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executable file
174 lines (130 loc) · 7.49 KB

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Note: This branch is for Nuxt 3 compatible module.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense integration for Nuxt.js. Advertisements will update whenever the page route changes


  • Add nuxt-google-adsense dependency using yarn or npm to your project
  • Add nuxt-google-adsense to modules section of nuxt.config.js
  modules: [
    // Simple usage
    ['nuxt-google-adsense', {
      id: 'ca-pub-###########'

Using top level options:

  modules: [

 googleAdsense: {
    id: 'ca-pub-#########'

Using runtime config:

  modules: [

  googleAdsense: {
    onPageLoad: false,
    pageLevelAds: false,

  publicRuntimeConfig: {
    googleAdsense: {
      id: process.env.GOOGLE_ADSENSE_ID,
      test: process.env.GOOGLE_ADSENSE_TEST_MODE === 'true',

The asynchronous ad code (// is automatically added to the <head> section of your pages.

Configuration options

Option type description
id String Your Google AdSense Publisher client ID (i.e. ca-pub-#########). Required when not in test mode.
adFormat String Sets a global default ad format. Can be overridden with component props.
analyticsDomainName String Google Analytics Account Domain (if linking analytics with AdSense, i.e.
analyticsUacct String Google Analytics Account ID (if linking analytics with AdSense, i.e. UA-#######-#).
hideFilled Boolean When false, unfilled ads will not be hidden, when true unfilled ads will be hidden. The default is false.
includeQuery Boolean When false, only $route.path is checked for changes. If set to true $route.query will also be taken into account. The default is false.
onPageLoad Boolean Loads Adsense script after page load. Default is false.
overlayBottom Boolean Enable Adsense Anchor Ads to show at bottom. Default is false. Refer to the AdSense docs for details.
pageLevelAds Boolean Enable AdSense Page Level Ads. Default is false. Refer to the AdSense docs for details.
pauseOnLoad Boolean Pauses ad requests to obtain user consent to use cookies or other local storage in accordance with the GDPR. Refer to the AdSense docs for details. false.
tag String AdSense component tag name. Defaults to adsbygoogle.
test Boolean Force AdSense into test mode (see below).

Test mode

The AdSense module will automatically switch to test mode when running Nuxt in dev mode. But you can keep test mode on in production by setting the configuration option test to true.

Test mode uses a test publisher ID, so that you will not be violating AdSense TOS.

Note that test advertisements will typically appear as an empty space, but will have the correct dimensions (i.e. will occupy the correct space needed by the rendered ad).


Insert the <Adsbygoogle /> component wherever you would like an advertisement placed.

You should place the <Adsbygoogle /> component inside a container element that has a specified (min/max) width and (min/max) height (which can be based on media queries), or use style or classes on the <Adsbygoogle /> component to restrict the advertisement to a specific size (or sizes).

Use the ad-slot property to specify your Google AdSense ad slot value (specified as a string).

Please refer to the adsense documentation for more info. Google Adsense Documentation

Component props:

prop type description
ad-slot String Google Adsense adslot. This prop is required when not in test mode. Refer to your AdSense account for ad-slot values.
ad-format String Optional. Refer to the AdSense docs for other options
ad-style Object Styles to apply to the rendered <ins> element. Default: { display: 'block' }. Refer to VueJS style binding docs for the Object format.
ad-layout String Optional. Refer to the AdSense docs
ad-layout-key String Optional. Refer to the AdSense docs
hide-unfilled Boolean Optional. Hides unfilled ads if true.
page-url String Optional. Set a reference page URL (of similar content) if the ad is on a page that requires authentication. When set, this prop must be a fully qualified URL (including protocol and hostname).
include-query Boolean Override global option includeQuery on a per ad basis. Ensure all ads on a page have the same setting.
analytics-uacct String Google Analytics Account ID (if linking analytics with AdSense, i.e. UA-#######-#). Defaults to the value specified in the plugin option analyticsUacct.
analytics-domain-name String Google Analytics Account domain (if linking analytics with AdSense, i.e. Defaults to the value specified in the plugin option analyticsDomainName.

Component exposed internal data | name | type | description | ____ | ____ | ___________ |showAd | method | Trigger the show ad method to show the ad. | updateAd | method | Trigger the update ad method to refresh the ad. | isUnfilled | computed ref | Tracks unfilled attribute on ad element. Returns true if data-ad-state = 'unfilled'.

Automatic updating of Ads

Whenever your route changes or optionally if your route query parameters change, any displayed ads will update, just as they would on normal page loads.


  • Caution: Reloading of ads arbitrarily (with minimal page content changes) may result in the suspension of your AdSense account. Refer to AdSense for full terms of use.
  • Google needs to crawl each page where ads appear. Ensure your site SSR renders any page where ads appear. Ads on un-crawlable pages will not be shown.
  • When placing ads on pages that require authentication, set page-url on the <Adsbygoogle /> component to the URL of a page on your site that is publicly accessible, which would have similar/relevant content.


This module uses a technique developed by the Angular team (with help from Google AdSense) to handle updating ads on progressive web applications:

Each time a new advertisement is requested, the AdSense parameter data-ad-region is updated to a random value. For this reason, you cannot set the data-ad-region attribute on the <Adsbygoogle /> component.


MIT License