Our API is RESTful, so any programming language will support interaction, but the document will provide examples for Postman (a plugin for Chrome), Python and C# (coming soon). Before calling private APIs, you should create an authenticated session. It’s cookie-based, so library needs to save cookies and pass them back with continuous calls, in most programming languages it will be done automatically, so nothing complicated.
{% method %}
This example will perform POST to login endpoint, call it once when you start a new session.
{% sample lang="postman" %}
{% sample lang="python" %}
import requests
login_url = 'https://integration-test.gettipsi.com/api/rest/v001/login'
session = requests.Session()
response = session.post(login_url, {'username': 'USERNAME', 'password': 'PASSWORD'})
if response.status_code == 200:
print('Logged in successfully')
print('Login failed')
{% sample lang="cs" %}
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
const string ApplicationJSONMediaType = "application/json";
const string BaseUrl = "https://integration-test.gettipsi.com/";
const string LoginPath = @"api/rest/v001/login";
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseUrl) };
HttpResponseMessage responce = httpClient.PostAsync(LoginPath, new StringContent("{\"username\": \"USERNAME\", \"password\": \"PASSWORD\"}", Encoding.UTF8, ApplicationJSONMediaType)).Result;
Console.WriteLine("Logged in successfully");
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Login failed");
{% endmethod %}
If response status code is 200, you logged in successfully. Once it happened, any further call will contain session ID in cookies header.
{% method %}
The sample below will perform GET request on list wine endpoint - it will return a paginated results set of all the available wines in store. The used store id is 19771, please change it to your value provided by Tipsi.
{% sample lang="postman" %}
{% sample lang="python" %}
url = 'https://integration-test.gettipsi.com/api/rest/v001/store/19771/wine'
params = {'inventory_fields': 'id,barcodes,external_id,wine',
'wine_fields': 'id,name,vintage,country',
'country_fields': 'id,name'}
products = session.get(url, params).json()
{% sample lang="cs" %}
const string winePath = "api/rest/v001/store/19771/wine?inventory_fields=id,barcodes,external_id,wine&wine_fields=id,name,vintage,country&country_fields=id,name";
HttpResponseMessage wineResponce = httpClient.GetAsync(winePath).Result;
string wineData = wineResponce.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Requst failed");
{% endmethod %}
Once you get your code working on test server, change it to production and go live!