Works just fine.
Works just fine.
Start JACK first, just in case.
Open OBS. In sources, click +
-> JACK Input Client -> Choose name. Select 2 input channels, if asked.
I recommend to disable any other system audio in OBS: Settings -> Audio -> Global Audio devices -> disable any "Desktop Audio". They created white noise on my system.
Start the game and open a patchbay once it's running. It will look something like this:
Pulse Audio JACK [...]
is frompulseaudio-jack
(which is pretty nice to have, but not needed to get the game running)system
are the input and output devicesJACK Input Client
is the sink from OBS we just createdRocksmith2014
is the game
Now tie Rocksmith's outputs to OBS's inputs. OBS should get sound from Rocksmith now.
Have fun recording and/or streaming.