Note :
- We explain in this file how to upgrade your LinShare's version.
- Please note that all the components found in each LinShare's version
({VERSION}) must be upgraded together.
Each LinShare version folder, contains the dependencies required to install the version properly.
- Note about LinShare versions
- Necessary artifacts
- Backups
- Upgrade LinShare core
- Upgrade LinShare ui-admin
- Upgrade LinShare ui-user
- Upgrade tasks
LinShare versions number are named according to the following pattern
X : Major release A major version can bring disruptive changes, among which addition/replacement/removal of technologies used in the product. They could break compatibility between two versions of LinShare.
Y : Minor release A minor version brings new functionalities and possibly database schema modification.
Z : Maintenance release Only bug fixes. No database schema modification.
For this migration, download the following files from this address: :
Note :
- Download all components on
To avoid any side effect of these critical operations, it is better to store a backup of your databases PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
To do that please execute these commands :
Postgres Linshare dump :
pg_dump -h host -p port -U linshare -W -f dump-linshare.sql
MongoDb Linshare dump
mongodump --host `host` --port `port`
First you need to stop Apache and Tomcat services:
$ systemctl apache2 stop
$ systemctl stop tomcat8
Once your Tomcat service is stopped, you should extract the content of linshare-core-2.3.0-sql.tar.bz2
by using this command:
$ tar xjvf /root/downloads/linshare-core-2.3.0-sql.tar.bz2
Then you will find the necessary file for the migration, named linshare-core-2.3.0-sql/postgresql/Migration_2.2.0_to_2.3.0.sql
Migration scripts are specific for each database management system. You have one directory by supported database management system. All scripts are named according to the following pattern "Migration_X.A.0_to_X.B.0.sql".
In order to upgrade LinShare from 2.2 to 2.3 you ALWAYS need to run the script :
$ psql -h localhost -d linshare -U linshare -f Migration_2.2.0_to_2.3.0.sql
You can view the database version through the following query select * from version
Once the migration file is done, you should replace the linShare.war with LinShare-core-2.3.0.war
$ rm /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/linShare.war
$ rm -fr /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/linshare
$ cp /root/downloads/linshare-core-2.3.0.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/linshare.war
- Update related to upgrade Spring DATA
The update of Spring DATA on LinShare 2.3 allows us to support mongo drivers (3.4) and (3.6).
Since the connection parameters are different, it is necessary to update the content
of the block #### Mongo Storage Options
on your /etc/linshare/
Open /etc/linshare/
and search the #### Mongo Storage Options
section, replace it by:
# linshare.mongo.connect.timeout=30000
# linshare.mongo.socket.timeout=30000
#### Write concern
# MAJORITY: waits on a majority of servers for the write operation.
# JOURNALED: Write operations wait for the server to group commit to the journal file on disk.
# ACKNOWLEDGED: Write operations that use this write concern will wait for acknowledgement,
# using the default write concern configured on the server.
# Standard URI connection scheme
# mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]
# linshare.mongo.client.uri=mongodb://linshare:[email protected]:27017/linshare
#### GridFS storage options ####
#### Using MongoDb to store very small files (thumbnails, mail attachments, ...)
# linshare.mongo.gridfs.smallfiles.client.uri=mongodb://linshare:[email protected]:27017/linshare-files
#### Extended GridFS storage options ####
# Store all files in MongoDB GridFS. Not recommended.
# linshare.mongo.gridfs.bigfiles.client.uri=mongodb://linshare:[email protected]:27017/linshare-bigfiles
Update the differents URIs with your valid host port and database credentials. See the official documentation for more information on using the URI for MongoDB connection and replica set.
The mongodb profiles (mongo and mongo-auth) are removed from LinShare.
You must delete them from - or from SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable.
- Update related to LinShare thumbnails
The thumbnails generator local mode was removed, only remote mode is kept. please check this documentation to see how to configure it.
Now you can start your Tomcat again
$ systemctl start tomcat8
Deploy the archive of the application LinShare UI Admin in the Apache 2 repository :
$ cd /var/www/
$ rm linshare-ui-admin
$ tar xjvf /root/downloads/linshare-ui-admin-3.3.0.tar.bz2
$ chown -R apache: /var/www/linshare-ui-admin
Deploy the archive of the application LinShare UI User in the Apache 2 repository :
$ cd /var/www/
$ rm linshare-ui-user
$ tar xjvf /root/downloads/linshare-ui-user-2.3.0.tar.bz2
$ chown -R apache: /var/www/linshare-ui-user
Now you can start your Apache service again.
$ systemctl apache2 start
For this new version, you need to run further migration tasks in the
admin interface : http://YourServerName
All the tasks must be executed by order and succeed in order to complete the upgrade.
NB: A task can finish with a successful status but errors can be noticed during the progress. It is necessary to check the execution reports found in the console. In case of errors, you must read the logs of Tomcat server for more details, resolve the problems and launch the task before carrying on.
As long as the tasks with status 'Mandatory' are not completed, the users can not use the system.
As long as the tasks with status 'Required' are not completed, the system will work partially (Some functionality might be deactivated). These tasks can be executed simultaneously without disrupting the user's activity.
Once the mandatory tasks have been executed, you can switch to the next step if you want to re-establish quickly the LinShare service. The required tasks can take some time depending on amout of data.
Once all these tasks are done, your LinShare app will be operational.