Secret Sauce for RMS to become the top revenue prediction service in the industry
- Python3
- pip3
- Change directory into your application
- Install virtual env package
sudo pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
- Create Virutal Environment
mkvirutalenv [your_env_name]
- Install all package files
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run migration files
python3 migrate
- Run application
python3 runserver
- Database or migration error?
- Try cleaning up your database
python3 flush
- Make sure all migrations are created
python3 makemigrations
- Run migrations
python3 migrate
- Try cleaning up your database
- Force reset Branch
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/<branch_name>
- Always branch off from dev!
git checkout -b <my_new_branch> dev
- Make sure your migrations are already run before running the application
python3 migrate
- When handling files, make sure you do not delete other contributors' files. You can install gitlens extension on VSCode to see if you are touching other people's code in other sections
- Git add carefully
- Please do not run
git add -A
- Manually go through every file you have made changes in and add them file by file
- Make sure you do not upload unncecessary files i.e. files uploaded for testing
- Make sure you do not add in your own database file
- Please do not run
- Ensure the feature functionality works
- Provide clear documentation on Pull Request