Did you know that you can inject singletons to improve testability?
template<class T>
struct singleton {
static auto& get() {
static T s{};
return s;
class api {
virtual ~api() = default;
virtual auto call() const -> int { return 42; }
class app {
auto run() -> int {
return singleton<api>::get().call();
class app_di {
constexpr explicit(true) app_di(const api& api)
: api_{api}
{ }
auto run() const -> int {
const api& api_;
int main() {
app a{}; // coupled
assert(42 ==;
app_di a{singleton<api>::get()}; // injected
assert(42 ==
struct : api {
auto call() const -> int override { return 43; }
} fake_api{};
app_di api{fake_api}; // faked
assert(43 ==;
Can you implement required steps and the app to satisfy feature tests?
- NOTE: Feature test must remain as authored
template <class T>
struct singleton {
static auto& get() {
static T s{};
return s;
class api {
virtual ~api() = default;
virtual auto call() const -> int { return {}; }
class app; //TODO
int main() {
using namespace boost::ut;
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);
// Feature tests must remain as authored
"app"_test = steps | R"(
Feature: Singleton
Scenario: Dependency Injection
Given I have an app
Given I have an fake_api which returns 42
When I call run on the app
Then I should get 42
Scenario: Dependency Injection
Given I have an app
Given I have an fake_api which returns 100
When I call run on the app
Then I should get 100
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
std::unique_ptr<app> app{};
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
auto api = fake_api{value};
app = std::make_unique<class app>(api);
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
run_result = app->run();
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
auto api = fake_api{value};
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
app app{api};
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
run_result =;
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
app sut{};
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
struct fake : api {
fake(int value) : value(value), api{} {};
int value{};
auto call() const -> int override {
return value;
} fake_api{ value };
singleton<api*>::get() = &fake_api;
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
run_result =;
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
class FakeApi : public api {
using value_t = int;
constexpr FakeApi(const value_t val) : value(val) {}
value_t call() const override { return value; }
value_t value;
} fake_api{value};
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
app app{fake_api};
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
run_result =;
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
struct fake_api {
auto call() const -> int { return value_; }
auto set(int i) -> void { value_ = i; }
int value_;
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
app<fake_api> app;
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
run_result =;
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
app my_app{};
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
singleton<fake_api>::get().value = value;
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
run_result =;
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
class fakeapi : public api {
void set(const int value) { value_ = value; }
auto call() const -> int override { return value_; }
int value_;
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
run_result = singleton<app>().get().run();
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
apiI api1(value);
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
app myApp(api1);
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
run_result =;
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);
bdd::gherkin::steps steps = [](auto& steps) {
steps.feature("Singleton") = [&] {
steps.scenario("*") = [&] {
steps.given("I have an fake_api which returns {}") = [&](int value) {
singleton<fake_api>::get().value = value;
steps.given("I have an app") = [&] {
app a{singleton<fake_api>::get()};
auto run_result = 0;
steps.when("I call run on the app") = [&] {
run_result =;
steps.then("I should get {}") = [&](_i result) {
expect(run_result == result);