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Deploy TiDB on Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes
Learn how to deploy a TiDB cluster on Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes.

Deploy TiDB on Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes

This document describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster on Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes with your laptop (Linux or macOS) for development or testing.


You can use Cloud Shell of Alibaba Cloud to perform operations. All the tools have been pre-installed and configured in the Cloud Shell of Alibaba Cloud.

Required privileges

To deploy a TiDB cluster, make sure you have the following privileges:

  • AliyunECSFullAccess
  • AliyunESSFullAccess
  • AliyunVPCFullAccess
  • AliyunSLBFullAccess
  • AliyunCSFullAccess
  • AliyunEIPFullAccess
  • AliyunECIFullAccess
  • AliyunVPNGatewayFullAccess
  • AliyunNATGatewayFullAccess

Overview of things to create

In the default configuration, you will create:

  • A new VPC

  • An ECS instance as the bastion machine

  • A managed ACK (Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes) cluster with the following ECS instance worker nodes:

    • An auto-scaling group of 2 * instances (2 cores, 2 GB RAM) as ACK mandatory workers for the system service like CoreDNS
    • An auto-scaling group of 3 * ecs.g5.large instances for deploying the PD cluster
    • An auto-scaling group of 3 * ecs.i2.2xlarge instances for deploying the TiKV cluster
    • An auto-scaling group of 2 * ecs.c5.4xlarge instances for deploying the TiDB cluster
    • An auto-scaling group of 1 * ecs.c5.xlarge instance for deploying monitoring components
    • A 100 GB cloud disk used to store monitoring data

All the instances except ACK mandatory workers are deployed across availability zones (AZs) to provide cross-AZ high availability. The auto-scaling group ensures the desired number of healthy instances, so the cluster can auto-recover from node failure or even AZ failure.


  1. Configure the target Region and Alibaba Cloud key (you can also set these variables in the terraform command prompt):

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}


    The file contains default settings of variables used for deploying the cluster. You can change it or use the -var option to override a specific variable to fit your need.

  2. Use Terraform to set up the cluster.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    git clone --depth=1 && \
    cd tidb-operator/deploy/aliyun

    Note that you must answer "yes" to terraform apply to continue:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    terraform init

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    terraform apply

    If you get an error while running terraform apply, fix the error (for example, lack of permission) according to the error description and run terraform apply again.

    It takes 5 to 10 minutes to create the whole stack using terraform apply. Once installation is complete, the basic cluster information is printed:

    Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 1 destroyed.
    bastion_ip =
    cluster_id = c2d9b20854a194f158ef2bc8ea946f20e
    kubeconfig_file = /tidb-operator/deploy/aliyun/credentials/kubeconfig
    monitor_endpoint =
    region = cn-hangzhou
    ssh_key_file = /tidb-operator/deploy/aliyun/credentials/my-cluster-keyZ.pem
    tidb_endpoint =
    tidb_version = v3.0.0
    vpc_id = vpc-bp1v8i5rwsc7yh8dwyep5


    You can use the terraform output command to get the output again.

  3. You can then interact with the ACK cluster using kubectl or helm

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/credentials/kubeconfig

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    kubectl version

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    helm ls

Access the database

You can connect the TiDB cluster via the bastion instance. All necessary information is in the output printed after installation is finished (replace the <> parts with values from the output):

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

ssh -i credentials/<cluster_name>-key.pem root@<bastion_ip>

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

mysql -h <tidb_slb_ip> -P 4000 -u root


Visit <monitor_endpoint> to view the Grafana dashboards. You can find this information in the output of installation.

The initial login user account and password:

  • User: admin
  • Password: admin


It is strongly recommended to set deploy/modules/aliyun/tidb-cluster/values/default.yaml - monitor.grafana.service.annotations - to intranet for security if you already have a VPN connecting to your VPC or plan to set up one.


To upgrade the TiDB cluster, set the tidb_version variable to a higher version in and run terraform apply.

This may take a while to complete. You can watch the process using the following command:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

kubectl get pods --namespace <tidb_cluster_name> -o wide --watch


To scale the TiDB cluster, modify tikv_count or tidb_count to your desired numbers, and then run terraform apply.


Configure TiDB Operator

You can adjust the settings to configure TiDB Operator. Note that the operator_helm_values configuration item can provide a customized values.yaml configuration file for TiDB Operator. For example,

  • Set operator_helm_values in terraform.tfvars:

    operator_helm_values = "./my-operator-values.yaml"
  • Set operator_helm_values in

    operator_helm_values = file("./my-operator-values.yaml")

In the default configuration, the Terraform script creates a new VPC. To use the existing VPC, set vpc_id in In this case, Kubernetes nodes are not deployed in AZs with vswitch not configured.

Configure the TiDB cluster

./my-cluster.yaml is the values.yaml configuration file in the TiDB cluster. You can configure the TiDB cluster by modifying this file. For supported configuration items, see Configure the TiDB cluster in Kubernetes.

Manage multiple TiDB clusters

To manage multiple TiDB clusters in a single Kubernetes cluster, you need to edit ./ and add the tidb-cluster declaration based on your needs. For example:

module "tidb-cluster-dev" {
  source = "../modules/aliyun/tidb-cluster"
  providers = {
    helm = helm.default

  cluster_name = "dev-cluster"
  ack          = module.tidb-operator

  pd_count                   = 1
  tikv_count                 = 1
  tidb_count                 = 1
  override_values            = file("dev-cluster.yaml")

module "tidb-cluster-staging" {
  source = "../modules/aliyun/tidb-cluster"
  providers = {
    helm = helm.default

  cluster_name = "staging-cluster"
  ack          = module.tidb-operator

  pd_count                   = 3
  tikv_count                 = 3
  tidb_count                 = 2
  override_values            = file("staging-cluster.yaml")


You need to set a unique cluster_name for each TiDB cluster.

All the configurable parameters in tidb-cluster are as follows:

Parameter Description Default value
ack The structure that enwraps the target Kubernetes cluster information (required) nil
cluster_name The TiDB cluster name (required and unique) nil
tidb_version The TiDB cluster version v3.0.1
tidb_cluster_chart_version tidb-cluster helm chart version v1.0.1
pd_count The number of PD nodes 3
pd_instance_type The PD instance type ecs.g5.large
tikv_count The number of TiKV nodes 3
tikv_instance_type The TiKV instance type ecs.i2.2xlarge
tidb_count The number of TiDB nodes 2
tidb_instance_type The TiDB instance type ecs.c5.4xlarge
monitor_instance_type The instance type of monitoring components ecs.c5.xlarge
override_values The values.yaml configuration file of the TiDB cluster. You can read it using the file() function nil
local_exec_interpreter The interpreter that executes the command line instruction ["/bin/sh", "-c"]

Manage multiple Kubernetes clusters

It is recommended to use a separate Terraform module to manage a specific Kubernetes cluster. (A Terraform module is a directory that contains the .tf script.)

deploy/aliyun combines multiple reusable Terraform scripts in deploy/modules. To manage multiple clusters, perform the following operations in the root directory of the tidb-operator project:

  1. Create a directory for each cluster. For example:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    mkdir -p deploy/aliyun-staging
  2. Refer to in deploy/aliyun and write your own script. For example:

    provider "alicloud" {
        region     = <YOUR_REGION>
        access_key = <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>
        secret_key = <YOUR_SECRET_KEY>
    module "tidb-operator" {
        source     = "../modules/aliyun/tidb-operator"
        region          = <YOUR_REGION>
        access_key      = <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>
        secret_key      = <YOUR_SECRET_KEY>
        cluster_name    = "example-cluster"
        key_file        = "ssh-key.pem"
        kubeconfig_file = "kubeconfig"
    provider "helm" {
        alias    = "default"
        insecure = true
        install_tiller = false
        kubernetes {
            config_path = module.tidb-operator.kubeconfig_filename
    module "tidb-cluster" {
        source = "../modules/aliyun/tidb-cluster"
        providers = {
            helm = helm.default
        cluster_name = "example-cluster"
        ack          = module.tidb-operator
    module "bastion" {
        source = "../modules/aliyun/bastion"
        bastion_name             = "example-bastion"
        key_name                 = module.tidb-operator.key_name
        vpc_id                   = module.tidb-operator.vpc_id
        vswitch_id               = module.tidb-operator.vswitch_ids[0]
        enable_ssh_to_worker     = true
        worker_security_group_id = module.tidb-operator.security_group_id

You can customize this script. For example, you can remove the module "bastion" declaration if you do not need the bastion machine.


You can copy the deploy/aliyun directory. But you cannot copy a directory on which the terraform apply operation is currently performed. In this case, it is recommended to clone the repository again and then copy it.


It may take a long time to finish destroying the cluster.

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

terraform destroy

If you fail to create a Kubernetes cluster, an error is reported and you cannot clean the cluster normally when you try to destroy the cluster. In this case, you need to manually remove the Kubernetes resources from the local state and proceed to destroy the rest resources:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

terraform state list

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

terraform state rm module.ack.alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes.k8s


You have to manually delete the cloud disk used by monitoring node in the Alibaba Cloud console after destroying if you do not need it anymore.


You cannot change pod cidr, service cidr and worker instance types once the cluster is created.