diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 0eb196de..86037482 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ repos:
- id: black
- repo: https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort
- rev: 5.5.1
+ rev: 5.6.1
- id: isort
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6161d9a9..00000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-language: c
- - linux
-sudo: false
- matrix:
- global:
- - LOCALE=default
- - CONDA_CHANNELS="conda-forge"
- - git clone git://github.com/astropy/ci-helpers.git
- - source ci-helpers/travis/setup_conda.sh
- - pip install -e .[all,docs]
- - make tests
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 87e00161..a661493a 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
ABlog for Sphinx
-.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/sunpy/ablog.svg?branch=master
- :target: https://travis-ci.org/sunpy/ablog
-.. image:: https://circleci.com/gh/sunpy/ablog.svg?style=svg
- :target: https://circleci.com/gh/sunpy/ablog
-.. image:: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/cmmiadqoy5lx7l78?svg=true
- :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/sunpy/ablog
diff --git a/ablog/post.py b/ablog/post.py
index 8831a5bf..8b229fe7 100644
--- a/ablog/post.py
+++ b/ablog/post.py
@@ -151,9 +151,12 @@ def run(self):
class CheckFrontMatter(SphinxTransform):
- """Check the doctree for frontmatter meant for a blog post.
+ """
+ Check the doctree for frontmatter meant for a blog post.
- This is mutually-exclusive with the PostDirective. Only one much be used."""
+ This is mutually-exclusive with the PostDirective. Only one much be
+ used.
+ """
# Priority before 880 so that it runs before the `doctree-read` event
default_priority = 800
@@ -538,7 +541,7 @@ def process_postlist(app, doctree, docname):
def missing_reference(app, env, node, contnode):
target = node["reftarget"]
- logging.warning(f"error, missing reference: {target}, {contnode}")
+ logging.debug(f"missing reference: {target}, {contnode}")
return _missing_reference(app, target, node.get("refdoc"), contnode, node.get("refexplicit"))
diff --git a/ablog/start.py b/ablog/start.py
index dce79c35..85adf398 100644
--- a/ablog/start.py
+++ b/ablog/start.py
@@ -418,10 +418,10 @@ def w(t, ls=80):
World, hello again! This very first paragraph of the post will be used
as excerpt in archives and feeds. Find out how to control how much is shown
in `Post Excerpts and Images
-`_. Remember
+`__. Remember
that you can refer to posts by file name, e.g. ``:ref:`first-post``` results
in :ref:`first-post`. Find out more at `Cross-Referencing Blog Pages
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6da5ccbe..00000000
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# AppVeyor.com is a Continuous Integration service to build and run tests under Windows
- matrix:
- PYTHON_ARCH: "x86_64"
-build: false
- fast_finish: true
- - x64
-os: Visual Studio 2017
- - ps: >-
- if (-Not (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Pandoc\")) {
- cinst pandoc --no-progress
- cinst graphviz --no-progress
- }
- - ps: $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\Pandoc\"
- - ps: Start-FileDownload "https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda$env:PY_MAJOR_VER-latest-Windows-$env:PYTHON_ARCH.exe" C:\Miniconda.exe; echo "Finished downloading miniconda"
- - cmd: C:\Miniconda.exe /S /D=C:\Py
- - cmd: SET PATH=C:\Py;C:\Py\Scripts;C:\Py\Library\bin;%PATH%
- - cmd: conda config --set always_yes yes
- - cmd: conda update conda --quiet
- - cmd: conda config --add channels conda-forge
- - cmd: conda config --set channel_priority strict
- - cmd: conda install pandoc --quiet
- - cmd: pip install -e .[all,docs]
- - python setup.py build_sphinx
- - ps: cd docs
- - ablog build -T
- - ablog build -b latex -T -d .doctrees -w _latex
- - ablog build -T -b json
- - ablog build -T -b pickle
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index 7d405f9e..e4e689c1 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -1,36 +1,56 @@
-# Python package
-# Create and test a Python package on multiple Python versions.
-# Add steps that analyze code, save the dist with the build record, publish to a PyPI-compatible index, and more:
-# https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/languages/python
+name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
-- master
- vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- matrix:
- Python27:
- python.version: '2.7'
- Python35:
- python.version: '3.5'
- Python36:
- python.version: '3.6'
- Python37:
- python.version: '3.7'
+ - cron: "0 0 * * *"
+ displayName: Daily midnight build
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
+ always: true
-- task: UsePythonVersion@0
- inputs:
- versionSpec: '$(python.version)'
- displayName: 'Use Python $(python.version)'
+ repositories:
+ - repository: OpenAstronomy
+ type: github
+ endpoint: sunpy
+ name: OpenAstronomy/azure-pipelines-templates
+ ref: master
-- script: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- displayName: 'Install dependencies'
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - '*'
+ exclude:
+ - '*backport*'
+ tags:
+ include:
+ - 'v*'
+ exclude:
+ - '*dev*'
+ - '*pre*'
+ - '*post*'
-- script: |
- pip install pytest pytest-azurepipelines
- pytest
- displayName: 'pytest'
+- template: run-tox-env.yml@OpenAstronomy
+ parameters:
+ submodules: false
+ coverage: codecov
+ libraries:
+ brew:
+ - pandoc
+ choco:
+ - pandoc
+ apt:
+ - pandoc
+ envs:
+ - macos: py36-sphinx2
+ - windows: py36-sphinx3
+ - linux: codestyle
+ name: python_codestyle
+ pytest: false
+ - linux: py37-sphinx2
+ - linux: py37-sphinx3
+ - linux: py38-sphinx2
+ - linux: py38-sphinx3
+ - linux: py38-devdeps
+ - linux: py38-conda
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index 1c59e036..bd423cfe 100644
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
ablog_builder = "dirhtml"
ablog_website = "_website"
extensions = [
@@ -17,15 +16,13 @@
+ "myst_parser",
-# language = 'de'
-# language = 'tr'
versionmod = get_distribution("ablog")
+myst_update_mathjax = False
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
@@ -35,16 +32,16 @@
release = versionmod.version.split("+")[0]
# Is this version a development release
is_development = ".dev" in release
project = "ABlog"
-copyright = "2014-2019, ABlog Team"
+copyright = "2014-2021, ABlog Team"
master_doc = "index"
-source_suffix = ".rst"
+source_suffix = {
+ ".rst": "restructuredtext",
+ ".md": "markdown",
exclude_patterns = ["_build"]
html_title = "ABlog"
html_static_path = ["_static"]
html_use_index = True
@@ -53,7 +50,6 @@
html_favicon = "_static/ablog.ico"
blog_title = "ABlog"
blog_baseurl = "https://ablog.readthedocs.org"
blog_locations = {
@@ -74,14 +70,8 @@
disqus_shortname = "ablogforsphinx"
disqus_pages = True
fontawesome_css_file = "css/font-awesome.css"
-blog_post_pattern = "release/ablog-v0.1-released*"
-# blog_feed_titles = False
-# blog_archive_titles = False
-# post_auto_excerpt = 1
html_style = "alabaster.css"
html_theme = "alabaster"
html_sidebars = {
@@ -97,7 +87,7 @@
html_theme_path = [alabaster.get_path()]
html_theme_options = {
- "travis_button": True,
+ "travis_button": False,
"github_user": "sunpy",
"github_repo": "ablog",
"description": "ABlog for blogging with Sphinx",
@@ -105,20 +95,16 @@
intersphinx_mapping = {
"python": ("https://docs.python.org/", None),
"sphinx": ("https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/", None),
extlinks = {
"wiki": ("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s", ""),
"issue": ("https://github.com/sunpy/ablog/issues/%s", "issue "),
"pull": ("https://github.com/sunpy/ablog/pull/%s", "pull request "),
exclude_patterns = ["docs/manual/.ipynb_checkpoints/*"]
rst_epilog = """
.. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/
.. _Python: https://python.org
@@ -130,10 +116,8 @@
-event_sig_re = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z-]+)\s*\((.*)\)")
def parse_event(env, sig, signode):
+ event_sig_re = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z-]+)\s*\((.*)\)")
m = event_sig_re.match(sig)
if not m:
signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig)
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 887c07a3..7d077f03 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
ABlog for Sphinx
-ABlog is a Sphinx extension that converts any documentation or personal
-website project into a full-fledged blog with:
+ABlog is a Sphinx extension that converts any documentation or personal website project into a full-fledged blog with:
* `Atom feeds`_
* `Archive pages`_
@@ -10,6 +9,7 @@ website project into a full-fledged blog with:
* `Disqus integration`_
* `Font-Awesome integration`_
* `Easy GitHub Pages deploys`_
+ * `Markdown support`_
.. _Atom feeds: https://ablog.readthedocs.io/blog/atom.xml
.. _Archive pages: https://ablog.readthedocs.io/blog/archive.html
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ website project into a full-fledged blog with:
.. _Disqus integration: https://ablog.readthedocs.io/manual/ablog-configuration-options.html#disqus-integration
.. _Font-Awesome integration: https://ablog.readthedocs.io/manual/ablog-configuration-options.html#fa
.. _Easy GitHub Pages deploys: https://ablog.readthedocs.io/manual/auto-github-pages-deploys.html
+.. _Markdown support: https://ablog.readthedocs.io/manual/markdown.html
.. _installation:
@@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ Getting Started
If you are starting a new project, see `ABlog Quick Start`_ guide.
If you already have a project, enable blogging by making following changes in ``conf.py``:
.. code-block:: python
@@ -51,16 +51,13 @@ If you already have a project, enable blogging by making following changes in ``
.. _ABlog Quick Start: https://ablog.readthedocs.io/manual/ablog-quick-start.html
How it works
-If you are new to Sphinx_ and reStructuredText markup language,
-you might find `reStructuredText Primer`_ useful. Once you have
-content (in ``.rst`` files), you can post *any page* using the
-:rst:dir:`post` directive as follows:
+If you are new to Sphinx_ and reStructuredText markup language, you might find `reStructuredText Primer`_ useful.
+Once you have content (in ``.rst`` files), you can post *any page* using the :rst:dir:`post` directive as follows:
.. _reStructuredText Primer: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/
@@ -73,8 +70,20 @@ content (in ``.rst`` files), you can post *any page* using the
:location: SF
:language: en
-ABlog will index all files posted as above and list them in archives and feeds
-specified in ``:tag:``, ``:category:``, etc. options.
+An alterative method is:
+.. code-block:: rst
+ :blogpost: true
+ :date: Oct 10, 2020
+ :author: Nabil Freij
+ :location: World
+ :category: Manual
+ :language: English
+at the top of the file.
+ABlog will index all files posted as above and list them in archives and feeds specified in ``:tag:``, ``:category:``, etc. options.
You can also include a list of posts using :rst:dir:`postlist` directive:
@@ -86,8 +95,7 @@ You can also include a list of posts using :rst:dir:`postlist` directive:
:format: {title}
-For ABlog documentation, this converts to the following where you
-can find more about configuring and using ABlog:
+For ABlog documentation, this converts to the following where you can find more about configuring and using ABlog:
.. postlist::
:category: Manual
@@ -97,13 +105,9 @@ can find more about configuring and using ABlog:
.. only:: html
- .. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/sunpy/ablog.png?branch=devel
- :target: https://travis-ci.org/#!/sunpy/ablog
.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/ablog/badge/?version=latest
:target: https://ablog.readthedocs.org/
.. toctree::
diff --git a/docs/manual/ablog-commands.rst b/docs/manual/ablog-commands.rst
index 519facf5..65d84fe5 100644
--- a/docs/manual/ablog-commands.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/ablog-commands.rst
@@ -10,10 +10,7 @@ ABlog Commands
:location: SF
-``ablog`` commands are for streamlining blog operations, i.e. building, serving,
-and viewing blog pages, as well as starting a new blog.
+``ablog`` commands are for streamlining blog operations, i.e. building, serving, and viewing blog pages, as well as starting a new blog::
$ ablog
usage: ablog [-h] [-v] {start,build,clean,serve,post,deploy} ...
@@ -35,22 +32,17 @@ and viewing blog pages, as well as starting a new blog.
See 'ablog -h' for more information on a specific command.
.. contents:: Here are all the things you can do:
- :local:
- :backlinks: top
+ :local:
+ :backlinks: top
.. _start:
Start a New Project
-``ablog start`` command is for quickly setting up a blog project. See
-:ref:`quick-start` for how it works and what it prepares for you.
+``ablog start`` command is for quickly setting up a blog project.
+See :ref:`quick-start` for how it works and what it prepares for you::
$ ablog start -h
usage: ablog start [-h]
@@ -61,16 +53,12 @@ Start a New Project
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
.. _build:
Build your Website
-Running ``ablog build`` in your project folder builds your website HTML pages.
+Running ``ablog build`` in your project folder builds your website HTML pages::
$ ablog build -h
usage: ablog build [-h] [-a] [-b BUILDER] [-s SOURCEDIR] [-w WEBSITE]
@@ -93,14 +81,10 @@ Running ``ablog build`` in your project folder builds your website HTML pages.
-T show full traceback on exception
-P run pdb on exception
Serve and View Locally
-Running ``ablog serve``, after building your website, will start a Python
-server and open up browser tab to view your website.
+Running ``ablog serve``, after building your website, will start a Python server and open up browser tab to view your website::
$ ablog serve -h
usage: ablog serve [-h] [-w WEBSITE] [-p PORT] [-n] [-r] [--patterns]
@@ -117,15 +101,12 @@ server and open up browser tab to view your website.
-r rebuild when a file matching patterns change or get added
--patterns patterns for triggering rebuilds
.. _deploy:
Deploy to GitHub Pages
-Running ``ablog deploy`` will push your website to GitHub.
+Running ``ablog deploy`` will push your website to GitHub::
$ ablog deploy -h
usage: ablog deploy [-h] [-w WEBSITE] [-p REPODIR] [-g GITHUB_PAGES]
@@ -149,13 +130,10 @@ Running ``ablog deploy`` will push your website to GitHub.
--github-token GITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable name storing GitHub access token
Create a Post
-Finally, ``ablog post`` will make a new post template file.
+Finally, ``ablog post`` will make a new post template file::
$ ablog post -h
usage: ablog post [-h] [-t TITLE] filename
@@ -167,14 +145,10 @@ Finally, ``ablog post`` will make a new post template file.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TITLE post title; default is formed from filename
Clean Build Files
-In case you needed, running ``ablog clean`` will remove build files and
-do a deep clean with ``-D`` option.
+In case you needed, running ``ablog clean`` will remove build files and do a deep clean with ``-D`` option::
$ ablog clean -h
usage: ablog clean [-h] [-d DOCTREES] [-w WEBSITE] [-D]
@@ -190,7 +164,6 @@ do a deep clean with ``-D`` option.
not set in conf.py
-D deep clean, remove cached environment and doctree files
.. update:: Apr 7, 2015
Added ``ablog clean`` and ``ablog deploy`` commands.
diff --git a/docs/manual/ablog-configuration-options.rst b/docs/manual/ablog-configuration-options.rst
index 7998fba9..83d042b3 100644
--- a/docs/manual/ablog-configuration-options.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/ablog-configuration-options.rst
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ ABlog Configuration Options
:location: Pittsburgh
-This post describes ABlog configuration options that go in
-:ref:`Sphinx build configuration file `.
+This post describes ABlog configuration options that go in :ref:`Sphinx build configuration file `.
General options
@@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ General options
A path relative to the configuration directory for blog archive pages.
Default is ``'blog'``.
.. confval:: blog_title
The “title” for the blog, used in acthive pages. Default is ``'Blog'``.
@@ -30,21 +28,19 @@ General options
Base URL for the website, required for generating feeds.
.. confval:: blog_archive_titles
- Choose to archive only post titles in collection pages, default is
- ``False``.
+ Choose to archive only post titles in collection pages, default is ``False``.
Authors, languages, & locations
.. confval:: blog_authors
- A dictionary of author names mapping to author full display names and
- links. Dictionary keys are what should be used in ``post`` directive
- to refer to the author. Default is ``{}``. Example::
+ A dictionary of author names mapping to author full display names and links.
+ Dictionary keys are what should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the author.
+ Default is ``{}``.
+ Example::
blog_authors = {
'Ahmet': ('Ahmet Bakan', 'http://ahmetbakan.com'),
@@ -54,24 +50,21 @@ Authors, languages, & locations
.. confval:: blog_languages
- A dictionary of language code names mapping to full display names and
- links of these languages. Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary
- keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
- Default is ``{}``. Example::
+ A dictionary of language code names mapping to full display names and links of these languages.
+ Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
+ Default is ``{}``.
+ Example::
blog_languages = {
'en': ('English', None),
.. confval:: blog_locations
- A dictionary of location names mapping to full display names and
- links of these locations. Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary
- keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
+ A dictionary of location names mapping to full display names and links of these locations.
+ Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
Default is ``{}``.
.. confval:: blog_default_author
Name of the default author defined in :confval:`blog_authors`.
@@ -87,49 +80,41 @@ Authors, languages, & locations
Name of the default location defined in :confval:`blog_locations`.
Default is ``None``.
.. update:: Sep 15, 2014
- Added :confval:`blog_languages` and :confval:`blog_default_language`
- configuration variables.
+ Added :confval:`blog_languages` and :confval:`blog_default_language` configuration variables.
Post related
.. confval:: post_date_format
- Date display format (default is ``'%b %d, %Y'``) for published posts that
- goes as input to :meth:`datetime.date.strftime`.
+ Date display format (default is ``'%b %d, %Y'``) for published posts that goes as input to :meth:`datetime.date.strftime`.
.. confval:: post_auto_excerpt
- Number of paragraphs (default is ``1``) that will be displayed as an excerpt
- from the post. Setting this ``0`` will result in displaying no post excerpt
- in archive pages. This option can be set on a per post basis using
- :rst:dir:`post` directive option ``excerpt``.
+ Number of paragraphs (default is ``1``) that will be displayed as an excerpt from the post.
+ Setting this ``0`` will result in displaying no post excerpt in archive pages.
+ This option can be set on a per post basis using :rst:dir:`post` directive option ``excerpt``.
See :ref:`post-excerpts-and-images` for a more detailed discussion.
.. confval:: post_auto_image
Index of the image that will be displayed in the excerpt of the post.
- Default is ``0``, meaning no image. Setting this to ``1`` will include
- the first image, when available, to the excerpt. This option can be set
- on a per post basis using :rst:dir:`post` directive option ``image``.
+ Default is ``0``, meaning no image.
+ Setting this to ``1`` will include the first image, when available, to the excerpt.
+ This option can be set on a per post basis using :rst:dir:`post` directive option ``image``.
.. confval:: post_redirect_refresh
- Number of seconds (default is ``5``) that a redirect page waits before
- refreshing the page to redirect to the post.
+ Number of seconds (default is ``5``) that a redirect page waits before refreshing the page to redirect to the post.
.. confval:: post_always_section
- When ``True``, post title and excerpt is always taken from the section that
- contains the :rst:dir:`post` directive, instead of the document. This is the
- behavior when :rst:dir:`post` is used multiple times in a document. Default
- is ``False``.
+ When ``True``, post title and excerpt is always taken from the section that contains the :rst:dir:`post` directive, instead of the document.
+ This is the behavior when :rst:dir:`post` is used multiple times in a document.
+ Default is ``False``.
Blog feeds
@@ -138,8 +123,7 @@ Turn feeds on by setting :confval:`blog_baseurl` configuration variable.
.. confval:: blog_feed_archives
- Choose to create feeds per author, location, tag, category, and year,
- default is ``False``.
+ Choose to create feeds per author, location, tag, category, and year, default is ``False``.
.. confval:: blog_feed_fulltext
@@ -155,69 +139,56 @@ Turn feeds on by setting :confval:`blog_baseurl` configuration variable.
.. confval:: blog_feed_length
- Specify number of recent posts to include in feeds, default is ``None``
- for all posts.
+ Specify number of recent posts to include in feeds, default is ``None`` for all posts.
.. update:: Aug 24, 2014
- Added :confval:`blog_feed_archives`, :confval:`blog_feed_fulltext`,
- :confval:`blog_feed_subtitle`, and :confval:`post_always_section`
- options.
+ Added :confval:`blog_feed_archives`, :confval:`blog_feed_fulltext`, :confval:`blog_feed_subtitle`, and :confval:`post_always_section` options.
.. update:: Nov 27, 2014
- Added :confval:`blog_feed_titles`, :confval:`blog_feed_length`, and
- :confval:`blog_archive_titles` options.
+ Added :confval:`blog_feed_titles`, :confval:`blog_feed_length`, and :confval:`blog_archive_titles` options.
.. _fa:
Font awesome
-ABlog templates will use of `Font Awesome`_ icons if one of the following
-is set:
+ABlog templates will use of `Font Awesome`_ icons if one of the following is set:
.. _Font Awesome: https://fontawesome.io/
.. confval:: fontawesome_link_cdn
- URL to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` hosted at `Bootstrap CDN`_ or anywhere
- else. Default: ``None``
+ URL to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` hosted at `Bootstrap CDN`_ or anywhere else.
+ Default: ``None``
.. _Bootstrap CDN: https://www.bootstrapcdn.com/fontawesome/
.. update:: Jul 29, 2015
- :confval:`fontawesome_link_cdn` was a *boolean* option, and now became a
- *string* to enable using desired version of `Font Awesome`_.
- To get the old behavior, use
- ``‘https://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.0.3/css/font-awesome.min.css'``.
+ :confval:`fontawesome_link_cdn` was a *boolean* option, and now became a *string* to enable using desired version of `Font Awesome`_.
+ To get the old behavior, use ``‘https://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.0.3/css/font-awesome.min.css'``.
.. confval:: fontawesome_included
- Sphinx_ theme already links to `Font Awesome`_. Default: ``False``
+ Sphinx_ theme already links to `Font Awesome`_.
+ Default: ``False``
-Alternatively, you can provide the path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css`
-with the following configuration option:
+Alternatively, you can provide the path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` with the following configuration option:
.. confval:: fontawesome_css_file
- Path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` (default is ``None``) that will
- be linked to in HTML output by ABlog.
+ Path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` (default is ``None``) that will be linked to in HTML output by ABlog.
.. _disqus-integration:
Disqus integration
-Of course one cannot think of a blog that doesn't allow for visitors to
-comment. You can enable Disqus_ by setting :confval:`disqus_shortname`
-and :confval:`blog_baseurl` variables. The reason for requiring
-:confval:`blog_baseurl` to be specified as of v0.7.2 is to ensure
-that Disqus associates correct URLs with threads when you
-serve new posts locally for the first time.
+Of course one cannot think of a blog that doesn't allow for visitors to comment.
+You can enable Disqus_ by setting :confval:`disqus_shortname` and :confval:`blog_baseurl` variables.
+The reason for requiring :confval:`blog_baseurl` to be specified as of v0.7.2 is to ensure that Disqus associates correct URLs with threads when you serve new posts locally for the first time.
.. confval:: disqus_shortname
@@ -229,17 +200,15 @@ serve new posts locally for the first time.
.. confval:: disqus_drafts
- Choose to disqus posts that are drafts (without a published date),
- default is ``False``.
+ Choose to disqus posts that are drafts (without a published date), default is ``False``.
.. _sidebars:
Blog sidebars
-Finally, there are seven sidebars you can include in your HTML output
-using Sphinx_ :confval:`html_sidebars` configuration option. Sidebars that
-you see on the left are listed below in the same order:
+Finally, there are seven sidebars you can include in your HTML output using Sphinx_ :confval:`html_sidebars` configuration option.
+Sidebars that you see on the left are listed below in the same order:
.. code-block:: python
@@ -252,10 +221,9 @@ you see on the left are listed below in the same order:
:file:`postcard.html` provides information regarding the current post.
-:file:`recentposts.html` lists most recent five posts. Others provide a
-link to a archive pages generated for each tag, category, and year.
-In addition, there are ``authors.html``, ``languages.html``, and
-``locations.html`` sidebars that link to author and location archive pages.
+:file:`recentposts.html` lists most recent five posts.
+Others provide a link to a archive pages generated for each tag, category, and year.
+In addition, there are ``authors.html``, ``languages.html``, and ``locations.html`` sidebars that link to author and location archive pages.
Command Options
@@ -274,12 +242,10 @@ Command Options
.. confval:: ablog_builder
- HTML builder, default is ``dirhtml``. Build HTML pages, but with
- a single directory per document. Makes for prettier URLs (no .html)
- if served from a webserver. Alternative is ``html`` to build
- one HTML file per document.
+ HTML builder, default is ``dirhtml``. Build HTML pages, but with a single directory per document.
+ Makes for prettier URLs (no .html) if served from a webserver. Alternative is ``html`` to build one HTML file per document.
.. confval:: github_pages
- GitHub user name used by ``ablog deploy`` command. See :ref:`deploy`
- and :ref:`deploy-to-github-pages` for more information.
+ GitHub user name used by ``ablog deploy`` command.
+ See :ref:`deploy` and :ref:`deploy-to-github-pages` for more information.
diff --git a/docs/manual/ablog-i18n.rst b/docs/manual/ablog-i18n.rst
index cdab1458..11d46463 100644
--- a/docs/manual/ablog-i18n.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/ablog-i18n.rst
@@ -6,24 +6,21 @@ ABlog Internationalization
:category: Manual
:author: Luc, Ahmet
-ABlog automatically generates certain labels like :ref:`blog-posts` and
-:ref:`blog-categories`. If these labels appear in English on your blog
-although you specified another language, then this page is for you.
+ABlog automatically generates certain labels like :ref:`blog-posts` and :ref:`blog-categories`.
+If these labels appear in English on your blog although you specified another language, then this page is for you.
-ABlog needs your help for translation of these labels. Translation process
-involves the following steps:
+ABlog needs your help for translation of these labels.
+Translation process involves the following steps:
1. Update translatable messages:
- Execute extract_messages_ each time a translatable message text is changed
- or added::
+ Execute extract_messages_ each time a translatable message text is changed or added::
- $ python setup.py extract_messages -o ablog/locale/sphinx.pot
- ...
+ $ python setup.py extract_messages -o ablog/locale/sphinx.pot
+ ...
- This will create or update :file:`ablog/locale/sphinx.pot` file, the
- central messages catalog used by the different translations.
+ This will create or update :file:`ablog/locale/sphinx.pot` file, the central messages catalog used by the different translations.
@@ -33,29 +30,23 @@ involves the following steps:
$ python setup.py init_catalog -l de -i ablog/locale/sphinx.pot -o ablog/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
- This will create a file :file:`ablog/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po`
- in which translations needs to be placed.
+ This will create a file :file:`ablog/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po` in which translations needs to be placed.
b. Update translation catalog:
Execute update_catalog_ for each *existing* language, e.g.::
$ python setup.py update_catalog -l de -i ablog/locale/sphinx.pot -o ablog/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
- This will update file :file:`ablog/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po`
- where translations of new text needs to be placed.
+ This will update file :file:`ablog/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po` where translations of new text needs to be placed.
3. Compile catalogs:
- Execute compile_catalog_ for each existing language, e.g.::
+ Execute compile_catalog_ for each existing language, e.g::
$ python setup.py compile_catalog --directory ablog/locale/ --domain sphinx --locale de
.. _extract_messages: http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/setup.html#extract-messages
.. _init_catalog: http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/setup.html#init-catalog
.. _update_catalog: http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/setup.html#update-catalog
.. _compile_catalog: http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation/setup.html#id4
diff --git a/docs/manual/ablog-quick-start.rst b/docs/manual/ablog-quick-start.rst
index ab046455..c4dcb490 100644
--- a/docs/manual/ablog-quick-start.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/ablog-quick-start.rst
@@ -10,59 +10,48 @@ ABlog Quick Start
:category: Manual
:location: SF
-This short walk through of blogging work flow assumes that you have already
-installed ABlog. If not, see :ref:`installation` guide.
+This short walk through of blogging work flow assumes that you have already installed ABlog. If not, see :ref:`installation` guide.
*Note that this post is a working draft. Feel free to revise it on GitHub.*
Start a Project
-To start a new project, run ``ablog start`` command in a directory where
-you want to keep your project source files. This command will ask you a
-few questions and create the following files:
+To start a new project, run ``ablog start`` command in a directory where you want to keep your project source files.
+This command will ask you a few questions and create the following files:
- * :file:`conf.py` that contains project configuration for building HTML
- pages.
+ * :file:`conf.py` that contains project configuration for building HTML pages.
* :file:`first-post.rst`, a blog post example.
- * :file:`index.rst` that contains content for the *landing* page of your
- website.
+ * :file:`index.rst` that contains content for the *landing* page of your website.
* :file:`about.rst`, another non-post page example.
Build and View
With no further delay, let's see what your project will look like.
-First run ``ablog build``, in your project folder, to have HTML pages
-built in :file:`_website` folder. Then, call ``ablog serve`` to view
-them in your default web browser. See :ref:`commands` for more
-information about these commands.
-Your landing page is built from :file:`index.rst` and contains links to your
-first post and about page. Take a look at :file:`index.rst` for some tips on
-navigation links within the project.
+First run ``ablog build``, in your project folder, to have HTML pages built in :file:`_website` folder.
+Then, call ``ablog serve`` to view them in your default web browser.
+See :ref:`commands` for more information about these commands.
+Your landing page is built from :file:`index.rst` and contains links to your first post and about page.
+Take a look at :file:`index.rst` for some tips on navigation links within the project.
Write Content
-If you are new to Sphinx_ and reStructuredText markup language,
-you might find `reStructuredText Primer`_ useful.
+If you are new to Sphinx_ and reStructuredText markup language, you might find `reStructuredText Primer`_ useful.
.. _reStructuredText Primer: http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html
-Pages in your project are :file:`.rst` files that are only a :rst:dir:`post`
-directive short of becoming blog posts. To make regular pages accessible
-from the navigation bar, you need to list them in a :rst:dir:`toctree`.
+Pages in your project are :file:`.rst` files that are only a :rst:dir:`post` directive short of becoming blog posts.
+To make regular pages accessible from the navigation bar, you need to list them in a :rst:dir:`toctree`.
This is shown for *about* page into :file:`index.rst`.
@@ -71,11 +60,10 @@ Posts
You can convert any page to a post with a :rst:dir:`post` directive.
ABlog will take care of listing posts in specified archives and sidebars.
Blog posts
-You can start new blog posts with front-matter rather than a directive using ABlog.
+You can start new blog posts with either a front-matter or a directive using ABlog.
Simply use something based on the following template as the front-matter::
:blogpost: true
@@ -86,56 +74,53 @@ Simply use something based on the following template as the front-matter::
:language: English
:tags: blog
+Simply use something based on the following template as the directive for ABlog::
+.. post:: January 1, 2020
+ :author: A. Author
+ :location: World
+ :category: Blog
+ :language: English
+ :tags: blog
-You can enable comments in your website by creating a Disqus_ account and
-obtaining a unique identifier, i.e. :confval:`disqus_shortname`.
+You can enable comments in your website by creating a Disqus_ account and obtaining a unique identifier, i.e. :confval:`disqus_shortname`.
See :ref:`disqus-integration` for configuration options.
-ABlog uses Alabaster_ theme by default. You can use theme options to set
-your `Google Analytics`_ identifier to enable tracking.
+ABlog uses Alabaster_ theme by default. You can use theme options to set your `Google Analytics`_ identifier to enable tracking.
.. _Google Analytics: https://www.google.com/analytics/
-There are four major groups of configuration options that can help you
-customize how your website looks:
- * :ref:`config` - add blog authors, post locations and languages to your
- blog, adjust archive and feed content, etc.
- * `General configuration `_
- and `project information `_
+There are four major groups of configuration options that can help you customize how your website looks:
+ * :ref:`config` - add blog authors, post locations and languages to your blog, adjust archive and feed content, etc.
- * :ref:`html-options` - configure appearance of your website
+ * `General configuration `__ and `project information `__
- * Alabaster_ theme options - link to your GitHub account and project, set up
- tracking, etc.
+ * :ref:`html-options` - configure appearance of your website.
+ * Alabaster_ theme options - link to your GitHub account and project, set up tracking, etc.
Other Folders
-You might have noticed that your project contains three folders that we have
-not mention yet. Here they are:
+You might have noticed that your project contains three folders that we have not mention yet.
+Here they are:
* :file:`_static` is for keeping image, :file:`.js`, and :file:`.css` files.
:confval:`html_static_path` Sphinx option for more information.
- * :file:`_templates` is for custom HTML templates. See
- :confval:`templates_path` for more information.
+ * :file:`_templates` is for custom HTML templates.
+ See :confval:`templates_path` for more information.
- * :file:`.doctree` folder, created after build command is called, is
- where Sphinx_ stores the state of your project. Files in this folder
- saves time when you rebuild your project.
+ * :file:`.doctree` folder, created after build command is called, is where Sphinx_ stores the state of your project.
+ Files in this folder saves time when you rebuild your project.
diff --git a/docs/manual/auto-github-pages-deploys.rst b/docs/manual/auto-github-pages-deploys.rst
index b5919e4e..4bcdba5b 100644
--- a/docs/manual/auto-github-pages-deploys.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/auto-github-pages-deploys.rst
@@ -9,59 +9,49 @@ Automate GitHub Pages Deploys
:language: en
-If being away from your personal computer is holding you back from blogging, keep
-reading. This post will show you how to automate builds and deploys using
-Travis CI. Once you set this up, all you need to do post an article will be
-pushing to GitHub or creating a new file on `GitHub.com `_
-from any computer!
+If being away from your personal computer is holding you back from blogging, keep reading.
+This post will show you how to automate builds and deploys using Travis CI.
+Once you set this up, all you need to do post an article will be pushing to GitHub or creating a new file on `GitHub.com `__ from any computer!
For this to work, you need to be hosting your website on GitHub pages.
If you are not already doing so, see :ref:`deploy-to-github-pages`.
+Sign up for Travis CI
-Signup for Travis CI
-Travis CI is a continuous integration service used to build and test projects
-hosted at GitHub. You can easily sync your GitHub projects with Travis CI
-signing up for Travis CI using your GitHub account:
+Travis CI is a continuous integration service used to build and test projects hosted at GitHub.
+You can easily sync your GitHub projects with Travis CI signing up for Travis CI using your GitHub account:
.. figure:: images/TravisCI_login.png
:scale: 80 %
:align: center
-Once you login, go to :guilabel:`Accounts` page and flick the switch on for your
-source repository for GitHub pages. In the below example, **website** is the
-source repository and *sunpy.github.io* contains HTML output from builds:
+Once you login, go to :guilabel:`Accounts` page and flick the switch on for your source repository for GitHub pages.
+In the below example, **website** is the source repository and *sunpy.github.io* contains HTML output from builds:
.. figure:: images/TravisCI_accounts.png
:scale: 80 %
:align: center
Deploy key setup
-To have builds pushed from Travis CI to GitHub, you will need a *personal access
-token*. Go to GitHub :menuselection:`Settings --> Personal access tokens` page to
-generate a new token. You need only *public repo* access checked for this purpose:
+To have builds pushed from Travis CI to GitHub, you will need a *personal access token*.
+Go to GitHub :menuselection:`Settings --> Personal access tokens` page to generate a new token.
+You need only *public repo* access checked for this purpose:
.. figure:: images/GitHub_token.png
:scale: 80 %
:align: center
-Then, you need to set this access token as an environment variable, e.g.
-``DEPLOY_KEY``, under :menuselection:`Settings --> Environment Variables`.
-Keep the :guilabel:Display value in build logs` switch off.
+Then, you need to set this access token as an environment variable, e.g. ``DEPLOY_KEY``, under :menuselection:`Settings --> Environment Variables`.
+Keep the :guilabel:`Display value in build logs switch off`.
.. figure:: images/TravisCI_settings.png
:scale: 80 %
:align: center
-Also, do not forget to flick :guilabel:`Build pushes` on under
-:menuselection:`Settings --> General Settings`:
+Also, do not forget to flick :guilabel:`Build pushes` on under :menuselection:`Settings --> General Settings`:
.. figure:: images/TravisCI_global.png
:scale: 65 %
@@ -70,9 +60,7 @@ Also, do not forget to flick :guilabel:`Build pushes` on under
Configuration file
-Finally, you need a :file:`.travis.yml` in your project that looks like the
+Finally, you need a :file:`.travis.yml` in your project that looks like the following:
.. code-block:: yaml
@@ -96,16 +84,12 @@ following:
- git config --global push.default simple
- ablog deploy --push-quietly --github-token=DEPLOY_KEY -m="`git log -1 --pretty=%B`"
The main part of the process, that is building of the website, is under ``script`` block.
-If you repository has dependencies to other Python packages, you can install them
-in ``before_install`` block.
+If you repository has dependencies to other Python packages, you can install them in ``before_install`` block.
-Upon a successful built, your website is deployed. Note that there is no
-mention of your GitHub Pages repository, i.e. ``username.github.io``.
+Upon a successful built, your website is deployed.
+Note that there is no mention of your GitHub Pages repository, i.e. ``username.github.io``.
That is specified in :file:`conf.py` file with :confval:`github_pages`.
-See :ref:`deploy-to-github-pages` and :ref:`commands` to find out more about
-deploy options.
+See :ref:`deploy-to-github-pages` and :ref:`commands` to find out more about deploy options.
-Finally, you can find out more about :file:`.travis.yml` file and customizing your built on
-Travis CI `user documentation `_.
+Finally, you can find out more about :file:`.travis.yml` file and customizing your built on Travis CI `user documentation `__.
diff --git a/docs/manual/cross-referencing-blog-pages.rst b/docs/manual/cross-referencing-blog-pages.rst
index 99d715d6..b39521e0 100644
--- a/docs/manual/cross-referencing-blog-pages.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/cross-referencing-blog-pages.rst
@@ -7,25 +7,20 @@ Cross-referencing Blog Pages
:location: Pittsburgh
:author: Ahmet
-ABlog creates references to all post and archive pages. Posts can be
-cross-referenced using the name of the file, or when the file is named
-:file:`index`, the name of the folder that contains the file.
+ABlog creates references to all post and archive pages.
+Posts can be cross-referenced using the name of the file, or when the file is named :file:`index`, the name of the folder that contains the file.
-This page, :ref:`cross-referencing-blog-pages`, for example is referenced
-as ``:ref:`cross-referencing-blog-pages``` using :rst:role:`ref` role.
+This page, :ref:`cross-referencing-blog-pages`, for example is referenced as ``:ref:`cross-referencing-blog-pages``` using :rst:role:`ref` role.
-When posts have long file names, it may be inconvenient to use them repeatedly
-for cross-referencing. An alternative that Sphinx_ offers is creating your own
-short and unique labels for cross-referencing to posts. See :ref:`xref-syntax`
-for details.
+When posts have long file names, it may be inconvenient to use them repeatedly for cross-referencing.
+An alternative that Sphinx_ offers is creating your own short and unique labels for cross-referencing to posts. See :ref:`xref-syntax` for details.
.. _archives:
Archive pages
-Archive pages, on the other hand, can be cross-referenced by combining
-archive type and archive name as follows:
+Archive pages, on the other hand, can be cross-referenced by combining archive type and archive name as follows:
============== ========================== ===============================
Archive Example reStructured Text
diff --git a/docs/manual/deploy-to-github-pages.rst b/docs/manual/deploy-to-github-pages.rst
index 5638a83e..9c7a546f 100644
--- a/docs/manual/deploy-to-github-pages.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/deploy-to-github-pages.rst
@@ -9,16 +9,13 @@ Deploy to GitHub Pages
:category: Manual
:location: SF
-If you are looking for a place to publish your blog, `GitHub Pages`_ might
-be the place for you.
+If you are looking for a place to publish your blog, `GitHub Pages`_ might be the place for you.
.. _GitHub Pages: https://pages.github.com/
-Assuming that you have a GitHub account, here are what you need to do
-to get published:
+Assuming that you have a GitHub account, here are what you need to do to get published:
-1. Head over to GitHub_ and create a new repository named ``username.github.io``, where
- username is your username (or organization name) on GitHub.
+1. Head over to GitHub_ and create a new repository named ``username.github.io``, where username is your username (or organization name) on GitHub.
2. (optional) If you followed the link, you might as well give a star to ABlog ;)
diff --git a/docs/manual/forever-draft.rst b/docs/manual/forever-draft.rst
index 43144708..9d0753f9 100644
--- a/docs/manual/forever-draft.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/forever-draft.rst
@@ -6,14 +6,12 @@ Draft Example
:category: Manual
-As the title suggests, this is a draft example and shall remain so until
-the end of time or internet.
+As the title suggests, this is a draft example and shall remain so until the end of time or internet.
How do you draft a post?
-Just indicate that the page is a post using :rst:dir:`post` directive,
-but do not provide give a published date:
+Just indicate that the page is a post using :rst:dir:`post` directive, but do not provide give a published date:
.. code-block:: rst
@@ -21,22 +19,15 @@ but do not provide give a published date:
:tags: draft
:category: Manual
-You can still label a post you are drafting with tags and categories, but the
-post will not be listed in corresponding archive pages until it is published.
+You can still label a post you are drafting with tags and categories, but the post will not be listed in corresponding archive pages until it is published.
How can you see a list of drafts?
-See :ref:`blog-drafts` archive page, which can be referred to as
+See :ref:`blog-drafts` archive page, which can be referred to as ``:ref:blog-drafs```.
Why would you make a post draft?
-Let's say you are using Disqus_ on your website, and allowing non-post pages
-to be discussed as well, but you don't want a draft to be discussed before
-it is published. By adding :rst:dir:`post` directive without published date
-and keeping configuration variable :confval:`disqus_drafts` as ``False``,
-you can achieve that.
+Let's say you are using Disqus_ on your website, and allowing non-post pages to be discussed as well, but you don't want a draft to be discussed before it is published.
+By adding :rst:dir:`post` directive without published date and keeping configuration variable :confval:`disqus_drafts` as ``False``, you can achieve that.
diff --git a/docs/manual/markdown.md b/docs/manual/markdown.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a6df656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/manual/markdown.md
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+blogpost: true
+date: Oct 10, 2020
+author: Nabil Freij
+location: World
+category: Manual
+language: English
+# Markdown Support
+ABlog can support markdown pages using [myst-parser](https://pypi.org/project/myst-parser/).
+This page is a markdown file underneath.
+You will need to do a few things to get setup.
+1. Install [myst-parser](https://pypi.org/project/myst-parser/)
+2. Add these options to your config, ``conf.py``
+extensions = [
+ ...
+ "myst_parser",
+ ...
+myst_update_mathjax = False
+Then use the new blogpost metadata format (with a slight twist):
+blogpost: true
+date: Oct 10, 2020
+author: Nabil Freij
+location: World
+category: Manual
+language: English
+Notice here we do not have a ":" at the start since the markdown metadata format is different from rst.
+Please be aware that adding "myst-parser" will mean it will read all markdown files and try to parse them.
+You will need to use the following in your ``conf.py`` to prevent this:
+exclude_patterns = [
+ "posts/*/.ipynb_checkpoints/*",
+ ".github/*",
+ ".history",
+ "github_submodule/*",
+ "LICENSE.md",
+ "README.md",
diff --git a/docs/manual/post-excerpts-and-images.rst b/docs/manual/post-excerpts-and-images.rst
index 85f523ac..68cd1066 100644
--- a/docs/manual/post-excerpts-and-images.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/post-excerpts-and-images.rst
@@ -9,17 +9,14 @@ Post Excerpts and Images
:image: 2
- This post describes how to choose an excerpt and an image image for a post
- to be displayed in archive pages.
+ This post describes how to choose an excerpt and an image image for a post to be displayed in archive pages.
ABlog, by default, uses first paragraph of the document as post excerpt.
-Default number of paragraphs to use in excerpts is controlled via
-:confval:`post_auto_excerpt` configuration variable. This option
-can be overwritten using ``:excerpt:`` option in :rst:dir:`post` directive.
+Default number of paragraphs to use in excerpts is controlled via :confval:`post_auto_excerpt` configuration variable.
+This option can be overwritten using ``:excerpt:`` option in :rst:dir:`post` directive.
Alternatively, you can provide some content in a post directive as follows::
@@ -27,26 +24,21 @@ Alternatively, you can provide some content in a post directive as follows::
This is all of the excerpt for this post.
-This content is going to be used as excerpt in archive pages. Furthermore,
-if you do not want the excerpt to be included in the post, you can use
-``:exclude:`` option as follows::
+This content is going to be used as excerpt in archive pages.
+Furthermore, if you do not want the excerpt to be included in the post, you can use ``:exclude:`` option as follows::
.. post:: Apr 15, 2014
- This is all of the excerpt for this post. It will be displayed
- in archive pages and excluded from the post page.
+ This is all of the excerpt for this post.
+ It will be displayed in archive pages and excluded from the post page.
Let's first include a local and a non-local image in this post.
-.. image:: https://www.python.org/static/community_logos/python-logo.png
.. image:: /_static/ablog.png
+.. image:: https://www.python.org/static/community_logos/python-logo.png
-To link the second one of these, we add ``:image: 2`` option in :rst:dir:`post`
+To link the second one of these, we add ``:image: 2`` option in :rst:dir:`post` directive.
diff --git a/docs/manual/posting-and-listing.rst b/docs/manual/posting-and-listing.rst
index c2022e36..cd87ebdc 100644
--- a/docs/manual/posting-and-listing.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/posting-and-listing.rst
@@ -7,15 +7,12 @@ Posting and Listing
:location: Pittsburgh
:author: Ahmet
-This post describes :rst:dir:`post`, :rst:dir:`update`, and :rst:dir:`postlist`
+This post describes :rst:dir:`post`, :rst:dir:`update`, and :rst:dir:`postlist` directives.
-Any page in a Sphinx_ project can be converted to a post using the
-following directive:
+Any page in a Sphinx_ project can be converted to a post using the following directive:
.. rst:directive:: post
@@ -31,48 +28,35 @@ following directive:
:image: 1
**Drafts & Posts**
- Posts without dates or with future dates are considered as drafts and
- are published only in :ref:`blog-drafts` archive page.
+ Posts without dates or with future dates are considered as drafts and are published only in :ref:`blog-drafts` archive page.
- Posts with dates that are older than the day Sphinx project is built are
- published in :ref:`blog-posts` page.
+ Posts with dates that are older than the day Sphinx project is built are published in :ref:`blog-posts` page.
- Post date format must follow the format specified with
- :confval:`post_date_format` configuration option.
+ Post date format must follow the format specified with confval:`post_date_format` configuration option.
**Tags & Categories**
- You can specify multiple tags and categories by separating them with
- commas. Posts will be listed in archive pages generated for each unique
- tag and category.
+ You can specify multiple tags and categories by separating them with commas.
+ Posts will be listed in archive pages generated for each unique tag and category.
**Authors, Languages, & Locations**
- Likewise, you can specify authors, languages, and locations of a post using
- ``:author:``, ``:language:``, and ``:location:`` options. All of these
- option names are in their singular form, but multiple values separated by
- commas are accepted.
+ Likewise, you can specify authors, languages, and locations of a post using ``:author:``, ``:language:``, and ``:location:`` options.
+ All of these option names are in their singular form, but multiple values separated by commas are accepted.
- Using :confval:`blog_authors`, :confval:`blog_languages`, and
- :confval:`blog_locations` configuration variables, you can also
- provide home pages and/or full display names of authors, languages,
- and locations, which will be displayed in archive pages generated
- for all unique authors, languages, and locations.
+ Using :confval:`blog_authors`, :confval:`blog_languages`, and :confval:`blog_locations` configuration variables, you can also provide home pages and/or full display names of authors, languages, and locations, which will be displayed in archive pages generated for all unique authors, languages, and locations.
- You can make ABlog create pages that will redirect to current post
- using ``:redirect:`` option. It takes a comma separated list of paths,
- relative to the root folder. The redirect page waits for
- :confval:`post_redirect_refresh` seconds before redirection occurs.
+ You can make ABlog create pages that will redirect to current post using ``:redirect:`` option. It takes a comma separated list of paths, relative to the root folder.
+ The redirect page waits for :confval:`post_redirect_refresh` seconds before redirection occurs.
**Disable comments**
- You can disable comments for the current post using the ``:nocomments:``
- option. Currently there is no way to disable comments in a specific page.
+ You can disable comments for the current post using the ``:nocomments:`` option.
+ Currently there is no way to disable comments in a specific page.
**Excerpts & Images**
@@ -88,11 +72,10 @@ following directive:
.. update:: 20 Apr, 2014
- Added :rst:dir:`update` directive and :ref:`posting-sections`
- section. Also revised the text here and there.
+ Added :rst:dir:`update` directive and :ref:`posting-sections` section.
+ Also revised the text here and there.
- Update date format must follow the format specified with
- :confval:`post_date_format` configuration option.
+ Update date format must follow the format specified with :confval:`post_date_format` configuration option.
Update directive renders like the updates that are at the end of this post.
@@ -107,27 +90,18 @@ Posting Sections
:location: SF
:author: Ahmet
-:rst:dir:`post` directive can be used multiple times in a single page
-to create multiple posts of different sections of the document.
+:rst:dir:`post` directive can be used multiple times in a single page to create multiple posts of different sections of the document.
-When :rst:dir:`post` is used more than once, post titles and excerpts
-are extracted from the sections that contain the directives. This
-behavior can also be set as the default behavior using
-:confval:`post_always_section` configuration options.
+When :rst:dir:`post` is used more than once, post titles and excerpts are extracted from the sections that contain the directives.
+This behavior can also be set as the default behavior using :confval:`post_always_section` configuration options.
Some caveats and differences from posting a document once are:
- * Next and previous links at the bottom will only regard the first post
- in the document.
+ * Next and previous links at the bottom will only regard the first post in the document.
* Information displayed on the sidebar will belong to the first post.
- * References for section posts is not automatically created. Labels for
- cross-referencing needs to be created manually, e.g.
- ``.. _posting-sections``. See :ref:`xref-syntax` for details.
-Multiple use of :rst:dir:`post` may be suitable for major additions
-to a previous post. For minor changes, :rst:dir:`update` directive
-may be preferred.
+ * References for section posts is not automatically created. Labels for cross-referencing needs to be created manually, e.g., ``.. _posting-sections``. See :ref:`xref-syntax` for details.
+Multiple use of :rst:dir:`post` may be suitable for major additions to a previous post. For minor changes, :rst:dir:`update` directive may be preferred.
@@ -150,11 +124,8 @@ A list of posts can be displayed in any page using the following directive:
- This will result in a bullet list of up to 5 posts (default is all)
- authored by `:ref:`author-ahmet`` in `:ref:`language-en`` when he was in
- `:ref:`location-pittsburgh`` and posted in `:ref:`category-manual``
- with tags `:ref:`tag-tips``. Posts will be in ``:sort:``\ed to appear in
- chronological order and listed with their ``:excerpts:``.
+ This will result in a bullet list of up to 5 posts (default is all) authored by `:ref:`author-ahmet`` in `:ref:`language-en`` when he was in `:ref:`location-pittsburgh`` and posted in `:ref:`category-manual`` with tags `:ref:`tag-tips``.
+ Posts will be in ``:sort:``\ed to appear in chronological order and listed with their ``:excerpts:``.
Here are those posts:
.. postlist:: 5
@@ -170,10 +141,8 @@ A list of posts can be displayed in any page using the following directive:
- When no options are given all posts will be considered and they will
- be ordered by recency. Also, note that if the current post is one of
- the most recent posts, it will be omitted.
+ When no options are given all posts will be considered and they will be ordered by recency.
+ Also, note that if the current post is one of the most recent posts, it will be omitted.
.. update:: Aug 20, 2014
@@ -188,10 +157,9 @@ A list of posts can be displayed in any page using the following directive:
.. update:: Mar 28, 2015
- Added ``:excerpts:`` option to :rst:dir:`postlist` to list posts
- with their excerpts.
+ Added ``:excerpts:`` option to :rst:dir:`postlist` to list posts with their excerpts.
.. update:: Apr 14, 2015
- Added ``:list-style:`` option to :rst:dir:`postlist` to control bullet
- list style. *circle*, *disk*, and *none* (default) are recognized.
+ Added ``:list-style:`` option to :rst:dir:`postlist` to control bullet list style.
+ *circle*, *disk*, and *none* (default) are recognized.
diff --git a/docs/manual/watch-yourself-blogging.rst b/docs/manual/watch-yourself-blogging.rst
index 14cce176..84da97bc 100644
--- a/docs/manual/watch-yourself-blogging.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/watch-yourself-blogging.rst
@@ -9,15 +9,13 @@ Watch Yourself Blogging
:location: SF
:language: en
-Wouldn't you like your blog being rebuilt and served to you automatically
-as you are blogging on a sunny Sunday afternoon? It's now possible with the
-improved ``ablog serve`` command.
+Wouldn't you like your blog being rebuilt and served to you automatically as you are blogging on a sunny Sunday afternoon?
+It's now possible with the improved ``ablog serve`` command.
First, you need to install Watchdog_ Python package, e.g. `pip install watchdog`.
-Then, you need to run ``ablog serve -r``. Regardless of the weather being sunny
-or the day of the week, your project will be rebuilt when you change a page
-or add a new one. This won't refresh your browser page though. Unless you
-want to hit refresh once in a while, you can easily find an auto refresher
-extension for you browser.
+Then, you need to run ``ablog serve -r``.
+Regardless of the weather being sunny or the day of the week, your project will be rebuilt when you change a page or add a new one.
+This won't refresh your browser page though.
+Unless you want to hit refresh once in a while, you can easily find an auto refresher extension for you browser.
.. _Watchdog: https://github.com/gorakhargosh/watchdog
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.1-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.1-released.rst
index 3f6bca65..37af5945 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.1-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.1-released.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+:blogpost: true
:tags: tips
:author: Ahmet
:category: Release
@@ -7,7 +8,6 @@
ABlog v0.1 released
ABlog v0.1 is released.
This is the very first release, so there are no release notes in this post.
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.10-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.10-released.rst
index 49a151b3..c9005edf 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.10-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.10-released.rst
@@ -6,18 +6,138 @@ ABlog v0.10 released
:category: Release
:location: World
ABlog v0.10 is released with the main focus being to support the latest version of Sphinx as well as Python 3 only support.
Ablog V0.9.X will no longer be supported as Python 2 comes to an end in a few months and it is time people upgraded.
-Pull Requests Merged in:
+Pull Requests merged in:
+`Overhaul of package underneath for python3 only `__ from `nabobalis `__.
+`Add validation for conf.py entries `__ from `rayalan `__.
+`Deploy improve `__ from `rayalan `__.
+`Get ablog ready for 0.10 `__ from `nabobalis `__.
+ABlog v0.10.1 released
+.. post:: Dec 17, 2019
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Pull Requests merged in:
+`Change StopIteration to return `__ from `remyabel `__.
+ABlog v0.10.2 released
+.. post:: Jan 2, 2020
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Pull Requests merged in:
+`Fix unclosed span tag `__ from `ykrods `__.
+ABlog v0.10.3 released
+.. post:: Feb 12, 2020
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Pull Requests merged in:
+`Pin werkzeug to < 1 `__ from `dstansby `__.
+`MNT: Fix Giles URL `__ from `pllim `__.
+ABlog v0.10.4 released
+.. post:: March 24, 2020
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Pull Requests merged in:
+`Add zh_CN locale `__ from `daimon99 `__.
+`Add intersphinx to the extension list `__ from `plaindocs `__.
+`Fix "test5" `__ and `Use "dirhtml" builder on Read The Docs `__ from `blueyed `__.
+ABlog v0.10.5 released
+.. post:: Apr 18, 2020
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Pull Requests merged in:
+`Add custom GitHub URL support `__ from `tg-m `__.
+ABlog v0.10.6 released
+.. post:: May 27, 2020
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Pull Requests merged in:
+`Add french locale `__ from `kujiu `__.
+ABlog v0.10.7 released
+.. post:: Sept 7, 2020
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Pull Requests merged in:
+`Automatically add templates path to documentation `__ from `choldgraf `__.
+ABlog v0.10.8 released
+.. post:: Sept 9, 2020
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Removed the hard dependencies on alabaster and sphinx-automodapi.
+Replaced `werkzeug `__ with `feedgen `__ due to the former removing ATOM support.
+Version pin of nbsphinx has been removed.
+ABlog v0.10.9 released
+.. post:: Sept 16, 2020
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Pull Requests merged in:
+`frontmatter and blog post matching `__ from `choldgraf `__.
+ABlog v0.10.10 released
+.. post:: Oct 10, 2020
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
-`Overhaul of package underneath for python3 only `_
-from `nabobalis `_.
+Pull Requests merged in:
-`Add validation for conf.py entries `_ from `rayalan `_.
+`Various Issues `__.
-`Deploy improve `_ from `rayalan `_.
+`Fix missing reference caused by ref with title `__ from `ykrods `__.
-`Get ablog ready for 0.10 `_ from `nabobalis `_.
+`Add instructions for starting new blog posts with front-matter `__ from `kakirastern `__.
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.2-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.2-released.rst
index 038afb3f..fc44b67f 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.2-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.2-released.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ ABlog v0.2 released
:category: Release
:location: SF
ABlog v0.2 is released. This version comes with several new features:
* You can post a document multiple times, see :ref:`posting-sections`
@@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ ABlog v0.2 is released. This version comes with several new features:
* Recent posts side bar includes month and day of the posts.
ABlog v0.2.1 released
@@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ ABlog v0.2.1 released
ABlog v0.2.1 is a bug fix release that solves duplicated content
problem in full text atom feeds.
ABlog v0.2.2 released
@@ -48,7 +45,6 @@ ABlog v0.2.2 released
ABlog v0.2.2 is a bug fix release that solves broken links problem
in post lists (:issue:`12`).
ABlog v0.2.3 released
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.3-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.3-released.rst
index 18b609f2..1cbc1660 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.3-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.3-released.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ ABlog v0.3 released
:category: Release
:location: SF
ABlog v0.3 is released. This version comes with the following core
@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ improvements:
* :rst:dir:`postlist` directive takes options to filter posts.
ABlog v0.3.1 released
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.4-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.4-released.rst
index 7509e347..605680f9 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.4-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.4-released.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ ABlog v0.4 released
:category: Release
:location: SF
ABlog v0.4 is released. This version comes with the following improvements
and bug fixes:
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.5-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.5-released.rst
index dbbb5e82..610374c1 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.5-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.5-released.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ ABlog v0.5 released
:category: Release
:location: SF
ABlog v0.5 is released. This version comes with :ref:`ablog-commands` and
a :ref:`quick-start` guide.
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.6-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.6-released.rst
index f9aa7e5f..a6f58ada 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.6-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.6-released.rst
@@ -6,12 +6,10 @@ ABlog v0.6 released
:category: Release
:location: SF
ABlog v0.6 is released with new :ref:`ablog-commands`. You can use
``ablog deploy`` to :ref:`deploy-to-github-pages`, and also ``ablog clean``
to do spring cleaning every once in a while.
ABlog v0.6.1 released
@@ -23,7 +21,6 @@ ABlog v0.6.1 released
ABlog v0.6.1 is released with improvements to ``ablog deploy`` command.
It will add ``.nojekyll`` file when needed to deployments to GitHub pages.
ABlog v0.6.2 released
@@ -35,7 +32,6 @@ ABlog v0.6.2 released
ABlog v0.6.2 is released to fix an issue with loading of Disqus comments
(:issue:`33`) and interpreting non-ascii characters (:issue:`34`).
ABlog v0.6.3 released
@@ -52,7 +48,6 @@ ABlog v0.6.3 comes with Russian localisation and following enhancements:
* ``ablog post`` command de-slugifies filename to make the title
when it's not given.
ABlog v0.6.4 released
@@ -64,7 +59,6 @@ ABlog v0.6.4 released
ABlog v0.6.4 comes with improved ``ablog serve`` command that helps you
ABlog v0.6.5 released
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.7-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.7-released.rst
index d7113bbd..476703a2 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.7-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.7-released.rst
@@ -6,13 +6,11 @@ ABlog v0.7 released
:category: Release
:location: Denizli
ABlog v0.7.0 is released to fix the long standing :issue:`1` related to
pickling of Sphinx build environment on Read The Docs. Improvements
also resolved issues with using LaTeX builder, improved cross-referencing
for non-html builders.
ABlog v0.7.1 released
@@ -24,7 +22,6 @@ ABlog v0.7.1 released
ABlog v0.7.1 is released to fix Python 3 import issues in :command:`ablog serve`
ABlog v0.7.2 released
@@ -37,7 +34,6 @@ ABlog v0.7.2 is released to prevent potential issues with Disqus thread URLs
by requiring :confval:`disqus_shortname` and :confval:`blog_baseurl`
to be specified together for Disqus integration.
ABlog v0.7.3 released
@@ -53,7 +49,6 @@ for this improvement.
.. _python-dateutil: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-dateutil
.. _Andy Maloney: https://github.com/amaloney
ABlog v0.7.5 released
@@ -65,7 +60,6 @@ ABlog v0.7.5 released
ABlog v0.7.5 is released to fix Windows specific path resolving issue with
archive pages. Thanks to Peter Mills for reporting this issue.
ABlog v0.7.6 released
@@ -84,7 +78,6 @@ to Peter Mills for reporting this issue. Other minor changes are:
* ``conf.py`` file created by :ref:`ablog start ` updated to include
``about.html`` sidebar that comes with Alabaster_ theme.
ABlog v0.7.7 released
@@ -97,7 +90,6 @@ ABlog v0.7.7 is released to fix path resolving :issue:`41` that arose when
cross-references were used in post excerpts, and also post redirect
issue in templates.
ABlog v0.7.8 released
@@ -114,7 +106,6 @@ Thanks to `uralbash`_ for these contributions.
.. _uralbash: https://github.com/uralbash
ABlog v0.7.9 released
@@ -129,7 +120,6 @@ for the fix.
.. _Velimir: https://github.com/montyvesselinov
ABlog v0.7.10 released
@@ -141,7 +131,6 @@ ABlog v0.7.10 released
ABlog v0.7.10 is released to resolve Sphinx JSON/Pickle builder issues
related to serialization.
ABlog v0.7.12 released
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.8-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.8-released.rst
index 35fbae10..c38e9bdf 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.8-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.8-released.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ ABlog v0.8 released
:category: Release
:location: SF
ABlog v0.8.0 is released with additions and changes:
* Added ``-a`` argument to :ref:`ablog build ` command, with which
@@ -35,8 +34,6 @@ ABlog v0.8.0 is released with additions and changes:
.. _Albert Mietus: https://github.com/AlbertMietus
.. _uralbash: https://github.com/uralbash
ABlog v0.8.1 released
@@ -47,8 +44,6 @@ ABlog v0.8.1 released
ABlog v0.8.1 is released to fix atom feed linking in HTML header (:issue:`54`).
ABlog v0.8.2 released
@@ -60,7 +55,6 @@ ABlog v0.8.2 released
ABlog v0.8.2 is released to fix date parsing (:issue:`58`) and Python 2.6
installation (:issue:`59`) issues.
ABlog v0.8.3 released
@@ -73,10 +67,7 @@ ABlog v0.8.3 is released to bring you recent enhancements:
* `ninmesara`_ added ``:nocomments:`` argument to :rst:dir:`post` directive
to disable comments per post.
* `José Carlos García`_ added Spanish translations.
.. _ninmesara: https://github.com/ninmesara
.. _José Carlos García: https://github.com/quobit
diff --git a/docs/release/ablog-v0.9-released.rst b/docs/release/ablog-v0.9-released.rst
index a6fdd435..6dee26f3 100644
--- a/docs/release/ablog-v0.9-released.rst
+++ b/docs/release/ablog-v0.9-released.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ ABlog v0.9 released
:category: Release
:location: World
ABlog v0.9.0 is released with the main focus being to support the latest version of Sphinx.
This also moves the main development from `Abakan`_ to `SunPy`_.
@@ -14,25 +13,23 @@ This has merged in all current (at time of writing, 6) open PRs to the original
These are:
-`fix(commands): Update command arguments so patterns works correctly `_
-from `rayalan `_.
-`Fix couple of bugs with latest stable Sphinx `_ from `tadeboro `_.
+`fix(commands): Update command arguments so patterns works correctly `__ from `rayalan `__.
-`don't use fancy quotes in the conf.py template `_ from `tiwo `_.
+`Fix couple of bugs with latest stable Sphinx `__ from `tadeboro `__.
-`Pass through additional Sphinx options and fix a typo `_ from `ahrbel `_.
+`don't use fancy quotes in the conf.py template `__ from `tiwo `__.
-`fix #78 (ImportError: cannot import name make_admonition in Sphinx 1.6) `_ from `lsaffre `_.
+`Pass through additional Sphinx options and fix a typo `__ from `ahrbel `__.
-`Raise exception when title is missing `_ from `rgrinberg `_.
+`fix #78 (ImportError: cannot import name make_admonition in Sphinx 1.6) `_ from `lsaffre `__.
+`Raise exception when title is missing `__ from `rgrinberg `__.
.. _Abakan: https://github.com/abakan/ablog
.. _SunPy: https://github.com/sunpy/ablog
ABlog v0.9.1 released
.. post:: March 2, 2018
:author: Nabil
@@ -42,17 +39,17 @@ ABlog v0.9.1 released
Minor update to remove Ablog{}.format(python_number) exes
ABlog v0.9.2 released
.. post:: March 4, 2018
:author: Nabil
:category: Release
:location: World
-Fixed Windows String issue
+Fixed Windows String issue.
ABlog v0.9.3 released
.. post:: October 30, 2018
:author: Nabil
@@ -60,4 +57,30 @@ ABlog v0.9.3 released
:location: World
Added example on how to use writing blog posts in Jupyter notebooks.
-Several fixes provived by `anzawatta`, sorry I was late to release these!
+`show when if fa `__, `Add create file encoding `__ and `fix serve command path `__ from `anzawatta `__.
+Sorry I was late to release these!
+ABlog v0.9.4 released
+.. post:: Feb 10, 2019
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+Fixes for gettext break and some pathing issues.
+ABlog v0.9.5 released
+.. post:: Aug 19, 2019
+ :author: Nabil
+ :category: Release
+ :location: World
+v0.9.5 is the that supports Python 2 and Sphinx <2.
+v0.10.0 on master now, will not.
+`Define an auto-orphan option `__, `Repair update directive `__ and `Fix sidebar and blog_baseurl misconfig during quick start `__ from `rayalan `__.
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 2eedaff8..09981391 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -20,13 +20,15 @@ install_requires =
- sphinx>=2.0
+ sphinx
notebook =
+markdown =
+ myst-parser
docs =
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce5f71ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+envlist =
+ py{36,37,38}-sphinx{2,3}
+ py{36,37,38}-devdeps
+ codestyle
+isolated_build = true
+# We use bash in some of our enviroments so we have to whitelist it.
+ /bin/bash
+ /usr/bin/bash
+ /bin/make
+ /usr/bin/make
+# tox environments are constructued with so-called 'factors' (or terms)
+# separated by hyphens, e.g. test-devdeps-cov. Lines below starting with factor:
+# will only take effect if that factor is included in the environment name. To
+# see a list of example environments that can be run, along with a description,
+# run:
+# tox -l -v
+description =
+ run tests
+ devdeps: with the latest developer version of key dependencies
+passenv =
+deps =
+ sphinx2: sphinx>=2.0,<3.0
+ sphinx3: sphinx>=3.0,<4.0
+ # The devdeps factor is intended to be used to install the latest developer version.
+ # of key dependencies.
+ devdeps: git+https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx
+# The following indicates which extras_require from setup.cfg will be installed
+# dev is special in that it installs everything
+extras =
+ all
+ docs
+commands =
+ make tests
+skip_install = true
+description = Run all style and file checks with pre-commit
+deps =
+ pre-commit
+commands =
+ pre-commit install-hooks
+ pre-commit run --color always --verbose --all-files --show-diff-on-failure
+# This env requires tox-conda.
+basepython = python3.8
+extras =
+deps =
+conda_deps =
+ alabaster
+ docutils
+ feedgen
+ invoke
+ ipython
+ myst-parser
+ nbsphinx
+ python-dateutil
+ sphinx
+ sphinx-automodapi
+ watchdog
+conda_channels = conda-forge
+install_command = pip install --no-deps {opts} {packages}
+commands =
+ make tests