Controllable Multi-Objective Re-ranking with Policy Hypernetworks.pdf
Coverage, Redundancy and Size-Awareness in Genre Diversity for Recommender Systems.pdf
Cross DQN - Cross Deep Q Network for Ads Allocation in Feed.pdf
DEAR - Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Advertising Impression in Recommender Systems.pdf
Discrete Conditional Diffusion for Reranking in Recommendation.pdf
Do Not Wait - Learning Re-Ranking Model Without User Feedback At Serving Time in E-Commerce.pdf
GRN - Generative Rerank Network for Context-wise Recommendation.pdf
GenDeR - A Generic Diversified Ranking Algorithm.pdf
Globally Optimized Mutual Influence Aware Ranking in E-Commerce Search.pdf
Learning a Deep Listwise Context Model for Ranking Refinement.pdf
Multi-channel Integrated Recommendation with Exposure Constraints.pdf
Neural Re-ranking in Multi-stage Recommender Systems - A Review.pdf
Non-autoregressive Generative Models for Reranking Recommendation.pdf
PIER - Permutation-Level Interest-Based End-to-End Re-ranking Framework in E-commerce.pdf
Personalized Click Shaping through Lagrangian Duality for Online Recommendation.pdf
Personalized Complementary Product Recommendation.pdf
Personalized Re-ranking for Recommendation.pdf
Personalized Re-ranking with Item Relationships for E-commerce.pdf
Practical Diversified Recommendations on YouTube with Determinantal Point Processes.pdf
Re-ranking With Constraints on Diversified Exposures for Homepage Recommender System.pdf
Revisit Recommender System in the Permutation Prospective.pdf
SLATEQ - A Tractable Decomposition for Reinforcement Learning with Recommendation Sets.pdf
Seq2slate - Re-ranking and slate optimization with rnns.pdf
The Use of MMR, Diversity-Based Reranking for Reordering Documents and Producing Summaries.pdf
User Response Models to Improve a REINFORCE Recommender System.pdf
[2018][Hulu] Fast Greedy MAP Inference for Determinantal Point Process to Improve Recommendation Diversity.pdf
[2020][LinkedIn] Ads Allocation in Feed via Constrained Optimization.pdf
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