- Kafka operator installed (minimum Strimzi version 0.26.x or 0.27.x)
- Camel-K operator installed (version 1.8.x)
Create the following configuration resources that will be used by the operator (make sure they are created in the same namespace as the operator):
- A ConfigMap per service domain that exposes a http route (with the name integration--http e.g. integration-customer-offer-http) containing definitions of camel routes(e.g. directs.yaml)
kubectl apply -f ../deploy/config/integrations
- A ConfigMap per service domain that defines the OpenApi used to map REST requests to the directs routes
kubectl apply -f ../deploy/config/openapi
The following resources must be created where the integrations are going to be built.
- A configMap containing a Maven settings, before doing so, export the user/token with permissions to READ packages because our integrations depend on custom Maven dependencies published on GitHub Packages.
export GITHUB_USER=my-user
export GITHUB_TOKEN=my-github-token-with-read-packages-permission
SETTINGS=$(sed -e "s/github_user/$GITHUB_USER/" -e "s/github_password/$GITHUB_TOKEN/" ../deploy/config/camel-k/mercury-mvn-settings.xml) && kubectl create cm mercury-mvn-settings --from-literal=settings.xml=$SETTINGS
- An Integration Platform pointing to this configMap.
You will require the registry
addon and then create the IntegrationPlatform
pointing to the local registry. Check the Camel-K documentation
to set up a different registry
First extract the registry address:
export REGISTRY_ADDRESS=$(kubectl -n kube-system get service registry -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}')
Then use the existing integration platform definition with your internal registry configuration:
faq -f yaml -o yaml --args $REGISTRY_ADDRESS '.spec.build.registry = {address: $ARGS.positional[0], insecure: true}' ../deploy/config/camel-k/integration-platform.yaml | kubectl create -f -
Just create the integration platform:
kubectl apply -f ../deploy/config/camel-k/integration-platform.yaml
The operator will be created in the mercury namespace so make sure the mercury
namespace exists.
To install the operator run:
kubectl apply -n mercury -f ../deploy/
We have created a Catalog containing the Mercury Operator. You can install this catalog on the Operator Lifecycle Manager and then just create a Subscription via the user interface.
kubectl apply -n olm -f ../deploy/olm-catalog/1.0.1/catalog-source.yaml
This operator is the one responsible for the deployment of the Mercury clusters by creating the necessary objects.
- On Service Domain Infra object creation the operator will create a Role, a RoleBinding and a Kafka broker in case they do not exist already.
- Upon the successful creation of the Kafka broker, its url will be displayed in the Service Domain Infra status object.
- On Service Domain object creation the operator will create a ServiceAccount, a Deployment, a Service, a Kafka Topic and a Camel K Integration in case they do not exist already.
- On Service Domain object creation if the expose parameter list has an http value in it, it will create an http Route.
- On Kafka Topic successful creation, its name will be displayed in the Service Domain status.
The Operator is Watching 2 kinds of entities:
The service domain infra custom resource represents a cluster of service domains with a Kafka broker deployment. E.g.
apiVersion: mercury.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServiceDomainInfra
name: service-domain-infra
service-domain-infra: service-domain-infra
A group of service domains share the Service Domain Infrastructure Custom Resource To create a service domain infra run the following command
kubectl create -f service-domain-infra.yaml
The service domain custom resource represents a service, a gRPC service will be created by default for inter service domain communication. If external access is required then use the expose parameter.
apiVersion: mercury.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServiceDomain
name: customer-offer
service-domain: customer-offer
businessImage: quay.io/ecosystem-appeng/customer-offer-example:1.0.1
serviceDomainInfra: service-domain-infra
type: CustomerOffer
- http
- businessImage - the image to create the service container from.
- serviceDomainInfra - the name of the service domain infra this service domain is a part of.
- type - the type of the service domain.
- expose - a list of ways this service domain is exposed, currently we support only http, it will create a http route
To create a service domain run the following command
kubectl create -f customer-offer-service-domain.yaml