- binary_sensor: allow defaulting unknown device_classes to OnOffSensor (feature flag) (fffef29)
- docker: ensure the app handles process signals properly (a8dd37e)
- ci: only deploy documentation when an actual release happens (a948eb1)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- add configuration option to set Country Code in regulatory config (f0145ac)
- climate: use entity state instead of hvac_mode attribute (ff20e85)
- storage: do not load device states from disk (1cc51db)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- storage: fixed storage migration of the last release (8ddb9b5)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- allow specifying basic authentication (4a40caf)
- allow including hidden entities with a feature flag (03be49d)
- pre-build the addon docker image to increase installation speed and reduce backup size (179f266)
- light: add support for RGBW and RGBWW lights (e66a180)
- properly trap process signals and shutdown the application (69c1175)
- input_button: use correct action to trigger the button (936ac64)
- storage: use multi-file storage to prevent broken storage files due to race conditions (98179e6)
- switch: show switches as 'off' if they are unavailable (5b799fb)
- thermostat: add additional logging when unit of measurement changes (90b625b)
- explain why auto mode is not supported for climates (dc40845)
- upgrade all npm dependencies (6d8cb7e)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- bumb matter.js to 0.12.3 (a1266d9)
- HUGE THANKS to @Apollon77 and @kennylevinsen (acc6549)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- improve logging to debug inclusion and exclusion (f055652)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- docs: add base-url (7d8e4a0)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- link to new documentation (4419a90)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- handle button entity the same way as input_button (#480)
- frontend: refactored menu structure (ab40cbf)
- basic-information-server: It can happen, that your controller (Alexa, Google Home, etc.) doesn't match your existing devices and re-pairs all of them. In that case, you'll need to assign the devices to rooms and automations again."
- Kenny Levinsen @kennylevinsen
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- zepab
- cover: use compatible endProductType for tilt and lift (38c9731)
- lights: apply rounding to brightness and color calculations (f72cd9a)
- thermostat: Check if setting temperature range is supported (#453)
- Kenny Levinsen @kennylevinsen
- sparkym3
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- lights: in general support color control for all lights having hs_color (91a269d)
- add further null checks to prevent bridge from failing (b8e55c4)
- light: swap min and max temperature when mixed up in the entity (bcd84cd)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- Use device area if available for entities that have no area directly set (#403)
- add extra logging when a device cannot be created (fc0a2f0)
- basic-information: ensure variables are actually strings (dc5f700)
- Ricardo Hermida Ruiz @rhruiz
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- basic-information: prevent empty values to fail initialization (73185d5)
- cover: use compatible cover types for tilt only or both (a28ee12)
- lights: proper boundaries for color temperature (784f186)
- media_player: set default input when no input could be determined (0830f18)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- add descriptions for docker-compose (7b304fd)
- allow filtering by entity_category (fc83505)
- cover: allow covers to mimic HA behaviors (5e2907a)
- media_player: source selection, mute and volume fixes (#363)
- basic-information: use proper device information instead of mocked values (d33c6e8)
- colorControl: validate min and max mireds to stay in bounds (2e10106)
- input_button: turn the matter device 'on' for a short time (57465a6)
- Kenny Levinsen @kennylevinsen
- Ricardo Hermida Ruiz @rhruiz
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- cover: allow tilt feature (9506263)
- automatically retry home assistant connection on startup (47979d9)
- lights: auto adjust min and max mireds when value is out of bounds (83a6fa0)
- thermostat: consider the default unit of measurements from home assistant for temperatures (e9aeb1a)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
⚠️ Taking a Holiday Break – See You in the New Year! (86bea0a)
- light: allow adjusting min and max level if value is out of bounds (a95dbda)
- script, automation, scene: explicit call the right commands to activate scripts, automations, and scenes (66f41cd)
- As the holiday season approaches and my main job keeps me busy, I haven’t been able to dedicate as much time to this project as I’d like. Over the holidays, I’ll be taking a well-deserved break to recharge. That said, if an opportunity arises, I’ll try to answer a few questions or review a pull request via my phone. I’m looking forward to returning refreshed and motivated in the new year. Thank you for your understanding and continued support! Happy holidays!
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- allow include and exclude by area (a3ef4a6)
- basic-information: add serial number to devices (7c37dc1)
- input_button: add support for input_button entities (7b38ad9)
- lights: enable features for on/off and level control (e89cb67)
- on-off: allow sending on and off commands, when already on or off (898ba0d)
- Timo Christeleit
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- add debug logging when home assistant actions fail (d77826e)
⚠️ thermostat: refactor how states are synchronized (551da69)
- thermostat: Auto mode from Home Assistant is no longer supported for climates / thermostats. It just doesn't fit into the Matter specification.
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- fan-control: always set fan mode sequence (57803ca)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- fan-control: Implement fan control cluster (#258)
- Kenny Levinsen @kennylevinsen
- basic-information: add vendor id and names to all devices (d3e4703)
- thermostat: set thermostatRunningState more explicit (8617c88)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- color-control: Propagate colorMode (ce5ced4)
- frontend: Add second Samsung vendor ID (#256)
- thermostat: Compare setpoint with target temperature (#254)
- thermostat: Skip temp commands if state is unavailable (#255)
- Kenny Levinsen @kennylevinsen
- frontend: add details how to connect multiple fabrics (1b717ac)
- frontend: add explicit main page to not prevent history-back (ed13eb8)
- matter: finish transaction before calling home assistant services (f66372c)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- frontend: replace brand icons and add samsung (b3991e2)
- deps: update matter.js to v0.11.8 (8fe9509)
- frontend: Add Amazon and Apple vendor IDs (a244855)
- lights: preserve last level control state (6991d9b)
- Kenny Levinsen @kennylevinsen
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- cover: add AbsolutePosition feature to position aware covers and fake PositionAware feature for non position aware covers (7fb8a01)
- docker: remove environment variables from dockerfile (24adece)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
⚠️ add IP whitelisting to prevent unauthorized access (916b3ae)
- The native addon (HAOS) will use Home Assistant ingress from now on. Direct access via the port will no longer be possible.
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- adjust proxy request handling and update documentation (f6bdd20)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- frontend: adjust base url to prevent broken urls (370d25b)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- add base url and proxy detection (bbce762)
- cli: allow explicit whitelisting of ip addresses for http (dee117e)
- prevent edge cases where storage gets deleted (3bdc6ee)
- built clean update mechanism to prevent devices to get re-created (26dc0be)
- frontend: add base to index.html (75137fe)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- scene: default to off state to be able to turn it on (1af9513)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- frontend: New form-based bridge configuration (#197)
- media_player: expose media_player as speaker device if feature flag is activated (#156)
- prevent race conditions when home assistant responds faster than matter (#211)
- frontend: add copy-to-clipboard action to cluster states (f79ef69)
- adrisg
- Kenny Levinsen @kennylevinsen
- Maxime Flamant @maximeflamant
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- add more details when home assistant connection fails (963d3b2)
- frontend: add margin to the commissioning qr-code (#198)
- adrisg
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- revert matter.js to 0.11.5-alpha.0-20241121-c31bc6998 (a52a66e)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- only hash labels larger than max length (3e71fb3)
- change fallthrough matcher after migrating to express@5 (620eddd)
- cover: remove absolute position and add operational status (5e37273)
- Avi Miller @Djelibeybi
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- prepare configurations per domainm, entity and compatibility mode (cb0b599)
- nx-cloud: setup nx cloud workspace (2919527)
- climate: do not set the target position when device is off (b828295)
- climate: only add humidity sensor if available at all (948a34a)
- deps: update dependency ajv to v8 (e73e5c5)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- binary_sensor: made config of boolean state cluster optional (0710d89)
- Tobias Glatthar @t0bst4r
- binary_sensor: add support for water leak detector (2f8707a)
- ci: add repository to repository_dispatch (28d34b0)
- cover: remove unallowed properties from covers without positions (241206c)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- humidifer: add support for humidifiers mapped to PlugInUnits (dd7fe69)
- media_player: add support for media_players as OnOffPluginUnits (59f081c)
- ci: automatic releases for the addon repository including changelog (4559883)
- cover: allow covers to be not position aware (7af0298)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- climate: remove optional temperature cluster (#147)
- cover: do not use configStatus to control lift directions (de7aae8)
- Guillaume S @KipK
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- lights: remove old and wrong properties from lights (0c02a6c)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- disable matter environment parsing (effe5a4)
- light: default hue and saturation to 0 when not available (306bf5a)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- minor patch in state management (cb7607e)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- refactor all clusters to use reactTo and pessimistic state changes (cd00915)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- another try to properly react to state events (04ba690)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- basicInformation: add change detection and reachable check to all devices (d48c9b6)
- cli: added a config-option to provide a configuration file instead of CLI arguments (b5325d6)
- basicInformation: reduce the hash for long names to 4 chars (1212ad3)
- basicInformation: use the entity_id as name, if name is missing (d4baf5c)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- climate: use entity state value as fallback for all status reports (20483e8)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- bridge: enable flex wrapping for filter chips in BridgeDetails (#95)
- climate: map all neccessary properties from climate to thermostat (72ab81e)
- light: only round min and max values properly (50394f6)
- sensor: fix temperature conversion (59c17d8)
- Jeroen Hof @Metal-Eagle
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- climate: add thermostatRunningMode only for autoMode (c928ca5)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- climate: add temperature measurement and humidity sensor (3b44979)
- refactor thermostat server to a single behavior with feature flags (a939600)
- light: round values after converting kelvin and mireds (e4ad137)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- binary_sensor: safe access the config from the state (b703cc7)
- ci: remove typo which prevented the release workflow (7330d8d)
- deps: update all npm dependencies (690abbc)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- prevent bridge edit screen from automatically changing the port (415fada)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- extracted bridge creation to it's own page, allow editing an existing bridge (38287af)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- add silly logs for entity exclusion (e635f91)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- use custom homeAssistantBehavior for better state management (6e0f862)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- climate: use cooling and heating together with auto mode (6193a40)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- add hash to state subscription to prevent reuses when entity filter is changed (1162dce)
- climate: allow auto-mode only (7bb1f68)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- level-control: configure minimal transition time (e754974)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- light: use correct device type for color temp only devices (4b57edf)
- light: do not set out-of-bounds color temperatures (a22ae25)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- implement moveToLevelWithOnOff for all levelControls (93ab431)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- add explicit icon for google vendor id (0afbd42)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- support pattern matching (8107a8b)
- light: add fallback-transition time to level- and color-control (b0ed5a8)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- ignore entities by their hidden and disabled state (9e7b641)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- add support for input_boolean, scene, automation, script (e63a955)
- add fallback mechanism for empty json files (035a0bd)
- remove all entities which don't have a state (cb7b76c)
- climate: set controlSequenceOfOperation as a required property (4816273)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- basic-information: consider maxLength of device properties (627aea5)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- add more configuration details (7c95b3c)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- use fallback dirname for node:18 (bbe0903)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- add missing token to generate github releases (dd3479f)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- remove first-release flag (3b90bfe)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- docs: change the addon repository to be added in home assistant (4aedf2e)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r
- project setup and complete migration (51301ac)
- t0bst4r @t0bst4r