diff --git a/server.R b/server.R
index de15411..5778772 100644
--- a/server.R
+++ b/server.R
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
source("src/server/server_plant_material.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")$value
source("src/server/server_pheno.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")$value
source("src/server/server_geno.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")$value
+ source("src/server/server_data_viz.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")$value
source("src/server/server_eval.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")$value
source("src/server/server_theory.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")$value
source("src/server/server_admin.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")$value
diff --git a/src/fun/func_data-viz.R b/src/fun/func_data-viz.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4846031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fun/func_data-viz.R
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+none_value <- "-- None --"
+data_viz_ui <- function(id) {
+ ns <- NS(id)
+ div(
+ div(
+ selectInput(ns("x_var"),
+ "X variable",
+ choices = list(none_value),
+ multiple = FALSE
+ ),
+ selectInput(ns("y_var"),
+ "Y variable",
+ choices = list(none_value),
+ multiple = FALSE
+ ),
+ selectInput(ns("col_var"),
+ "Color variable",
+ choices = list(none_value),
+ multiple = FALSE
+ )
+ ),
+ div(
+ plotlyOutput(ns("plot"))
+ )
+ )
+data_viz_server <- function(id, plot_data) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ observe({
+ data <- plot_data()
+ if (is.null(data)) {
+ updateSelectInput(session, "x_var",
+ choices = none_value,
+ )
+ updateSelectInput(session, "y_var",
+ choices = none_value,
+ )
+ updateSelectInput(session, "col_var",
+ choices = none_value,
+ )
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ var_list <- colnames(data)
+ var_list <- c(none_value, var_list)
+ updateSelectInput(session, "x_var",
+ choices = var_list,
+ selected = ifelse(!is_null_var(input$x_var) && input$x_var %in% var_list, input$x_var, var_list[2])
+ )
+ updateSelectInput(session, "y_var",
+ choices = var_list,
+ selected = ifelse(!is_null_var(input$x_var) && input$y_var %in% var_list, input$y_var, var_list[1])
+ )
+ updateSelectInput(session, "col_var",
+ choices = var_list,
+ selected = ifelse(!is_null_var(input$x_var) && input$col_var %in% var_list, input$col_var, var_list[1])
+ )
+ })
+ output$plot <- renderPlotly({
+ data <- plot_data()
+ if ((input$x_var == none_value && input$y_var == none_value) || is.null(data)) {
+ return(empty_plot("No data to show"))
+ }
+ if (input$x_var == none_value || input$y_var == none_value) {
+ return(
+ plot_1D(
+ data = data,
+ x_var = input$x_var,
+ y_var = input$y_var,
+ col_var = input$col_var
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ return(
+ plot_2D(
+ data = data,
+ x_var = input$x_var,
+ y_var = input$y_var,
+ col_var = input$col_var
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ })
+empty_plot <- function(info = "") {
+ return(plot_ly(type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>%
+ add_annotations(
+ x=0.5, y=0.5, xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
+ text = info,
+ xanchor = 'center',
+ showarrow = FALSE
+ ))
+plot_1D <- function(data, x_var, y_var, col_var) {
+ var_of_interest <- c(x_var, y_var)[ which(!is_null_var(c(x_var, y_var))) ]
+ if (is.numeric(data[, var_of_interest])) {
+ return(histogram(data, x_var, y_var, col_var))
+ }
+ barplot(data, x_var, y_var, col_var)
+plot_2D <- function(data, x_var, y_var, col_var) {
+ if (is.numeric(data[, x_var]) && is.numeric(data[, y_var])) {
+ return(scatter_plot(data, x_var, y_var, col_var))
+ }
+ if (any(c(is.numeric(data[, x_var]), is.numeric(data[, y_var])))) {
+ return(box_plot(data, x_var, y_var, col_var))
+ }
+ empty_plot("Plot for two categorical variables is not implemented.\nYou could rather use one variable as X axis and the other as color.")
+scatter_plot <- function(data, x_var, y_var, col_var) {
+ color <- NULL
+ if (!is_null_var(col_var)) {
+ color <- data[, col_var]
+ }
+ p <- plot_ly(type = "scatter",
+ mode = "markers",
+ data = data,
+ x = data[, x_var],
+ y = data[, y_var],
+ color = color,
+ hoverinfo = "text",
+ text = apply(data, 1, function(l) {
+ paste(names(l), ":", l, collapse = "\n")
+ }))
+ p <- layout(p,
+ yaxis = list(title = y_var),
+ xaxis = list(title = x_var),
+ legend = list(title = list(text = col_var))
+ )
+ p
+box_plot <- function(data, x_var, y_var, col_var) {
+ color <- NULL
+ if (!is_null_var(col_var)) {
+ color <- data[, col_var]
+ }
+ x_values <- NULL
+ if (!is_null_var(x_var)) {
+ x_values <- data[, x_var]
+ }
+ y_values <- NULL
+ if (!is_null_var(y_var)) {
+ y_values <- data[, y_var]
+ }
+ p <- plot_ly(
+ type = "box",
+ data = data,
+ y = y_values,
+ x = x_values,
+ color = color,
+ boxpoints = "all",
+ jitter = 0.3,
+ pointpos = 0,
+ hoverinfo = "text",
+ text = apply(data, 1, function(l) {
+ paste(names(l), ":", l, collapse = "\n")
+ })
+ )
+ p <- layout(p,
+ boxmode = "group",
+ yaxis = list(title = y_var),
+ xaxis = list(title = x_var),
+ legend = list(title = list(text = col_var))
+ )
+ p
+histogram <- function(data, x_var, y_var, col_var) {
+ hist_axis_title <- "Number of observations"
+ data_list <- list(data)
+ alpha <- 1
+ if (!is_null_var(col_var)) {
+ data_list <- split(data, data[, col_var])
+ alpha <- 0.6
+ }
+ x_values <- NULL
+ x_axis_title <- hist_axis_title
+ if (!is_null_var(x_var)) {
+ x_axis_title <- x_var
+ }
+ y_values <- NULL
+ y_axis_title <- hist_axis_title
+ if (!is_null_var(y_var)) {
+ y_axis_title <- y_var
+ }
+ p <- plot_ly(
+ type = "histogram",
+ alpha = alpha
+ )
+ for (data_index in seq_along(data_list)) {
+ data <- data_list[[data_index]]
+ x_values <- NULL
+ if (!is_null_var(x_var)) {
+ x_values <- data[, x_var]
+ }
+ y_values <- NULL
+ if (!is_null_var(y_var)) {
+ y_values <- data[, y_var]
+ }
+ p <- add_histogram(
+ p,
+ data = data,
+ y = y_values,
+ x = x_values,
+ name = names(data_list)[data_index],
+ marker = list(
+ line = list(color = 'rgb(235, 237, 235)', width = 1)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ p <- layout(
+ p,
+ barmode = "overlay",
+ showlegend = !is_null_var(col_var),
+ yaxis = list(title = y_axis_title),
+ xaxis = list(title = x_axis_title),
+ legend = list(title = list(text = col_var))
+ )
+ p
+barplot <- function(data, x_var, y_var, col_var) {
+ hist_axis_title <- "Number of observations"
+ data <- data %>%
+ dplyr::mutate_if(is.character, as.factor)
+ if (!is_null_var(col_var)) {
+ data <- dplyr::group_by(data, !!sym(col_var), .drop = FALSE)
+ }
+ x_axis_title <- hist_axis_title
+ if (!is_null_var(x_var)) {
+ data <- dplyr::group_by(data, !!sym(x_var), .add = TRUE, .drop = FALSE)
+ x_axis_title <- x_var
+ }
+ y_axis_title <- hist_axis_title
+ if (!is_null_var(y_var)) {
+ data <- dplyr::group_by(data, !!sym(y_var), .add = TRUE, .drop = FALSE)
+ y_axis_title <- y_var
+ }
+ plt_data <- as.data.frame(dplyr::summarise(data, n = dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ if (!is_null_var(x_var)) {
+ x_values <- plt_data[[x_var]]
+ y_values <- plt_data[["n"]]
+ } else {
+ x_values <- plt_data[["n"]]
+ y_values <- plt_data[[y_var]]
+ }
+ col_values <- NULL
+ if (!is_null_var(col_var)) {
+ col_values <- plt_data[[col_var]]
+ }
+ p <- plot_ly(plt_data,
+ x = x_values,
+ y = y_values,
+ color = col_values,
+ type = 'bar')
+ p <- layout(
+ p,
+ showlegend = !is_null_var(col_var),
+ yaxis = list(title = y_axis_title),
+ xaxis = list(title = x_axis_title),
+ barmode = 'stack',
+ legend = list(title = list(text = col_var))
+ )
+ p
+is_null_var <- function(vars) {
+ sapply(vars, function(var) { identical(var, none_value) })
diff --git a/src/server/server_data_viz.R b/src/server/server_data_viz.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db9e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/server/server_data_viz.R
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+## Copyright 2015,2016,2017,2018,2019 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
+## and Montpellier SupAgro.
+## This file is part of PlantBreedGame.
+## PlantBreedGame is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+## published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+## License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## PlantBreedGame is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+## License along with PlantBreedGame. If not, see
+## .
+## Function
+source("src/fun/func_data-viz.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")
+###### server for "genotyping" ######
+## Main UI ----
+output$data_viz_UI <- renderUI({
+ if (!gameInitialised()) {
+ return(
+ source("src/ui/ui_gameNotInitialised.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")$value
+ )
+ }
+ if (breeder() != "No Identification" & breederStatus() != "player") {
+ return(source("src/ui/ui_data-viz_loggedIn.R", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")$value)
+ }
+ return(
+ shinydashboard::box(
+ width = 12, title = "Content unavailable",
+ div(p("Sorry, you need the 'game-master' status or the 'tester' status to access this."))
+ )
+ )
+raw_data_from_file <- reactive({
+ if (is.null(input$file_data_viz)) {
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ df <- utils::read.table(
+ input$file_data_viz$datapath,
+ header = TRUE,
+ sep = "\t",
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
+ can_be_numeric_var <- sapply(colnames(df), function(var) {
+ numeric_values <- as.numeric(df[, var])
+ !any(is.na(numeric_values))
+ })
+ numeric_var <- colnames(df)[can_be_numeric_var]
+ categ_var <- colnames(df)[!can_be_numeric_var]
+ updateSelectInput(session, "quant_variables",
+ choices = numeric_var,
+ selected = numeric_var
+ )
+ updateSelectInput(session, "categ_variables",
+ choices = colnames(df),
+ selected = categ_var
+ )
+ shinyjs::disable("quant_variables")
+ df
+# observeEvent(input$quant_variables, {
+# # TODO: This part is not greate the observed is called 2 times which is not greate
+# if (is.null(input$quant_variables)) {
+# return(NULL)
+# }
+# data <- req(raw_data_from_file())
+# quant_var <- input$quant_variables
+# categ_var <- colnames(data)[!colnames(data) %in% quant_var]
+# if (!setequal(categ_var, input$categ_variables)) {
+# updateSelectInput(session, "categ_variables",
+# selected = categ_var
+# )
+# }
+# })
+observeEvent(input$categ_variables, {
+ if (is.null(input$categ_variables)) {
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ data <- req(raw_data_from_file())
+ categ_var <- input$categ_variables
+ quant_var <- colnames(data)[!colnames(data) %in% categ_var]
+ if (!setequal(quant_var, input$quant_variables)) {
+ updateSelectInput(session, "quant_variables",
+ selected = quant_var
+ )
+ }
+data_from_file <- reactive({
+ data <- raw_data_from_file()
+ for (var in input$quant_variables) {
+ data[, var] <- as.numeric(data[, var])
+ }
+ for (var in input$categ_variables) {
+ data[, var] <- as.character(data[, var])
+ }
+ data
+data_viz_server("data-viz_file", data_from_file)
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_data-viz_loggedIn.R b/src/ui/ui_data-viz_loggedIn.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f3f38d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/ui_data-viz_loggedIn.R
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+## Copyright 2015,2016,2017,2018,2019 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
+## and Montpellier SupAgro.
+## This file is part of PlantBreedGame.
+## PlantBreedGame is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+## published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+## License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## PlantBreedGame is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+## License along with PlantBreedGame. If not, see
+## .
+ shinydashboard::tabBox(
+ width = 12, title = "Data Visualisation", id = "data-viz", side = "left", selected = "From file",
+ tabPanel(
+ "From file",
+ div(
+ h4("Import file"),
+ fileInput(
+ inputId = "file_data_viz",
+ label = NULL,
+ multiple = FALSE,
+ accept = c(".txt", ".tsv", ".txt.gz")
+ ),
+ selectInput("quant_variables",
+ "Quantitative variables",
+ choices = list("None","var 1", "var 2", "var 3"),
+ multiple = TRUE
+ ),
+ selectInput("categ_variables",
+ "Categorical variables",
+ choices = list("var 1", "var 2", "var 3"),
+ multiple = TRUE
+ )
+ ),
+ div(
+ data_viz_ui("data-viz_file")
+ )
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R
index 63ba8c3..e00f98e 100644
--- a/ui.R
+++ b/ui.R
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ shinyUI(
tabName = "geno",
icon = icon("dna")
+ menuItem("Data Visualisation",
+ tabName = "data-viz",
+ icon = icon("chart-line")
+ ),
tabName = "eval",
icon = icon("medal")
@@ -159,6 +163,14 @@ shinyUI(
# encoding = "UTF-8"
# )$value,
+ # ---- Evaluation ----
+ tabItem(
+ tabName = "data-viz",
+ fluidRow(
+ uiOutput("data_viz_UI")
+ )
+ ),
# ---- Evaluation ----
tabName = "eval",