Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | int? | The unique identifier of the athlete | [optional] |
ResourceState | int? | Resource state, indicates level of detail. Possible values: 1 -> "meta", 2 -> "summary", 3 -> "detail" | [optional] |
Firstname | string | The athlete's first name. | [optional] |
Lastname | string | The athlete's last name. | [optional] |
ProfileMedium | string | URL to a 62x62 pixel profile picture. | [optional] |
Profile | string | URL to a 124x124 pixel profile picture. | [optional] |
City | string | The athlete's city. | [optional] |
State | string | The athlete's state or geographical region. | [optional] |
Country | string | The athlete's country. | [optional] |
Sex | string | The athlete's sex. | [optional] |
Friend | string | Whether the currently logged-in athlete follows this athlete. | [optional] |
Follower | string | Whether this athlete follows the currently logged-in athlete. | [optional] |
Premium | bool? | Deprecated. Use summit field instead. Whether the athlete has any Summit subscription. | [optional] |
Summit | bool? | Whether the athlete has any Summit subscription. | [optional] |
CreatedAt | DateTime? | The time at which the athlete was created. | [optional] |
UpdatedAt | DateTime? | The time at which the athlete was last updated. | [optional] |
FollowerCount | int? | The athlete's follower count. | [optional] |
FriendCount | int? | The athlete's friend count. | [optional] |
MutualFriendCount | int? | The number or athletes mutually followed by this athlete and the currently logged-in athlete. | [optional] |
MeasurementPreference | string | The athlete's preferred unit system. | [optional] |
Ftp | int? | The athlete's FTP (Functional Threshold Power). | [optional] |
Weight | float? | The athlete's weight. | [optional] |
Clubs | List<SummaryClub> | The athlete's clubs. | [optional] |
Bikes | List<SummaryGear> | The athlete's bikes. | [optional] |
Shoes | List<SummaryGear> | The athlete's shoes. | [optional] |