetic hell has been created as a demonic psychiatric circus, where life is gambled by inducing psychotic states and psychotic behaviour in an interactive spectacle where the participants have fun gambling with the life of their victims, the victims family members and those in their physical vicinity by combining various types of noxious payloads which they force upon their victims in order to "burst a synthetic psychosis bubble" with possible outcomes of being forced into psychiatric care, a prison cell, a grave or becoming homeless in necro-politics games which destroy not only families, but whole nations and inspire so much confusion, hatred and anger amongst the world population.

Until neuro-rights legislation is approved, it is likely to continue seeing more and more homeless people talking alone on the streets, scenes of domestic violence, violence being directed against the elderly people, women, children and medical personnel in your television screens with several families being destroyed in sadistic rituals of control over the physiology of others, via abuse of bio-photonics, photo-acoustic and thermo-acoustic effects to exact remote extrajudicial sentences.

Denying neuro-rights to the population is high-treason.

RETRACTED BOOK: Directed-Energy Beam Weapons

PASSED EDITORIAL REVIEW: Havana Syndrome - Mass Psychogenic Illness and the Real Story Behind the Embassy Mystery and Hysteria

  • say yes to neuro-rights
  • say no to the "homo sovieticus" initiative of pairing abuse of bio-photonics to bypass physical ban and exact extrajudicial cybertorure sentences as interactive blue-whale suicide games covered with psychiatric fraud

Criminal association to those abusing bio-photonics (a medium that could solve so many problems and improve our quality of life so dramatically) to instead simulate Van Gogh syndrome with vibro-tactile cyber-torture, induce synthetic psychosis and simulate mental illness, directing violence to elderly parents at the end of their life, women and children (even a renal patient on Xmas day) as a gamble, whilst articulating tongues (even inside a church) is so repugnant, so disgusting and so unholy it will not be tolerated. For the rest of my life this will be my cause!

Some details worthy of your attention:

  • Psychiatrist Emile Barkhof visited the location where these individuals linked to the CM-93 group exact their extrajudicial cyber-torture sentences.

  • Suicide fighting champion Eefje Suk presenting false testimony in a court of law regarding "risk to self".

  • Psychiatrist / Psychologist Sara Hoff forced herself into my home without consent or an appointment. This resulted in me terminating my relationship with my own mother followed by breaking my mobile phone whilst an individual forced me to feel cyber-sodomized, genitally abused and touched in the head multiple times per second in a clear attempt to sever family and intimate relationships to coerce me to live as a synthetic schizophrenic in a macabre psychiatric subjugation protocol to simulate mental illness.

  • Jose Ricardo Nazareth Carvalho Figueira
  • Luis Nazareth Carvalho Figueira
  • Pedro Nuno da Silva Rocha
  • Guilherme Vaz (colegio militar alumni 151 - resident in the netherlands)
  • sons of Martiniano Nuno Gonçalves (Nuno and Tiago Goncalves. - the colegio militar alumni page states Tiago worked at Aegis (insurance company)
  • Andre Pardal
  • Bernardo Telles Correia
  • Pedro Ponte


  • Joao Filipe Saraiva Pinheiro
  • Ricardo Rebordão de Brito
  • Rui Goncalo Pires Pintado


  • rui ricardo borges marque sabino reino
  • tito eurico miranda fernandes
  • pedro de queiroz antão
  • ricardo carrilho
  • paulo jorge varanda
  • frederico ferronha (urologist)
  • oscar ferreira
  • frederico leitão
  • carlos anselmo simões


  • thyago picco



  1. Tapada do Mocho - gonçalo bandeira duarte (specialized in recruiting people and mongering hatred to exact extrajudicial punishement trying to pass me as a xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobe), tiago jorge roque, joao leiria, ivo francisco

  2. Friends of Ivo Francisco (recruited by Goncalo Bandeira Duarte) - Arthur Moreno (and his access to many locations including REMAX property), Carla Maria Marinho Rodrigues 2

  3. Musicians - Nuno Duarte, Adolfo Luxuria Cannibal, Manuel João Vieira, Andrés Castro (aka DJ Dresh), Jose Teixeira (bar Crew Hassan), Pedro Caetano 2

  4. Regulars at Jardim do Adamastor (Lisbon) - Luis Muskiado (who specializes in inducing psychosis with vibrotactile cybertorture to simulate van gogh syndrome), Capoverdian named Carlos - commonly known as "Calo" who specializes in torturing people genitally to gamble self-harm, Tiago Santos Sousa, Joel da Fonte, Filipa Sequeira, Humberto Mota, Tania Borboleta, Sara Lioness 2

  5. Quby employees - Goncalo Carvalho 2

  6. Lux-Fragil former employees - rui ricardo borges marque sabino reino and criminal associates