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justinjessada edited this page Oct 1, 2013 · 17 revisions

The system software is made up of two main components: the web browser GUI, which is used to control and interact with the experiment, and the server-side software, which directly runs the experiment and its attached webserver. A software system diagram is shown below:

Software systems


The web GUI runs in a browser on the client PC and performs three main tasks:

  • Remote interface
    • Allows the user to control the experiment hardware remotely
  • Data processing
    • Allows the user to access and download experimental data and perform some simple processing
  • Security
    • Ensures that only authorised users can access the hardware


The server runs on the BeagleBone and performs four main tasks:

  • Hardware control
    • Reading input pins to get data from sensors and actuators
    • Writing output pins to control actuators
  • Camera control
    • Taking images from the two cameras and performing the appropriate processing
  • Data collection/transfer
    • Recording sensor data, storing it, and transferring it to the server
    • Getting actuator data, storing it, and implementing it in the system
  • Server control
    • Running a webserver to act as an remote interface between the user and the system