Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | long? | The unique identifier of this lap | [optional] |
Activity | MetaActivity | [optional] | |
Athlete | MetaAthlete | [optional] | |
AverageCadence | float? | The lap's average cadence | [optional] |
AverageSpeed | float? | The lap's average speed | [optional] |
Distance | float? | The lap's distance, in meters | [optional] |
ElapsedTime | int? | The lap's elapsed time, in seconds | [optional] |
StartIndex | int? | The start index of this effort in its activity's stream | [optional] |
EndIndex | int? | The end index of this effort in its activity's stream | [optional] |
LapIndex | int? | The index of this lap in the activity it belongs to | [optional] |
MaxSpeed | float? | The maximum speed of this lat, in meters per second | [optional] |
MovingTime | int? | The lap's moving time, in seconds | [optional] |
Name | string | The name of the lap | [optional] |
PaceZone | int? | The athlete's pace zone during this lap | [optional] |
Split | int? | [optional] | |
StartDate | DateTime? | The time at which the lap was started. | [optional] |
StartDateLocal | DateTime? | The time at which the lap was started in the local timezone. | [optional] |
TotalElevationGain | float? | The elevation gain of this lap, in meters | [optional] |