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917 lines (730 loc) · 30.5 KB

File metadata and controls

917 lines (730 loc) · 30.5 KB

#Automatically generated documentation# #Interpeter calls#


Method Description
packetRecieve (PSInstance,packetId,data) No description provided :<


Method Description
pauseCreate (PSInstance,this) Called when the pause menu is created
pause (PSInstance,this) Called when the game is paused
pauseUpdate (PSInstance) Called when the game updates while paused
pauseSelect (PSInstance) No description provided :<
pauseResume (PSInstance) Called when the player resumes the game
pauseExit (PSInstance) Called when the player exits from the pause menu


Method Description
noteCreate (PSInstance,this,rawNote) Called when a note is created
noteAdd (PSInstance,this,rawNote) Called when a note is about to be added to the current state
noteUpdate (PSInstance,this) Called when a note updates
noteUpdateAfter (PSInstance,this) Called after a note updates

##PlayState.hx## Has it's own interpet caller

Method Description
afterStage (PlayState) No description provided :<
addGF (PlayState) No description provided :<
addDad (PlayState) No description provided :<
addChars (PlayState) No description provided :<
addUI (PlayState) No description provided :<
startCountdownFirst (PlayState) No description provided :<
startCountdown (PlayState) No description provided :<
startTimerStep (PlayState,swagCounter) No description provided :<
startTimerStepAfter (PlayState,swagCounter) No description provided :<
startSong (PlayState) No description provided :<
generateNotes (PlayState) No description provided :<
generateNotesAfter (PlayState,unspawnNotes) No description provided :<
generateSongBefore (PlayState) No description provided :<
generateSong (PlayState,unspawnNotes) No description provided :<
strumNoteLoad (PlayState,babyArrow,player == 1) No description provided :<
strumNoteAdd (PlayState,babyArrow,player == 1) No description provided :<
update (PlayState,elapsed) Called when parent is updated
updateAfter (PlayState,elapsed) Called after every update
draw (PlayState) Called when parent is drawn
drawAfter (PlayState) Called after the parent is drawn
endSong (PlayState) Called when the current song ends
keyShit (PlayState,pressArray,holdArray) No description provided :<
susHit (PlayState,daNote) Called every frame the player holds a sustain note
keyShitAfter (PlayState,pressArray,holdArray,hitArray) No description provided :<
beforeNoteHit (PlayState,boyfriend,note) Called before the player hits a note and it's counted as a hit but after it's rating is calculated
noteHit (PlayState,boyfriend,note) Called when the player hits a note
miss (PlayState,boyfriend,direction,calcStats) Called when the player misses a note
noteMiss (PlayState,boyfriend,daNote,direction,calcStats) Called when the player misses but there's no note
stepHit (PlayState) Called every step hit
stepHitAfter (PlayState) Called after every step hit
beatHit (PlayState) Called every beat hit
beatHitAfter (PlayState) Called after every beat hit
keyShit (PlayState,pressArray,holdArray) No description provided :<
keyShitAfter (PlayState,pressArray,holdArray,hitArray) No description provided :<
noteHit (PlayState,boyfriend,note) Called when the player hits a note
destroy (PlayState) Called when parent is destroyed


Method Description
noteCreate (PSInstance,this,rawNote) Called when a note is created
noteAdd (PSInstance,this,rawNote) Called when a note is about to be added to the current state
noteUpdate (PSInstance,this) Called when a note updates
noteUpdateAfter (PSInstance,this) Called after a note updates

##Character.hx## Has it's own interpet caller

Method Description
initCharacter (Character) Called before anything on the parent is loaded
initScript (Character) Called when script is initialised
new (Character) Called when parent is created
animFinish (Character,animation.curAnim) No description provided :<
animFrame (Character,animation.curAnim,frameNumber,frameIndex) No description provided :<
update (Character,elapsed) Called when parent is updated
draw (Character) Called when parent is drawn
playAnim (PSInstance,AnimName,this) Called when the parent is about to play an animation
playAnim (Character,AnimName) Called when the parent is about to play an animation
playAnimBefore (Character,AnimName) No description provided :<
playAnimAfter (Character,AnimName,animation.curAnim) No description provided :<

##ScriptableState.hx## Has it's own interpet caller

Method Description
new (ScriptableState) Called when parent is created
update (ScriptableState,e) Called when parent is updated
updateAfter (ScriptableState,e) Called after every update


Method Description
noteCreate (PSInstance,this,rawNote) Called when a note is created
noteAdd (PSInstance,this,rawNote) Called when a note is about to be added to the current state
noteUpdate (PSInstance,this) Called when a note updates
noteHitDad (PSInstance,,this) Called when the opponent hits a note
noteUpdateAfter (PSInstance,this) Called after a note updates


Method Description
newNoteSplash (PSInstance,this) Called when a note splash is newed
newNoteSplashAfter (PSInstance,this) Called after a note splash is newed
setupNoteSplash (PSInstance,this) Called when a note splash is setup
setupNoteSplashAfter (PSInstance,this) Called after a note splash is setup

#Public Functions and Public Variables


| public static function | get_frames():FlxFramesCollection | | public var | name:String | | public function | genSplashes(?name_:String = "noteSplashes",?path_:String = "assets/shared/images/"):Void |


| public function | new(nid:Int = 0,?x:Float = 0,?y:Float = 0) | | public function | changeSprite(?name:String = "default",?frames:FlxAtlasFrames,?anim:String = "",?setFrames:Bool = true,path:String = "mods/noteassets",?noteJSON:NoteAssetConfig) | | public function | init() | | public function | playAnim(name:String,?forced:Bool = true, ?Reversed:Bool = false, ?Frame:Int = 0) | | public function | playStatic(?forced:Bool = false) | | public function | press(?forced:Bool = false) | | public function | confirm(?forced:Bool = false) |


Method Description
packetRecieve (PSInstance,packetId,data) No description provided :<


| public function | get_supportMouse():Bool | | static public function | resetVars() | | public static var | doReset:Bool | | public var | blackBorder:FlxSprite |


| public static var | objs:Map<String,Map<String,ObjectInfo>> |


| public var | objects:Array | | public function | updateObjectList() |


| public function | new(x:Float, y:Float) |


| public var | toggleVolKeys:Bool | | public function | onTextInputFocus(object:Dynamic) | | public function | onTextInputUnfocus(object:Dynamic) | | public function | stepHit():Void | | public function | beatHit():Void |


| public function | new(?time:Float = 0) | | public static var | lastPath:String |


| public static function | setFramerate(?fps:Int = 0,?update:Bool = false,?temp:Bool = false) | | public static function | clearFlxGroup(obj:FlxTypedGroup):FlxTypedGroup | | public static function | difficultyString():String | | public static function | toggleVolKeys(?toggle:Bool = true) | | public static function | coolTextFile(path:String):Array | | public static function | splitFilenameFromPath(str:String):Array | | public static function | coolFormat(text:String) | | public static function | getNativeSongname(?song:String = "",?convLower:Bool = false):String | | public static function | orderList(list:Array):Array | | public static function | coolStringFile(path:String):Array | | public static function | numberArray(max:Int, ?min = 0):Array | | public static function | multiInt(?int:Int = 0) | | public static function | cleanJSON(input:String):String |


| public static function | loadFlxSprite(x:Int,y:Int,pngPath:String,?useCache:Bool = false):FlxSprite | | public var | spriteArray:Map<String,FlxGraphic> | | public function | new() | | public function | clear() | | public function | getPath(?str:String = "") | | public function | loadFlxSprite(x:Int,y:Int,pngPath:String):FlxSprite | | public function | loadGraphic(pngPath:String):FlxGraphic | | public function | loadSparrowFrames(pngPath:String):FlxAtlasFrames | | public function | loadSparrowSprite(x:Int,y:Int,pngPath:String,?anim:String = "",?loop:Bool = false,?fps:Int = 24):FlxSprite | | public function | loadText(textPath:String):String | | public function | saveText(textPath:String,text:String):Bool | | public function | loadSound(soundPath:String):Sound | | public function | playSound(soundPath:String,?volume:Float = 0.662121):FlxSound | | public function | unloadSound(soundPath:String) | | public function | unloadText(pngPath:String) | | public function | unloadShader(pngPath:String) | | public function | unloadXml(pngPath:String) | | public function | unloadSprite(pngPath:String) | | public function | cacheSound(soundPath:String) | | public function | cacheGraphic(pngPath:String,?dumpGraphic:Bool = false) | | public function | cacheSprite(pngPath:String,?dump:Bool = false) |


| public static function | get_crochetSecs():Float | | public static var | stepCrochet:Float | | public function | new() | | public static function | recalculateTimings() | | public static function | mapBPMChanges(song:SwagSong) | | public static function | changeBPM(newBpm:Float) |


| public var | lastKey:String |


| public static function | unzip(from:String,to:String):Void | | public function | create():Void | | public function | update(elapsed:Float) |


| public function | new(x:Float = 10, y:Float = 10, color:Int = 0xFFFFFFFF) | | public function | new(x:Float = 20, y:Float = 20, color:Int = 0xFFFFFFFF) | | public var | showConsole |


| public static var | scriptList:Map<String,String> |


| public static function | getSetting(setting:String):Dynamic | | public static function | setSetting(setting:String,value:Dynamic) | | public function | new() |


| public static function | musicHandle(?isMainMenu:Bool = false,?_bg:FlxSprite = null,?recolor:Bool = false) | | public function | get_supportMouse():Bool |


| public static function | resetBinds():Void | | public static function | keyCheck():Void |


| public function | loadFrames() | | public static var | noteAnims:Array | | public function | new(strumTime:Float, _noteData:Int, ?prevNote:Note, ?sustainNote:Bool = false, ?inCharter:Bool = false,?_type:Dynamic = 0,?rawNote:Array = null,?playerNote:Bool = false) |



extends MusicBeatSubState

Type Name


| public function | create():Void | | public function | update(elapsed:Float) |


| public static function | initSave() |


| public function | onTextInputFocus(object:Dynamic) | | public function | onTextInputUnfocus(object:Dynamic) |


| public var | playerStrums:FlxTypedGroup | | public var | strumList:Array |


| public function | new(name:String, pos:Float, value:Float, type:String) | | public function | new(song, notes, bpm) | | public static function | getEmptySong():SwagSong | | public static function | getEmptySongJSON():String | | public static function | loadFromJson(jsonInput:String, ?folder:String):SwagSong | | public static function | parseJSONshit(rawJson:String,charting:Bool = false):SwagSong |


| public function | new(talkingRight:Bool = true, ?dialogueList:Array) |


| public function | new(parent:FlxSprite,?time:Float = 0,spriteStart:Int = 1,spriteAmount:Int = 2,spriteOffsetX:Float = 0,spriteOffsetY:Float = 0) | | public function | generateSprites() | | public function | update(e:Float) | | public function | addToBuffer(?index:Int = -1,?color:FlxColor = 0xFFFFFF) | | public function | updateFrames(?color:FlxColor = 0xFFFFFF,?changeFrame:Bool = true) |


| public static function | truncateFloat( number : Float, precision : Int): Float |



extends FlxSubState

Type Name


| public static function | fileDrop(file:String) |


extends FlxUISubState

Type Name


extends MusicBeatSubstate

Type Name


extends MusicBeatSubstate

Type Name
public function new()


| public function | toString() | | public static var | initialized:Bool |


extends FlxCamera

Type Name


| public function | onFileDrop(file:String):Null |


extends FlxTypedGroup

Type Name
public function new()


| public function | get_healthPercent() return * 50); public function set_healthPercent(vari:Int) | | public function | set_canSaveScore(val) | | public function | set_moveCamera(v):Bool | | public static function | get_songPosBG() | | public static var | songPosBar(get,set):FlxBar | | public var | kadeEngineWatermark:FlxText | | public static function | get_girlfriend() | | public static var | bf(get,set):Character | | public static var | opponent(get,set):Character | | public static var | player1:String | | public static function | addEvent(id:Int,name:String,check:Int,value:Int,func:Dynamic->Void,?variable:String = "def",?type:String="equals"):IfStatement | | public static var | hasStarted | | public function | requireScript(v:String,?important:Bool = false,?nameSpace:String = "requirement",?script:String = ""):Bool | | public var | swappedChars | | public static var | introAudio:Array<flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxSoundAsset> | | public function | startCountdown():Void | | public function | generateNotes() | | public var | useNoteCameras:Bool | | public function | update(elapsed:Float) | | public var | cameraPositions:Array<Array> | | public function | updateCharacterCamPos() | | public var | acceptInput | | public function | testanimdebug() |


| static public function | play(name:String,path:String) |


extends QuickOptionsSubState

Type Name


| public static function | handleError(?exception:haxe.Exception = null,?error:String = "An error occurred",?details:String="",?forced:Bool = true):Void |


| public static function | main():Void | | public var | blockUpdate:Bool | | public var | blockDraw:Bool | | public var | blockEnterFrame:Bool | | public var | funniLoad:Bool | | public var | queuedState:Bool |


| public function | updateArrowDisplay() |


| public static function | convertScore(noteDiff:Float):Int |


| public function | new(x:Float, y:Float) |


| public function | new(x:Float, y:Float,?won = true,?error:String = "",force:Bool = false) | | public function | finishNew(?name:String = "") |


| public static function | loadScriptOptions(path:String):Null<Map<String,Dynamic>> | | public function | parseHScript(?script:String = "",?brTools:HSBrTools = null,?id:String = "song",option:ScriptableOption) |



extends SearchMenuState

Type Name


| public function | new(x:Float, y:Float, ?character:String = "lonely", ?isPlayer:Bool = false,?char_type:Int = 0,?preview:Bool = false) // CharTypes: 0=BF 1=Dad 2=GF// |


Type Name


| public function | new(_path:String,?id:String = "") | | public function | getSetting(setting:String,?defValue:Dynamic = false):Dynamic | | public function | getPath(?str:String = "") | | public function | loadFlxSprite(x:Int,y:Int,pngPath:String):FlxSprite | | public function | loadGraphic(pngPath:String):FlxGraphic | | public function | loadSparrowFrames(pngPath:String):FlxAtlasFrames | | public function | loadSparrowSprite(x:Int,y:Int,pngPath:String,?anim:String = "",?loop:Bool = false,?fps:Int = 24):FlxSprite | | public function | reset() | | public function | loadText(textPath:String):String | | public function | loadShader(textPath:String,?glslVersion:Int = 120):Null | | public function | saveText(textPath:String,text:String):Bool | | public function | loadSound(soundPath:String):Sound | | public function | playSound(soundPath:String,?volume:Float = 0.662121):FlxSound | | public function | unloadSound(soundPath:String) | | public function | unloadText(pngPath:String) | | public function | unloadShader(pngPath:String) | | public function | unloadXml(pngPath:String) | | public function | unloadSprite(pngPath:String) | | public function | cacheSound(soundPath:String) | | public function | cacheGraphic(pngPath:String,?dumpGraphic:Bool = false) | | public function | cacheSprite(pngPath:String,?dump:Bool = false) |


| public function | new (catName:String, options:Array,?desc:String = "",?mod:Bool = false) | | public static var | playerEdit:Int |


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option //

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name


extends Option

Type Name
public function new(name:String)


| public var | callback:Void->Void | | public function | new (callback:Void->Void, logId:String = null) | | public function | add(id = "untitled") | | public function | getFired() return fired.copy(); public function getUnfired() return [for (id in unfired.keys()) id]; |


| public function | getNamespacedName():String | | public function | callInterp(func_name:String, args:Array,?important:Bool = false):Dynamic | | public var | currentAnimationPriority:Int | | public var | animName(get,set):String | | public static var | BFJSON(default,null):String | | public static var | GFJSON(default,null) |


| public static var | NORESULT:Array | | public static var | songScores:Map<String, Int> | | public static function | saveScore(song:String, score:Int = 0, ?diff:Int = 0):Void | | public static function | saveWeekScore(week:Dynamic = 1, score:Int = 0, ?diff:Int = 0):Void | | public static function | setScore(song:String, score:Int,?Arr:Array):Bool | | public static function | formatSong(song:String, diff:Int):String | | public static function | getScoreUnformatted(song:String):Int | | public static function | getScore(song:String, diff:Int):Array | | public static function | getWeekScore(week:Dynamic, diff:Int):Int | | public static function | save():Void | | public static function | load():Void |


| public function | create() | | public function | swapCharacterByLuaName(spriteName:String,newCharacter:String) | | public function | onFocus():Void | | public function | onFocusLost():Void | | public static function | getSVFromTime(strumTime:Float):Float | | public function | update(elapsed:Float) |


| public static function | init(_interp:Interp,state:Class):Dynamic |


extends SearchMenuState

Type Name


Type Name
public function openSubState(s:FlxSubState)
public function switchTo(s:FlxSubState)


| public function | get_skipXAdjust() | | public var | updateY:Bool | | public function | toJson() | | public function | addAnimations() | | public static var | noteAnims:Array | | public function | new(?strumTime:Float = 0, ?_noteData:Int = 0, ?prevNote:Note, ?sustainNote:Bool = false, ?_inCharter:Bool = false,?_type:Dynamic = 0,?_rawNote:Array = null,?playerNote:Bool = false) |


| public static var | needVer:String | | public static var | currChanges:String |


| public static function | set_loadingText(val:String):String | | public static var | tween:FlxTween | | public static function | show() | | public static function | forceHide() | | public static function | hide() |


| public var | fps | | public function | new() | | public var | pool : hxd.Stack | | public function | killWithoutCallbacks(parent:Snd) | | public function | terminate(parent:Snd) | | public function | forceTerminateTween(t:TweenV) | | public function | terminateTween(t:TweenV, ?fl_allowLoop=false) | | public function | terminateAll() | | public function | update(?tmod = 1.0) |


| public function | new(MinDisplayTime:Float=3, ?AllowedURLs:Array) |


| public static function | swapSongs(inStoryMenu:Bool = false) |


| public function | new (folder:String,name:String,?importExisting:Bool = false) |



extends SearchMenuState

Type Name


| public function | new() | | public function | setupNoteSplash(?obj:FlxObject = null,?note:Int = 0) |


| public function | set_text(repl:String = ""):String |


extends FlxSprite

Type Name
public function new(x:Float, y:Float,?allowDashes:Bool = false)
public function createBold(letter:String)
public function createLetter(letter:String):Void
public function createNumber(letter:String,bold:Bool = false):Void
public function createSymbol(letter:String)


| public function | poolBack() | | public static var | EMPTY_STRING |


extends Channel

Type Name


Type Name


extends Sound

Type Name


extends Sound

Type Name


Type Name
public function new( snd : Sound, ?name:String )
public var muted : Bool
public static var released
public static var DEBUG_TRACK
public static function loadSound( path:String, streaming : Bool, blocking : Bool ) : Sound
public static function loadEvent( path:String ) : Sound
public static function fromFaxe( path:String ) : Snd
public static function loadSfx( path:String ) : Snd
public static function loadSong( path:String ) : Snd
public static function load( path:String, streaming=false,blocking=true ) : Snd
public static function terminateTweens()
public static function update()
public static function loadSingleBank( filename : String ) : Null<faxe.Faxe.FmodStudioBankRef>


| public var | $fieldName(get,null)` // var propertyField:Field |


| public function | new(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, DataList:Array, ?Callback:String->Void, ?Header:FlxUIDropDownHeader, ?DropPanel:FlxUI9SliceSprite, ?ButtonList:Array, ?UIControlCallback:Bool->PsychDropDown->Void) | | public var | background:FlxSprite | | public function | new(Width:Int = 120, ?Background:FlxSprite, ?Text:FlxUIText, ?Button:FlxUISpriteButton) | | public function | destroy():Void |


| public static var | lastSong:String | | public var | songName:String | | public function | new(song:String, week:Int, songCharacter:String) |


| public function | new() |


| public static function | init() | | public static var | X | | static public function | areSameType(o:Dynamic,c:Dynamic):Bool | | public var | isNew:Bool | | public static var | TRANSPARENT:FlxColor |


Type Name


Type Name

provides advanced methods on Strings. It is ideally used with using StringTools and then acts as an extension to the String class. If the first argument to any of the methods is null, the result is unspecified. **/ // I hate inlines class SEStringTools

Type Name

containing a set of functions for random generation. */ class SERandom

Type Name
public function new(?InitialSeed:Int)
public function resetInitialSeed():Int
public function int(Min:Int = 0, Max:Int = FlxMath.MAX_VALUE_INT, ?Excludes:Array):Int
public function float(Min:Float = 0, Max:Float = 1, ?Excludes:Array):Float
public function floatNormal(Mean:Float = 0, StdDev:Float = 1):Float
public function bool(Chance:Float = 50):Bool
public function sign(Chance:Float = 50):Int
public function weightedPick(WeightsArray:Array):Int
public function getObject(Objects:Array, ?WeightsArray:Array, StartIndex:Int = 0, ?EndIndex:Null):T
public function shuffleArray(Objects:Array, HowManyTimes:Int):Array
public function shuffle(array:Array):Void
public function color(?Min:FlxColor, ?Max:FlxColor, ?Alpha:Int, GreyScale:Bool = false):FlxColor


| static public function | import(json:String) |