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+title: 'Titanium SDK 12.3.1.GA released'
+date: '2024-06-12'
+category: 'Release'
+author: 'Hans Knöchel'
+teaser: 'Several bug fixes related to previous releases'
+image: https://tidev.io/images/titanium-general.png
+The next version of the Titanium SDK is now is available: 12.3.1.GA. Titanium SDK 12.3.1 is a patch release of the SDK fixing existing bugs from previous releases.
+We also also added support and documentation for the new Apple privacy manifest files that are required starting May 1 2024. You can read more about it in [Adhere to the iOS 17+ Privacy Requirements](https://titaniumsdk.com/guide/Titanium_SDK/Titanium_SDK_How-tos/Adhere_to_the_iOS17_Privacy_Requirements.html)
+For a more detailed overview, known issues and closed issues, see the release notes: [Titanium SDK 12.3.1.GA Release Note](https://titaniumsdk.com/guide/Titanium_SDK/Titanium_SDK_Release_Notes/Titanium_SDK_Release_Notes_12.x/Titanium_SDK_12.3.1.GA_Release_Note.html).
+## Install
+**Follow these steps to get SDK 12.3.1.GA:**
+1. Install the CLI with `[sudo] npm i -g titanium alloy`
+2. Run `titanium sdk install 12.3.1.GA`
+3. Set `12.3.1.GA` in your `tiapp.xml`
+## Report Bugs
+If you run into any issues that seem related to the update, please report them on [GitHub](https://github.com/tidev/titanium-sdk/issues).
+## How can I support?
+If you like our work and want to support, think about a [donation](/donate) or to [contribute](/contribute) with your time and code.