Note :
- We explain in this file how to upgrade your LinShare instance from 2.3 to 4.0. The application of this process consists of installing LinShare on a new machine and you will be able to restore databases and the storage space on the new machine, to achieve the migration as we are going to explain in the next steps.
- Please note that all the components found in 4.0 version folder here must be upgraded together.
- Install the new version of LinShare
- Maintenance of LinShare v2.3 server
- Data backup
- Data restore on the new machine
- Database upgrade
- Server startup after data migration mode
- Upgrade tasks
- Back to nominal mode
This procedure presumes that you are using in Debian 10 (Buster) machine :
- OpenJDK 11
- Tomcat 9
- PostgreSQL 11
- MongoDB 4.2
- apache2
All requirements are listed here.
On your new machine, install LinShare by following the official documentation
Once LinShare is properly installed and working you can move to the next step.
In the archive linshare-ui-user.tar.bz2 you will find an html page named 'error-pages/maintenance.html'. This page is designed to warn users about the maintenance status of the current server.
You have to apply these operations on both LinShare machines v2.3 and v4.0.
- Create the directory /var/www/linshare-maintenance
- Copy the content of the folder named error-pages into the folder /var/www/linshare-maintenance/
- Then add your new maintenance vhost following the server:
LinShare v2.3
[root@localhost ~]$ vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/linshare-maintenance.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName linshare-user.local
DocumentRoot /var/www/linshare-maintenance
DirectoryIndex maintenance.html
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store"
RedirectMatch 302 ^/linshare.+ /
RedirectMatch 302 ^/linshare$ /
LinShare v4.0
[root@localhost ~]$ vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/linshare-maintenance.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName linshare-user.local
DocumentRoot /var/www/linshare-maintenance
DirectoryIndex maintenance.html
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store"
ErrorDocument 404 /maintenance.404.json
To activate the maintenance mode of LinShare you need to disable the user vhost and activate the maintenance vhost on LinShare V2.3.
$ a2enmod headers
$ a2ensite linshare-maintenance
$ a2ensite linshare-user.conf
$ systemctl reload apache2
The maintenance page should appear instead of the former interface.
Be careful, verify that the button 'REFRESH THE PAGE' redirect to the maintenance page (itself).
You can then begin the upgrade process.
- Stop the tomcat service
$ systemctl stop tomcat8
- Postgres Linshare dump :
$ pg_dump -h host -p port -U linshare -W -f dump-linshare.sql
- MongoDb Linshare dump
$ mongodump --host `host` --port `port`
This will generate a folder named by default dump
on ther current directory
- Backup the Filesystem
The data is stored in /var/lib/linshare
a simple disk snapshot would be more than enough to back-up the data.
Transfer the backups (/var/lib/linshare
, /dump-linshare.sql
, /dump
) on the new machine (using rsync for example).
- Set Tomcat as the data owner of
chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/lib/linshare
If it is a new machine, you have to add sufficient storage space in order to copy the former data. If you are using the new filesystem store, you must have at least the same amount of free space than the old used storage.
You must delete and recreate linshare
database in the new machine in order to load the dump
$ systemctl stop tomcat9
$ su - postgres
$ psql
> WITH OWNER = linshare
> TABLESPACE = pg_default
> LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
> LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
> GRANT ALL ON DATABASE linshare TO linshare;
> \q
Than execute the dump script
$ psql -h localhost -U linshare -W -d linshare -f dump-linshare.sql
- Drop existing Data:
mongo --host localhost --port 27017
Follow this steps to drop the concerned databases
To see all available databases run
show dbs
on your Mongo Shell
use linshare
expected output { "dropped" : "linshare", "ok" : 1 }
use linshare-files
expected output { "dropped" : "linshare-files", "ok" : 1 }
use linshare-bigfiles
expected output { "dropped" : "linshare-bigfiles", "ok" : 1 }
is available only ifgridfs
profile was enabled in the launched LinShare instance.
- To restore linshare DB:
mongorestore dump
Once this step is achieved, you can move to the next step.
You should extract the content of linshare-core-4.0.0-sql.tar.bz2
by using this command:
$ tar xjvf /root/downloads/linshare-core-4.0.0-sql.tar.bz2
Then you will find the necessary file for the migration, named linshare-core-4.0.0-sql/postgresql/Migration_2.3.0_to_4.0.0.sql
In order to upgrade LinShare from 2.3 to 4.0 you need to run the script :
$ psql -h localhost -d linshare -U linshare -f Migration_2.3.0_to_4.0.0.sql
You can view the database schema version through the following query select * from version
Once the former database is loaded and upgraded in version 4.0, make sure that the file transfer /var/lib/linshare
is complete.
Tomcat9 is sandboxed to write just in its own directories, if you try to use a local Filesystem storage you need to override the default configuration of Tomcat by creating in /etc/systemd/system/tomcat9.service.d/
a file named override.conf
Don't forget to do a chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/lib/linshare
Finally restart your Tomcat server
$ systemctl start tomcat9
Follow the logs to check if everything is alright: tail -f /var/log/tomcat9/catalina.out
Once the server has restarted, you should be able to log in to the admin interface in order to execute the last migration tasks before restablishing the service.
For this new version, you need to run further migration tasks in the admin interface : http://linshare-admin.local/#/upgradetasks/list
All the tasks must be executed by order and succeed in order to complete the upgrade.
NB: A task can finish with a succesful status but errors can be noticed during the progress. It is necessary to check the execution reports found in the console. In case of errors, we must read the logs of Tomcat server for more details, resolve the problems and launch the task before carrying on.
As long as the tasks with status 'Mandatory' are not completed, the users can not use the system.
As long as the tasks with status 'Required' are not completed, the system will work under reduced functionality mode. Some features or data cannot be reachable. these tasks can be executed simultaneously without disrupting the user activity.
Once the mandatory tasks have been executed, you can switch to the next step if you want to re-establish quickly the LinShare service. The required tasks can take some time depending on amount of data.
In order to back to the nominal mode you need to disable the maintenance mode and re-activate the user interface using:
$ a2ensite linshare-user.conf
$ a2dissite linshare-maintenance
$ systemctl reload apache2