This file contains the current feature set of openage.
As features don't create and add themselves down there, you can make it happen! See the contribution intro how to add stuff.
- Original asset conversion
- Arbitrary resolution user interface
- Unit movement
- Building construction
- Resource collection
- Basic combat
- Efficient rendering
- Good pathfinding
- Networking
- Nyan integration
- 3D terrain
- Random map generation
- AI scripting
- Python modding API
There are some openage internals that may be of interest but would go unnoted otherwise:
Powered by cython, we have an easy to use bidirectional Python <-> C++ interface that even translates Exceptions between both. See the howto.
You can edit any texture with your favorite image manipulation software. When you save the changes, they'll appear in-game instantly.
We have an integrated terminal emulator supporting ecma-48.
You can run vim
or anything else within openage.
This is neat to interactively edit scripts.
Powered mainly by CMake and Python, our buildsystem is dynamically rebuilding and regenerating only the files it needs to.
Background tasks can be submitted and detached by our job subsystem. Used for sound decoding and various other computations.