If you're writing an issue about this, please tell me which step fails.
Below the list is an explanation what your problem most likely is.
- Make sure you have read the "Starting the game" section in the guide.
- Sound output on your system generally works?
- Does a native Linux software requiring JACK work? (eg. Ardour, Reaper, Tonelib software, ...)
- Please test the following:
## replace paths as needed.
rm ~/wineasio-test
env WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/wineasio-test /path/to/wineasio-register
## if the first one doesn't work, try the second one.
## (Rocksmith is a 32 bit application and therefore only cares about 32 bit.)
WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/wineasio-test wine /path/to/VBASIOTest32.exe
LD_PRELOAD=/your/path/to/libjack.so WINEPREFIX=home/$USER/wineasio-test wine /path/to/VBASIOTest32.exe
- Assuming you have set up the game, start it with the following command:
PIPEWIRE_LATENCY=256/48000 WINEPREFIX="$STEAMLIBRARY/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx" "$PROTON/bin/wine" "$STEAMLIBRARY/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.exe"
- Start the game according to the section "Starting the game" which can be found in the guide. - Sometimes, only one of the 2 ways suggested works.
This just lists the answer to each of the points. It does not go into detail a lot.
- Read the "Starting the game" section.
- You have problems with your sound on your system in general, which is out of scope for this guide.
- Something with JACK is broken. Maybe not set up correct, maybe (for native JACK) you forgot to start it? - This might be out of scope for this guide.
- Something with wineasio isn't set up correctly. Make sure you installed it properly, make sure wineasio-register works successfully. If the VBASIOTest32 window doesn't show up at all, it doesn't mean this test failed, but we have less information to work with now, which is annoying.
- You didn't run wineasio-register, or RS_ASIO is misconfigured. Delete your prefix and set it up again. Check if RS_ASIO is configured properly.
- You have a problem.
You can create an issue. Please include at which step you fail.