in this program i wanted to learn about expressions and how to convert them so i build a program to convert 4 cases
1- to convert from postfix to infix
2- to convert from prefix to infix
3- to convert from infix to prefix
4- to convert from infix to postfix.
its expression which have operators and operands normally beside each others.
its expression where the operators comes first the the operands.
its opposite prefix the operands comes first then the operators.
(1)infix: a+b , in prefix: +ab , in postfix: ab+ .
(2)infix: (a+b)c , in prefix: +(ab)c , in postfix: ab+c.
(3)infix: (a-b/c)(a/k-l) , in prefix: -a/bc/a-kl , in postfix:ab-c/ak/l-
that's all i hope to find my program usefull good luck.