- Prayer wall pagination
- custom admin views - neopolitan?
- group for access
- actions to mark archived (bulk, indivdual)
- Create infra & deploy
sigin with cs
- allauth
- Webhooks incoming
- Webhooks outgoing
- Existing Zaps
- Flagged prayer (OUT)
- New submission (OUT)
- Discord to AirTable (prayer/praise) (IN)
- Airtable to Discord (OUT)
- Create Models
- Add Django import export
- Import data - dev
- Create Serializers and Views
- Actions to increment prayer_count, mark as flagged
- Create Admin views
- deal with boolean flags <-> datetime for "Flagged" and "Archived"
- filter boolean on these
- deal with boolean flags <-> datetime for "Flagged" and "Archived"
- Add some auth for the API
- can be token auth to begin with?
- Integrate with Remix in a local setup
- API Pagination for prayers - how does the client work?
- Prayer request
- Ordering