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EPro-PnP-6DoF v2

The code is modified from the official implementation of CDPN, and is used for benchmarking only. We will not maintain this code except for bug fixes.


The code has been tested in the environment described as follows:

  • Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04/18.04)
  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 1.5.0

An example script for installing the python dependencies under CUDA 10.2:

# Create conda environment
conda create -y -n epropnp_6dof python=3.6
conda activate epropnp_6dof
conda install -y pip

# Install pytorch
conda install pytorch==1.5.0 torchvision==0.6.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

# Install other dependencies
pip install opencv-python== pyro-ppl==1.4.0 PyYAML==5.4.1 matplotlib termcolor plyfile easydict scipy progress numba tensorboardx

Data preparation

Please refer to this link.


The pretrained models can be downloaded from Google Drive.


If you use the epropnp_v2_cdpn_init config, please download the checkpoint cdpn_stage_1.pth from [Google Drive | Baidu Pan], and move it to EPro-PnP-6DoF_v2/checkpoints/cdpn_stage_1.pth.

To start training, enter the directory EPro-PnP-6DoF_v2/tools, and run:

python --cfg /PATH/TO/CONFIG  # configs are located in EPro-PnP-6DoF_v2/tools/exp_cfg

By default GPU 0 is used, you can set the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to change this behavior.

Checkpoints, logs and visualizations will be saved to EPro-PnP-6DoF_v2/exp. You can run TensorBoard to plot the logs:

tensorboard --logdir ../exp


To test and evaluate on the LineMOD test split, please edit the config file and

  1. set the load_model option to the path of the checkpoint file,
  2. change the test option from False to True.

After saving the test config, enter the directory EPro-PnP-6DoF_v2/tools, and run:

python --cfg /PATH/TO/CONFIG

Logs and visualizations will be saved to EPro-PnP-6DoF_v2/exp.